>From: owner-openssl-us...@openssl.org On Behalf Of Sukalp Bhople
>Sent: Friday, 29 June, 2012 19:37

>Following is the code I used at server side program.

>while (1) {
>    SSL *ssl = SSL_new(ctx);
>    SSL_set_fd(ssl, clientserver[1]);
>       if (SSL_accept(ssl) != 1)
>       break;
>    result.handshakes++;
>    SSL_set_shutdown(ssl, SSL_SENT_SHUTDOWN);
>    SSL_free(ssl);
>  }

I presume there's some synchronization, not shown, 
so the SSL_accept (and remainder) only executes once 
a socket connection from the/a client exists. If this 
is a single loop as shown and not threaded, you are 
including network transmission/latency in your 
measurement. Unless you care about performance wrt 
a single client that does one connection at a time,
this gives inaccurate results; most servers accept 
multiple connections usually from multiple clients 
concurrently and can overlap computation with I/O.

>This is the server loop I used to handle the requests from the client.
>Where ctx is configures ad follows:

>SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, SSL_VERIFY_PEER, verify_client_certificate);
>/* Set the verification depth */
>SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth(ctx, VERIFICATION_DEPTH);

>I had to also include following code:
>int verify_client_certificate(int ok, X509_STORE_CTX* store) {

To be exact, you must have a function with that parameter types 
and return type. Its *content* can vary if appropriate.

I presume you are also setting the cert/privatekey and 
truststore (usually CAfile and/or CApath); without the 
former in the server no authenticated suite can proceed, 
and without the latter in the server if the client does 
auth (i.e. supplies a cert) OpenSSL can't verify and every 
SSL_accept (with the verify callback shown) should fail.

>To clarify, 
>1. server does uses Openssl.
>2. Full handshakes are done.

We don't know that from the code shown. SSL_accept can do 
either a full or abbreviated handshake; so can SSL_connect.

>3. SSL object is created and [freed] for each handshake.
>Therefore, ideally, session should not be cached. Since I 
>am trying to create a new ssl object. There is similar counter 
>code at client side. Do you see my conclusions right? 

Session caching is done at the SSL_CTX level, not the SSL level, 
so using new SSL objects doesn't prevent caching. And OpenSSL's
default for server caching is on. However, if your client also 
uses OpenSSL in a similar way, that defaults to off, and if so 
full handshakes are indeed occurring.

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