I'm trying to build OpenSSL 1.1.0 pre 3 release in debug mode. According to the 

"If you add --debug to the Configure lines above then debugging symbols will be 
compiled in."

perl Configure VC-WIN64A --debug no-rc4 no-idea
results in:
Configured for VC-WIN64A.

Using the 1.0.1/1.0.2 approach results in the same:

perl Configure debug-VC-WIN64A no-rc4 no-idea
Configured for VC-WIN64A.

I would expect to see:
perl Configure debug-VC-WIN64A no-rc4 no-idea
Configured for debug-VC-WIN64A.

Is building in debug mode not supported in this alpha release yet or is there 
something I'm missing?

ActiveState Perl 5.20.1

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