Thursday, December 9, 2010 General Notes

   - Merge Monkey of the Day: Merov

Team Status
 Merov Linden


   - STORM-706 : SLVoice crash : Posted a patch (rollback vivox to 3.1 for
   Mac). Moved to Review (assigned to Q)
   - STORM-524 : L$ balance display : Implemented a "click to refresh"
   solution. Moved to Review (assigned to Vadim)


   - Merge Monkeying
   - STORM-524 : L$ balance display : take feedback into account and submit
   - STORM-453 : libcurl : just inherited that one...
   - STORM-151: kdu compression: Clean up. Test other settings (use of
   precincts, check premultiplication for alpha). Compare perf to baseline.


   - none

Oz Linden

   - OOO - Vacation.

Q Linden

   - OOO - medical

Esbee Linden


   - Meetings
   - Reviewed integration queue list and made sure "target viewer version"
   is updated for merge monkey
   - VWR Triage


   - Meetings
   - Snowstorm and Viewer presentations prep
   - Upload sketches of saved layouts
   - Review integration queue list and made sure "target viewer version" is
   updated for merge monkey
   - Snowstorm Triage w/Q
   - Design work for Sprint 9
   - Closed STORM-686, -695, & -675 as expected behavior.


   - Lots of meetings

Paul ProductEngine


   - TASK STORM- 622 (Texture picker screws up when multiple textures are
      - Fixed. Tomorrow will send for a review.


   - STORM-625 (Multiple cut-offs in the Preferances floater if UI size
   differs from 1.0)


   - none

Seth Productengine


   - TASK (STORM-584) Fix color and opacity setting for Bubble Chat
      - Fixed. Sent for review.
   - BUG (STORM-579) Resident SLURL font color doesn't match Chat
   preferences for plain text Nearby Chat log
      - Set back to fixed. Re-opened STORM-578 instead.
   - BUG (STORM-578) SLURL font color in the nearby chat toast doesn't
   respect Chat preferences
      - Fixed. Sent for review.


   - TASK (STORM-693) Preview thumbnails in the Edit Wearable and Edit Body
   Parts panels do not honor opacity settings
      - Estimated: 1 day


   - none

Andrew Productengine


   - Normal task STORM-34 (As a User, I want a list of my favorite locations
   available on the login screen so i can log in to SL right where I want to
      - Almost finished implementation, but encountered a problem with
      resizing "Start at" combobox in list. Searching for a way to fix it.
      Estimate- 3 hours.


   - Finish STORM-34.
   - Crititcal bug STORM-525 (Runtime Error message from the Microsoft
   Visual C++ Runtime Library eventually leads to Crash).


   - none

Vadim Productengine


   - Fixed:
      - Bug STORM-436 (Favorites overflow list appears if select Teleport in
      the favorites context menu).
      - Bug STORM-727 (Close and "<=" buttons are disabled when create new
      - Bug STORM-529 (Undo feature missing from BUILD menu in VIEWER
      - Task STORM-766 (Day cycling image doesn't follow opacity settings).
   - Resolved as not reproducible:
      - Task STORM-768 (Script Error floater appears opaque).
      - Task STORM-765 (llDialog, llGiveInventory, llGotoURL messages are
      opaque on first open).
      - Task STORM-769 (Sell Land floater appears always opaque).
      - Task STORM-767 (Media Settings Preview doesn't follow opacity
      - Task STORM-764 (Voice Notification is opaque on first open).
      - Task STORM-770 (Top Scripts & Top Colliders floaters open opaque).
   - Provided estimates for most sprint 9 tasks.


   - Continue with 2.4 bugs or pick something from sprint 9.

Someone more experienced with OpenGL than us needs to take a look at these

   - Task STORM-686 (Transparency settings aren't applied to the map preview
   inside Map floater).
   - Task STORM-695 (Texture preview doesn't follow opacity settings).
   - Task STORM-675 (Web page inside web browser floater is not

Andrey Productengine


   - finished Beta2 2.4.0 r216220 testing, see shared spreadsheet in the


   - pickup next v-d- build and verify integrated tickets
   - complete Preferences TP revision


   - STORM-378

Jonathan Yap


   - Tried to use codereview + postreview command. Got message: Unable to
   log in: HTTP 404

Will wait for Oz to publish instructions on the wiki.

   - STORM-737
      - investigated reported problem (bug in permissions processing).
      Determined it is unrelated to this change. Gave jira # of this issue to


   - Write jira on object notification toasts workflow/design flaw.
   - [long range] Update lsl wiki - Change Unsupported icon next to
   llTextBox to New Feature.


   - None

Wolfpup Lowenhar


   - worked @ in-world job & real job
   - Attended Sprint planing meeting.
   - Attened Esbee's OH
   - Emailed Esbee and Q concerning STORM-2 .


   - Looking for something to actualy work on in the sprint.
   - Try again to build mesh-development locally and see if still getting
   same results, unless have something to work on in v-d.
   - Wonders if it will build in other OS environments and if the mesh team
   is realy interested in the fact that it is not building in an OS


   - Not enough time between working in-world and at real job to actualy
   work on code.
   - Right Hand(it is slowly healing but will take time since it is the tip
   of middle finger)
   - Not having something to actualy work on yet.
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