Hi all,

We’ve created another etherpad https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/mistral-poc 
where we proposed additional Mistral features that are going to be reflected in 
DSL. One of the most important things is Data Flow, it’s main idea, how it 
matches to the initial workflow model and how it affects DSL. For convenience 
I’ll provide the snippet from this etherpad about Data Flow in this email. 

Data Flow
When we start a workflow we optionally set initial state of workflow execution 
context (basically, just object model representable in JSON format).
Expose workflow execution context object accessible as "$." in YAQL notation in 
A task optionally has a YAQL expression to select needed data from workflow 
execution context. Selected data is considered task input and it gets 
translated to parameters of corresponding REST action (http request body in 
case of POST), AMQP action (as a JSON object) etc.
A task produces a result, the result gets merged into the context and the 
context copy gets passed to the next task.
Context object is immutable and each task gets a copy of it to avoid needs to 
use locking techniques. It gets passed to the next task with the task itself 
via a message queue.

DSL snippet

         input: $.people.[$.age > 30].address       # Input selector expression 
in YAQL notation that is used to select data needed for task1 from workflow 
execution context
         action: MyRest:action1

     type: REST_API
         baseUrl: http://localhost:8988/my_service
               url: /action1
               method: POST

Let's say the initial workflow execution context is as follows:

   "people": [
  "first_name": "John",
  "last_name": "Doe",
       "age": 32,
       "address": {
"street": "25 Broadway Avenue",
"city": "Woodstock"
  "first_name": "Jane",
  "last_name": "Doe",
       "age": 28,
       "address": {
"street": "101 Jackson Street",
"city": "Gamilton"

Then input selector "$.people.[$.age > 30].address.city" will evaluate to:

    "street": "25 Broadway Avenue",
    "city": "Woodstock"

And corresponding HTTP request will be:

http POST http://localhost:8988/my_service/action1
    "street": "25 Broadway Avenue",
    "city": "Woodstock"

In case of HTTP GET it will look like:

http GET 

If you have any concerns or new ideas on how to improve what we’re proposing 
please feel free to share with us.


Renat Akhmerov
@ Mirantis Inc.

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