Whilst looking at something unrelated in HostManager, I noticed that
HostManager.service_states appears to be unused, and decided to remove
it. This seems to have a number of implications:

1. capabilities in HostManager.get_all_host_states will always be None.
2. capabilities passed to host_state_cls() will always be None
(host_state_cls doesn't appear to be used anywhere else)
3. baremetal_host_manager.new_host_state() capabilities will always be None.
4. cap will always be {}, so will never contain 'baremetal_driver'
5. BaremetalNodeState will never be instantiated
6. BaremetalHostManager is a no-op

possibly resulting in

7. The filter scheduler could try to put multiple instances on a single
bare metal host

This was going to be a 3 line cleanup, but it looks like a can of worms
so I'm going to drop it. It's entirely possible that I've missed another
entry point in to this code, but it might be worth a quick look.
Incidentally, the tests seem to populate service_states in fake, so the
behaviour of the automated tests probably isn't reliable.

Matthew Booth, RHCA, RHCSS
Red Hat Engineering, Virtualisation Team

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