Sorry if this is a second post, but the first one should not have reached the 
openssl mail server due to the attachment. 
Move test-2-bad.crt to test-2-bad.pem

Hi, thanks for your answer,

But the signature is OK when creating the X509 certificate signing it and 
verifying it. (the dump is also ok)

This is a problem with the serial number (ASN1) when NOT setting it in the X509 
struct and saving in a file and reloading it from the file for a verification.

My certificate is a bad one because i did not set the serial number.
The question is: should the serial number be set to a defualt one (0x00)?

Morevover, i found that the verify function is not working properly.
I try to verify, and the return is OK whereeas it should not.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Atempo-Tina]$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/ossl-0.9.8/lib 
/netsecureone/dev/openssl/ossl-0.9.8x/openssl-0.9.8/apps/openssl verify 
-purpose any -verbose -CAfile testCA-1.crt test-2-bad.crt
INFO: X509_VRFY_PARM: inh_flags: 1, flags: 0, purpose: 7, trust: 0, depth: -1
INFO: argc: 1
INFO: vflags value: 0, purpose value: -1
INFO X509stack ptr: uchain: (nil), tchain: (nil)
INFO: x value: 0x80b0cf0

My certificate has no Key extension (see attached file test-2-bad.crt).
If i us the  X509_check_purpose() function things are ok (i could detect SSL 



PS: i just do CSR (X509_REQ), CRT (X509), sign using X509_sign(), and verify 
using X509_verify(). 
(my code is based on apps/req.c, appas/x509.c apps/verify.c and other file in 
the demo directory)
If required i should be able to provide it.

-----Original Message-----
From:   Nils Larsch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Wed 8/31/2005 12:21 AM
To:     openssl-users@openssl.org
Subject:        Re: CA generation/certificate serial number
Frédéric Donnat wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry for the mistake (nothing to deal with openssl.cnf file). I was just 
> looking for ca.txt file.
> Is it normal behavior of openssl to be able to view a certificate without 
> serial number using (without any error mentioned):
> openssl x509 -in some_cert_without_sn.pem -text
> But to be unable to verify it using:
> openssl verify -CAfile some_cert_without_sn.pem some_cert_without_sn.pem
> Sample: (attached self-sign cert name pipo-bad.pem)

hmm, the attached certificate as has a serial number it's 0x0

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] simple]$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/ossl-0.9.8/lib 
> /usr/local/ossl-0.9.8/bin/openssl verify -verbose -CAfile pipo-bad.pem 
> pipo-bad.pem
> pipo-bad.pem: /C=UK/CN=OpenSSL Group
> error 7 at 0 depth lookup:certificate signature failure
> 18588:error:04077068:rsa routines:RSA_verify:bad signature:rsa_sign.c:218:
> 18588:error:0D0C5006:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_item_verify:EVP 
> lib:a_verify.c:168:

well the signature really seems to be wrong. How did you create
the certificate ?

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Attachment: test-2-bad.pem
Description: test-2-bad.pem

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