Re: Undeletable cookies

2011-02-18 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Irratar (

 I have just found a site that can recognize me when I re-accessed it
 after I deleted all private data, toggled Torbutton and restarted Tor.

This is news to me. Are you using the default Torbutton settings? When
we tested this in the past, Torbutton was protecting against it. I
also just tested it now, and it did not recover my cookie.

Perhaps one of your other addons betrayed you? Did you enable plugins?
Or perhaps you have a misconfigured polipo storing these cookies in
its cache?

The Tor Browser Bundles are a good way to ensure you have a properly
configured, vanilla Tor setup.

 Of course, it isn't a Tor problem, but I think it's better to know for
 these who are interested in privacy. many sites may use the same
 technology stealthy. I will try to discover more about how does it
 keep my private information. So far this site seems to forgets me when
 I disable JavaScript, but maybe it just can't display the proper

Actually, web application layer privacy attacks *are* a Tor issue. We
try very hard to protect against them:

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Contacted by oompaloompa operator: BadExit removed

2011-02-16 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake (

 On 16/02/2011 05:10, Mike Perry wrote:
  I was contacted by the operator of oompaloompa. He has changed the
  exit policy of his two nodes to the Reduced policy:
 Is this one of the guys who didn't have published contact info? I can
 see he does at the moment... Did he explain why he didn't have it?

The contact info there is not a valid email address. He contacted me
privately via a different one. Since he hasn't updated his contact
info to the new address, I'm guessing he prefers not to list it. I
have no personal issues with this. I haven't actually spoken to Roger
or Peter yet though, they may feel different (though I doubt it).

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Please Badexit:

2011-02-15 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake morphium (

 please BadExit the following nodes (for the same reason you badexit'ed
 gatereloaded et al. - no valid contact info, they didn't explain their
 exit policy to us, I suspect they are sniffing unencrypted Exit
 TORy0 - 753e0b5922e34bf98f0d21cc08ea7d1adeee2f6b
 TORy2 - f08f537d245a65d9c242359983718a19650a25f7

These are running a slightly modified default exit policy. They allow
443. They are fine by me.

 st0nerhenge - c2f9d30118bebf3efee6d96252374082ca73c054

Funny you should mention this node. A researcher flagged it once in a
test to detect sniffing, but was not able to reproduce it later. Maybe
they just turned off their sniffer and got lucky :). There were also
serious issues with the methodology though, and it may have been a bug
in the scanning technique.

However, at this point we are only going after nodes that carried
unencrypted versions of both mail *and* web. The reason we did this
was because another researcher actually detected another node that he
*was* able to reproduce. It had this exact type of exit policy. It
calls itself 'agitator'.

When we found that sniffer, we looked for other exit policies similar
to that one, and found the five here that caused so much controversy.

We probably should have came out with all this earlier, but the
researcher requested we keep their methodology secret until
publication. It also needs some work in the reproducibility dept...

At any rate, this node appears to (now?) carry 443. Did it's policy
just change?

 vivalarevolution - 29448afd5251b60a44fc79f4414423e7d026500d

Same as Tory0.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Please Badexit:

2011-02-15 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake morphium (

 2011/2/15 Mike Perry
  please BadExit the following nodes (for the same reason you badexit'ed
  gatereloaded et al. - no valid contact info, they didn't explain their
  exit policy to us, I suspect they are sniffing unencrypted Exit
  TORy0 - 753e0b5922e34bf98f0d21cc08ea7d1adeee2f6b
  TORy2 - f08f537d245a65d9c242359983718a19650a25f7
  These are running a slightly modified default exit policy. They allow
  443. They are fine by me.
 Oh why? They modified the exit policy and didn't explain here why. And
 they allow 80 (unencrypted HTTP as you know) as unecrypted mail ports.
 I think they should be definitely blacklisted!

I think you've become a troll. Sorry 'bout it, man.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Contacted by oompaloompa operator: BadExit removed

2011-02-15 Thread Mike Perry
I was contacted by the operator of oompaloompa. He has changed the
exit policy of his two nodes to the Reduced policy:

He said that he started those two nodes as a test to experiment with
Tor, and picked the exit policy quickly off the top of his head,
keeping it brief because it was tedious to write.

He also gave the following reasons why one might want an exit policy
like this (though he said none of these were his reasons):

1. Crypto may not be legal

The problem with this is that Tor is already pumping a ton of crypto
that was designed to look as much like web TLS as possible. Chaning
your exit policy doesn't really help this.

2. IDSs could prevent attacks

This would be a great idea in theory, if it ever worked. In practice,
IDSs end up being censorship devices for security mailinglists,
exploit advisory info, and other information on computer security.
We've actually already BadExited quite a few of these types of nodes,
because our exit scanner detects the censorship.

3. Plausible deniability due to eliminating additional TLS fingerprints

This is an interesting one, and I think I misread what he meant when
he first said it, but if it means not having the additional TLS
fingerprints of tor client traffic so that your TLS traffic doesn't
stand out in the Tor noise, I don't think this works out for you. You
end up being obvious because your node would not exit to any TLS

At any rate, because the Exit Policy has changed, I've personally
updated my authority to remove the BadExit. I believe we're still
waiting on one of Roger or Peter.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Scroogle and Tor

2011-02-14 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Matthew (

 On 13/02/11 19:09, wrote:
 I've been fighting two different Tor users for a week. Each is
 apparently having a good time trying to see how quickly they
 can get results from Scroogle searches via Tor exit nodes.
 The fastest I've seen is about two per second. Since Tor users
 are only two percent of all Scroogle searches, I'm not adverse
 to blocking all Tor exits for a while when all else fails.
 These two Tor users were rotating their search terms, and one
 also switched his user-agent once. You can see why I might be
 tempted to throw my block all Tor switch on occasion --
 sometimes there's no other way to convince the bad guy that
 he's not going to succeed.
 For the less than knowledgeable people amongst us (e.g me) who want to 
 learn a bit more: what was the rationale for those two Tor users doing what 
 they did?  What do they get from it?

I second this.


If you can find a way to fingerprint these bots, my suggestion would
be to observe the types of queries they are running (perhaps for some
of their earlier runs from when you could ban them by user agent?).

One of the things Google does is actually decide your 'Captchaness'
based on the content of your queries. Well, at least I suspect that's
what they are doing, because I have been able to more reliably
reproduce torbutton Captcha-related bugs when I try hard to write
queries like robots that are looking for php sites to exploit.

I would love to hear more about the types of scrapers that abuse Tor.
Or rather, I would like to see if someone can at least identify
rational behavior behind scrapers that abuse Tor. Some of it could
also be misdirected malware that is operating from within Torified
browsers. Some of it could also be deliberately torified malware.

Google won't tell us any of this, obviously ;).

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Is gatereloaded a Bad Exit?

2011-02-14 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake morphium (

 So, with everything said, could we now please Un-BadExit the nodes
 that were affected?

Sure, dude. Since you've read everything that was said, I take it
you're volunteering to contact the other node operators and ask them
to give reasons for why they chose their exit policy?

Let us know their preferred email addresses when you're done. But
they'll have to survive a challenge and response round proving they
can modify their contact info field ;).

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Scroogle and Tor

2011-02-14 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake (

 My efforts to counter abuse occasionally cause some
 programmers to consider using Tor to get Scroogle's
 results. About a year ago I began requiring any and all
 Tor searches at Scroogle to use SSL. Using SSL is always
 a good idea, but the main reason I did this is that the
 SSL requirement discouraged script writers who didn't
 know how to add this to their scripts. This policy
 helped immensely in cutting back on the abuse I was
 seeing from Tor.
 Now I'm seeing script writers who have solved the SSL
 problem. This leaves me with the user-agent, the search
 terms, and as a last resort, blocking Tor exit nodes.
 If they vary their search terms and user-agents, it can
 take hours to analyze patterns and accurately block them
 by returning a blank page. That's the way I prefer to do
 it, because I don't like to block Tor exit nodes. Those
 who are most sympathetic with what Tor is doing are also
 sympathetic with what Scroogle is doing. There's a lot of
 collateral damage associated with blocking Tor exit nodes,
 and I don't want to alienate the Tor community except as
 a last resort.

Great, now that we know the motivations of the scrapers and a history
of the arms race so far, it becomes a bit easier to try to do some
things to mitigate their efforts. I particularly like the idea of
feeding them random, incorrect search results when you can fingerprint

If you want my suggestions for next steps in the arms race for this,
(having written some benevolent scrapers and web scanners myself), it
would actually be to do things that require your adversary to
implement and load more and more bits of a proper web browser into
their crawlers for them to succeed in properly issuing queries to you.

Some examples:

1. A couple layers of crazy CSS.

If you use CSS style sheets that fetch other randomly generated and
programmatically controlled style elements that are also keyed to the
form submit for the search query (via an extra hidden parameter or
something that is their hash), then you can verify on your server side
that a given query also loaded sufficient CSS to be genuine. 

The problem with this is it will mess with people who use your search
plugin or search keywords, but you could also do it in a brief landing
page that is displayed *after* the query, but before a 302 or
meta-refresh to actual results, for problem IPs.

2. Storing identifiers in the cache has some PoC
of this. Torbutton protects against long-term cache identifiers, but
for performance reasons the memory cache is enabled by default, so you
could use this to differentiate crawlers who do not properly obey all
brower caching sematics. Caching is actually pretty darn hard to get
right, so there's probably quite a bit more room here than just plain

3. Javascript proof of work

If the client supports javascript, you can have them factor some
medium-sized integers and post the factorization with the query
string, to prove some level of periodic work. The factors could be
stored in cookies and given a lifetime. The obvious downside of this
is that I bet a fair share of your users are running NoScript, or
prefer to disable js and cookies.

Anyways, thanks for your efforts with Scroogle. Hopefully the above
ideas are actually easy enough to implement on your infrastructure to
make it worth your while to use for all problem IPs, not just Tor.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Scroogle and Tor

2011-02-14 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Robert Ransom (

 On Mon, 14 Feb 2011 20:19:50 -0800
 Mike Perry wrote:
  2. Storing identifiers in the cache has some PoC
  of this. Torbutton protects against long-term cache identifiers, but
  for performance reasons the memory cache is enabled by default, so you
  could use this to differentiate crawlers who do not properly obey all
  brower caching sematics. Caching is actually pretty darn hard to get
  right, so there's probably quite a bit more room here than just plain
 Polipo monkey-wrenches Torbutton's protection against long-term cache

I hate polipo. I've been trying ignore it until it fucking dies. But
it's like a zombie that just won't stop gnawing on our brains. Worse,
a crack smoking zombie that got us all addicted to it through second
hand crack smoke. Or something. But hey, it's better than privoxy.

I was under the impression that we hacked it to also be memory-only,
though. But you're right, if I toggle Torbutton to clear my cache,
Polipo's is still there...

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Problem with downloading attachments in torbrowser for osx

2011-02-12 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake M (

  It would be helpful if you can add information such as your
  - Operating system version
  - Tor version
  - Polipo or Privoxy version
  - Torbutton version
  - Firefox version
  - Torbrowser or Vidalia bundle version.

It sounds like you're describing a problem that only you have. Usually
when this happens, it is because of a Firefox addon conflict. You can
try a couple of things:

1. Use Tor Browser Bundle:

It is a preconfigured Tor Browser that should work right out of the
box without conflicts. If it *still* has the problem, then next place
to look is your Antivirus software. If not, you can either keep using
it, or try to diagnose your addon conflict by trying the following:

2. Start firefox with a fresh profile

If you run firefox as firefox -P, you can create a blank profile,
install torbutton in it, and verify it is OK. Then, gradually add in
all the Firefox addons you have until you notice the problem again.

3. Post your list of addons to this mailinglist or to that bug for
someone else to try to reproduce the issue.

  and does it work if you use Save As instead?
 cant save as with attachments...
  And what about this (and also the link provided by Roger:

This link works for me using Tor + Torbutton.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Is gatereloaded a Bad Exit?

2011-02-10 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake grarpamp (
 Exit policy is currently at the operator's pleasure, need and design.
 If exit policy mandates will help solve some Tor scalability or
 attack vector issues, in a substantive way, from an engineering
 standpoint, fine. But please, don't claim it makes users any more
 'safe' from sniffing.

I've already addressed the rest of your points.  For the record,
you're just strawmanning here. I never made the claim this was safer.

I cited several engineering reasosn why this type of exit policy
is a pain for us.

I've also made the claim that there is no rational reason to operate
an exit in this fashion, other than to log/monitor/censor traffic or
because of undesirable network conditions, and no one has disputed
that claim.

Morphium gave us a reason, even if it was rather petty and irrational,
so he won't be getting the badexit flag. But for my vote in the
process, any other relay that does not give a reason for this policy,
or that can not give us one because of no contact info, will be
getting the flag. The same goes for exits that we detect RSTing 443,
or censoring 443, or throttling 443, or doing anything else to TLS

But I only have one vote out of three. Roger and Peter are free to
change their minds. Perhaps we should bring more people on board in
this process, too.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Design Change Causing More Traffic?

2011-02-09 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Jim (

 I am on dialup and so I am very sensitive to the amount of traffic
 overhead in the operation of Tor.  Lately that seems to have increased
 significantly.  Assuming I am not just imagining it (I have no objective
 measurements to back this up) is this just because of the build-out of
 the network or has then there been a design change that would cause this?

I've just realized that this could be more people adopting the Reduced
Exit Policy, which takes up a ton more space in the Tor router
directory than does the Default Exit Policy:

I bet Karsten could tell us for sure, using the descriptor archive

We need to standardize a more succinct way to represent this policy,
once we converge on a set of ports that we like for it. Either that,
or create a way to represent the policy in the consensus just once,
and have nodes declare their conformity to that policy by only
specifying the token for it from the consensus...

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Blocked from

2011-01-31 Thread Mike Perry

Thus spake David Carlson (

 I am forbidden to access the server  Is that because I am a
 Tor exit node?

To hell with yelp.

It's not clear if the bans are intentional - if they just believe
that selling user's privacy against their will is their official
business model, or if it's just a DoS detection mechanism gone
haywire. Given that *residential* exits are showing up as banned, I'm
guessing it's not the latter... Go them.

Use Google Maps (aka Places on mobile). It aggregates yelp and a
handful of other sites, and does not ban tor. It occasionally gives
you a captcha, but this is better than a ban.

P.S. Just to open myself up to a fun libel suit, I've heard rumors
that yelp takes bribes to filter ratings in various ways. I'm sure the
filters are only beneficial, and help to remove spam posts and other
malicious content. In the face of rumors like these, it really is
better to get your information elsewhere, especially from an

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Is gatereloaded a Bad Exit?

2011-01-31 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Curious Kid (

 - Original Message 
  From: Gregory Maxwell
  Sent: Mon, January 31, 2011 6:47:37 PM
  Subject: Re: Is gatereloaded a Bad Exit?
  There are legitimate reasons why tor supports an  operator controlled
  exit policy,  but no real suggestion has been made  for a _legitimate_
  reason to allow 80 and block 443.
 Is it possible that some people operate in a port-restricted environment or 
 port 443 is throttled by some ISPs?

These people should not be Tor nodes. A good portion of the public
network is on port 443. If you can't reach that port, lots of circuits
clients try to build through you will fail. Failed circuits have a
negative impact on latency, esp if they were not pre-launched
predicted circuits. Byzantine circuit failures also make it difficult
to differentiate between overloaded, CPU-bound nodes, malicious nodes,
and just plain janky nodes - all of which we would like to
be able to take into account for future load balancing decisions.

 My real question concerns the scenario in which a user happens upon
 an exit that blocks HTTPS and uses that exit to access a website
 that uses a combination of HTTP and HTTPS. The HTTPS portion would
 be forced through a different exit, and the server may be programmed
 to notice the difference and break by design.

 For example, say you want to login somewhere, and the server notes
 that you appear to be logging in from France. The HTTPS portion
 appears to come from the United States. That disparity triggers an
 I'm sorry... message.

This is an excellent point, and yet another reason why we should not
allow asinine exit policies unless there is good reason for them. So
far there is still no rational reason posted why you should allow 80
and not 443 and still be considered a desirable Tor node to use. Just
a lot of handwaving about the freedom to be a jerk, and fears over
shunning volunteers who run fast exits to grab passwords. 

Moreover, I strongly believe that we should be working on converging
our choices of exit policy down to fewer options for many practical
engineering and usability reasons. Exit policies already take up an
absurd amount of capacity in terms of descriptor and even
networkstatus storage. If we can standardize on a group or groups of
ports (such as the Vidalia GUI attempts to do), we can describe sane
exit policies using much fewer bytes. And we can load balance more
intelligently among exits with standard policies, as I mentioned

So to me, there are plenty of reasons to do this, and not a whole lot
of reasons not to do it, other than handwavy notions that it
shouldn't matter, when in fact as you have pointed out, it does

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Is gatereloaded a Bad Exit?

2011-01-31 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake (

 On 31/01/2011 13:11, Jan Weiher wrote:
  Assuming the worse, and disregarding volunteer exit bandwidth without
  some proper investigation, doesn't sound like a good approach to me...
  Nobody does that, but I think its fair to say that if you want that
  somebody can contact you about your node, you publish your contact
  details in the directory. And if you enter wrong contact infos, you made
  clear that you dont want to be contacted.
 I don't think you can make that assumption. Maybe they just didn't want
 their email address to be public for spam bots to harvest. Maybe they're
 just used to not publishing their email address unless they really have
 to. Safest course of action: Figure out how to contact them, and ask them.

3/5 of the nodes provide contact info. 2/5 are run by Joe Blow, and
the other is run by nobody at

Just for grins, I did in fact send an email to Mr. Blow's gmail
address. It of course bounced. Which means it is available on gmail if
he wanted it, but he didn't even bother to create it. He's obviously
real intent on being a member of the community.

But don't worry, at some point Mr. Blow et al will realize that their
packet captures stopped grabbing passwords and are only seeing
encrypted middle and guard node traffic. They'll probably show up
then, proclaiming their innocence from the rooftops, demanding they be
allowed to help the network.

But do feel free to spend your time going above and beyond, trying to
track our 4 heroes down before then. I'm sure they're well worth your
time and effort to outreach. Pick a nice Saturday afternoon and spend
it calling ISPs and NOCs trying frantically to get in touch with our
unjustly punished martyrs here... Heck, take a day off work!

  I think marking them as bad
  and waiting for the admin to show up is the easiest way to go. Lets call
  it a cry-test. Just wait until someone shows up and cries.
 It's the easiest, but the least efficient route. Somebody mentioned 6%
 of Exit bandwidth. How much effort would be spent trying to increase the
 capacity of the network by 6% via coding and/or publicity? Probably a
 lot more effort than would be required to try and contact these Exit
 owners and maybe retain the bandwidth.
 You make it sound as though running an Exit node is a privilege and that
 people who run them somehow owe the Tor project? They're volunteering
 bandwidth, for the benefit of the network. If you don't treat volunteers
 well, they will go elsewhere, and the people who lose out are the people
 who use the Tor network, not the people who previously ran Exit nodes.
 Exit bandwidth is a scarce and valuable resource, and should be treated
 as such.

It's not true exit bandwidth here. It's janky bandwidth with lots of
bad properties, such as the tendency to break mixed-mode websites as
Curious Kid pointed out, and the load balancing issues I mentioned. We
should do the same for all http-but-not-https exits for this reason.

Again, non-bittorrenting exits have a real hard time attracting enough
80+443 traffic. All of our metrics indicate they are not overloaded
the vast majority of the time, and tend to end up pushing half of the
bytes/sec as their bitorrent-supporting peers. There is plenty of
spare port 80 capacity. The network is bottlenecked in other ways
(probably actually in the queues of overloaded middle and guard nodes,
which these jerks would be more directly assisting).

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Is gatereloaded a Bad Exit?

2011-01-31 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake (

  But don't worry, at some point Mr. Blow et al will realize that their
  packet captures stopped grabbing passwords and are only seeing
  encrypted middle and guard node traffic. They'll probably show up
  then, proclaiming their innocence from the rooftops, demanding they be
  allowed to help the network.
 The above may or may not be true. Would be nice to see some evidence. Or
 at least some evidence of somebody trying to find the truth.

The truth here is that these nodes are not behaving in a way that
encourages trust in their usage. All we ask is that they adjust their
exit policies to allow encryption, but there is no way to ask them
this, so they are badexited until such time as there is a way to
communicate with them. They will remain valid middle and guard nodes
until they rekey with policy supporting encryption (and the Exit

  But do feel free to spend your time going above and beyond, trying to
  track our 4 heroes down before then. I'm sure they're well worth your
  time and effort to outreach. Pick a nice Saturday afternoon and spend
  it calling ISPs and NOCs trying frantically to get in touch with our
  unjustly punished martyrs here... Heck, take a day off work!
 Do you find that being condescending is a good way to get people to
 agree with you? I tend to find it fosters disrespect.

You're right. I apologize for my tone to you. 

I am merely frustrated with the amount of mental energy devoted to
what so plainly appears to me as a simple policy: If you carry the
unencrypted version of the service, you should carry the encrypted
version. I am just getting frustrated with the length of this thread
and still the lack of any valid, rational reason why this policy
itself is an unjust one.

It seems pretty plain to me that we're actually worried about offending
the sensibilities of people who for some unknown (but rationally
obvious) reason refuse to carry encrypted exit traffic.

So the idea that we should devote yet more effort to catering to
people whose motivations are extremely suspect (and who seemingly have
no real interest in being members of our community) is causing me to

  Exit bandwidth is a scarce and valuable resource, and should be treated
  as such.
  It's not true exit bandwidth here. It's janky bandwidth with lots of
  bad properties, such as the tendency to break mixed-mode websites as
  Curious Kid pointed out, and the load balancing issues I mentioned. We
  should do the same for all http-but-not-https exits for this reason.
 If exiting port 80 but not port 443 causes problems for Tor, then Tor
 should be updated so you can't offer one without the other. This is a
 problem with Tor, not with Tor exit operators.

Sure. Perhaps we will include such a patch as part of Or, perhaps it
will just be a second-order effect that means you're just not used as
often because you're not a true Exit (which is already the case for
these nodes to some extent).

But again, I think this is more of a long-term idea.

In the meantime, we can enforce this policy with code on the exit
scanning end, by emailing everyone with valid contact info who exits
to 80 but not 443, to start (as that is the most obviously broken

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Is gatereloaded a Bad Exit?

2011-01-30 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake morphium (

 2011/1/30 Damian Johnson
  The five relays Mike mentioned have been flagged as BadExits [1].
  Adding them to your ExcludeExitNodes isn't necessary. -Damian
 That was really dumb, as it puts a lot more load on the Nodes that
 support encryption, and, as was mentioned before, _every_ operator
 could sniff.

There is no rational reason to carry the unencrypted version of a
service but not the encrypted version, except to log data. So unless
these 5 nodes were all just playing their favorite lotto numbers in
their exit policy, they were being jerks.

I am aware that every operator can sniff regardless of policy. Every
operator can do a lot of things. The fact that even good exit policies
can do bad things is not a necessary condition for allowing bad exit

Frankly, this in-your-face selfishness of *only* accepting the
unencrypted data because fuck it, that's the only data I want to log
just rubs me the wrong way. Not one of those 5 had legit contact info.
Two of them actually bothered to fill out the field, but filled it in
with a fake email address. 

All of them just wreak of disrespect for us, for the network, and for
our users. Essentially, it's that disrespect that earned them the
BadExit flag.

If this means that sending the message to them means we take out a few
irrational actors in the process, that's fine. I don't much want
people playing lotto in their exit policies either. They can stick to
middle node and put their lotto numbers in their contact info. I
promise that it will work just as well.

 I will change my Exit Policy now to something like 80, 6667, 21 and if
 you BadExit it, you'll loose another fast node.

*sigh*. And so the cat herding begins. Are you really protesting this
policy decision with civil disobedience? Really? Fighting for Great
Justice everywhere, eh?

Do you have a rational reason why we should allow people to carry the
unencrypted version of a service but not the encrypted one, other than
Well, they could be bad actors even with a good policy!

Or is it just because you feel that someone told to do something and
you don't much like being told what to do, regardless of the

I forbid you from jumping in the nearest lake!

I also forbid you from taking your freshly-gimped exit node in for a
swim with you!

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Is gatereloaded a Bad Exit?

2011-01-29 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Gregory Maxwell (

 On Sat, Jan 29, 2011 at 9:56 PM, grarpamp wrote:
  I dont see how to recognize if the traffic is recorded?

Various research groups occasionally experiment with using side
channels for detecting recording exits. Their results are not usually
reproducible, though (no source code, poor design, poor quality
control, too easy to mitigate, etc). :/

They do occasionally find interesting stuff. But then they either
publish, or get rejected, and then shut down their code and forget
about it.

 Instead, I think that nodes which exit _only_ to the unencrypted
 version of a service (e.g. 80 but not 443) should be excluded from
 operating as exits entirely (except as enclaves).  In this way these
 nodes would be force to pay their way.  We can't stop them from
 sniffing, but at least we can make them carry traffic they can't sniff
 as part of the cost of doing their evil business. They could do things
 like severely throttle encrypted traffic, but that is activity that
 testing could detect.
 As far as that exit policy goes, the RFC1918 blocks might be there in
 an ignorant attempt to trigger the exit flag for completely benign
 reasons, though sniffing sounds more likely.

I agree. We already have scripts to detect this, we just have not yet
decided to actually use them yet. I believe we should.

Currently, 5 nodes exit to *only* plaintext ports for web and email.
There are about 50 others that exit to the plaintext versions for web
or email. 

I believe we hould ban these 5 immediately, and consider banning the
other 50 after issuing the appropriate announcements.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Is gatereloaded a Bad Exit?

2011-01-29 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Mike Perry (

 Thus spake Gregory Maxwell (
  As far as that exit policy goes, the RFC1918 blocks might be there in
  an ignorant attempt to trigger the exit flag for completely benign
  reasons, though sniffing sounds more likely.
 I agree. We already have scripts to detect this, we just have not yet
 decided to actually use them yet. I believe we should.
 Currently, 5 nodes exit to *only* plaintext ports for web and email.
 There are about 50 others that exit to the plaintext versions for web
 or email. 
 I believe we hould ban these 5 immediately, and consider banning the
 other 50 after issuing the appropriate announcements.

Sorry, the 5 are:

NOTICE[Sat Jan 29 20:56:43 2011]:Nodes allowing plaintext but not secure:

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Is gatereloaded a Bad Exit?

2011-01-29 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Eddie Cornejo (

 Forgive my ignorance but this seeks rather knee-jerk to me. Maybe I'm
 missing something.

Yeah, I believe you're missing the fact that these ports also contain
plaintext passwords than can be used to gain access to information on
these and other accounts that may or may not have ever traveled over
tor. That is the difference.

 Finally there is no way that an exit node can directly affect the mode
 choices by a client. Ie, apart from a particular node existing, there
 is no way that a node could force a user to use it.

See above.
 Therefore I submit that having these nodes, whether they are overtly
 recording traffic or not, does not result in any harm to the TOR
 network. In fact, their presence lessens the burden on the TOR network
 as they are providing much needed bandwidth.

We don't need bandwidth that bad.
 So, what's the threat? Why are you considering banning these nodes
 when, by all accounts, I cannot see them having a negative impact on
 the network as a whole (in fact, it's probably a positive influence)

I believe that allowing these nodes sends a message that we are OK
with people monitoring plaintext traffic, because it is anonymized. We
have never been OK with this.

People use plaintext at their own risk, and yes, they should know
better, but this does NOT mean that we are comfortable feeding them to
the wolves.

If said exits are really interested in helping, they should alter
their exit policy to allow encryption and then rekey. They will be
banned by identity key, not by IP. Rekeying without fixing the exit
policy will just result in IP bans.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Is gatereloaded a Bad Exit?

2011-01-29 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Eddie Cornejo (

  I believe that allowing these nodes sends a message that we are OK
  with people monitoring plaintext traffic, because it is anonymized. We
  have never been OK with this.
 Ok, I accept that this might send a message to 50ish nodes (if you ban
 all 50+) but if someone was so inclined they could still do this by
 allowing encrypted traffic and throttling it/blocking it outside of
 TOR (transparent proxy perhaps?) I predict this is worse as the user
 client will believe node A will honestly relay encrypted traffic and
 will select it on this basis, only to find their connection is slow or
 doesn't fully connect. Admitedly, this won't be a huge problem unless
 a good number of nodes started doing this.

We can detect nodes that fail encrypted connections. We currently scan
for failure of port 443. We also detect throttling by virtue of our bw
authorities measuring using 443.

443 is the second-most trafficed port by byte on the Tor network,
occupying only ~1% of the traffic. If stingy exit nodes really want to
waste hours to pinch pennies from their malicious exit policy, they
can try crafting a throttling policy that we can't detect. Seems like
there are better ways to spend their time. Like reading other people's

So no, I'm not terribly concerned about second-order effects of this.

  People use plaintext at their own risk, and yes, they should know
  better, but this does NOT mean that we are comfortable feeding them to
  the wolves.
 My argument is that you're not identifying wolves. If you were serious
 about identifying wolves then could I suggest you create some dummy
 accounts, send your password through all exit nodes individually and
 see which of your accounts are accessed. This would positively
 identify wolves. All you're achieving by soley looking at exit
 policies is identifying things that may or may not be wolves and
 ignoring the larger body of exit nodes that may or may not include
 wolves. I submit your testing is flawed.

We're not trying to identify wolves. We are sending a message to the
  If said exits are really interested in helping, they should alter
  their exit policy to allow encryption and then rekey. They will be
  banned by identity key, not by IP. Rekeying without fixing the exit
  policy will just result in IP bans.
 I'm not sure I'm comfortable with dictating how an exit nodes
 exitpolicy should be defined. Each policy should be up to the exit
 node owner to decide. Just my 2c

Not really. In reality, it's up to those who write the code to decide
what is available and how it works ;). Welcome to The Golden Path.

At some point, we intend to shrink exit policies further as Tor scales
to more decentralized schemes. Those exit policies will likely be
represented as bits representing subsets of ports. When that time
comes, we will very likely combine encrypted and unencrypted versions
of ports together, removing this option entirely.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: How to use Google Gadgets with Tor? - Is this possible?

2011-01-16 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake M (

 On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 7:02 PM, Mike Perry wrote:
  You could also install an addon to observe the requests your browser
  uses in both non-Tor and Tor accesses of this gadget to see if the
  requests appear different for some reason. That may help diagnose the
 On a side note, i had asked the group before about the google gadgets and
 whether if there is some security issue with using it wit TOR I receive the
 response that it had not really been tested before. Should i understand its
 safe now?

Google gadgets that rely on Google browser plugins such as Google
Gears are not safe, because we canot protect against them. However,
Torbutton's normal protections for the web should keep Google gadgets
that use plain AJAX safe, from a privacy point of view. Of course
though, you are probably not private to Google at this point, esp if
you are logged in to a gmail account. But I assume you're aware of
that and what this means in terms of privacy consequences, and are
comfortable with that tradeoff.

We do *not* recommend disabling Torbutton to get your Google gadgets
to work. Then you become signifcantly less private, both to Google and
to the rest of the web.

If we can't get to the bottom of this and it seems likely that
Torbutton is actually the cause, please file a bug report at But so far it
seems like there is some other issue which we have not yet gotten to
the bottom of.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: How to use Google Gadgets with Tor? - Is this possible?

2011-01-15 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Matthew (

 To cut a long story short after having removed TorButton, NoScript, and 
 HTTPS-Everywhere and therefore leaving just Tor I still cannot get Twitter 
 to work from Gmail.  I am using Firefox.
 The Twitter icon and drop-down box partially loads (but not as normal when 
 I am not using Tor).  Clicking on it appears to load some Twitter functions 
 e.g. transfering data from but Twitter does not 
 load.  Eventually all loading messages just stop and the screen stays as 

I've noticed that some mashup services mysteriously break when Google
decides to give them/you a captcha. This could be happening to you. You
could try to solve a google captcha by issuing some queries and/or
using Google maps first, to see if this makes any difference. Usually
once you have the cookies for a session that solves a captcha, Google
does not make you solve another.

You could also install an addon to observe the requests your browser
uses in both non-Tor and Tor accesses of this gadget to see if the
requests appear different for some reason. That may help diagnose the

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: geeez...

2011-01-13 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Mitar (

  This is related to the if you remove Tor from the world, you're not
  really reducing the ability of bad guys to be anonymous on the Internet
 This could be then analog argument as saying that if you remove one
 weapon factory from the world, that there would be no difference? But
 one after another and there will be.
 I cannot buy an argument saying that because situation is bad there
 should be no small improvements where there could be.

That's not what we're saying, but I suspect you may just be trolling.
You're certainly straw-manning...

  various other techniques people have developed over the years to deal with 
 Then tell me which techniques have we developed which prevent
 pedophiles to use hidden Tor services? Which techniques have we
 developed which prevent somebody to blackmail somebody else over Tor
 network and stay anonymous? Which techniques have we developed which
 can help found out which are other people in terrorist group and trace
 their communication, once we discover they use Tor?

The same techniques that law enforcement use when these same
sophisticated adversaries use black market compromised botnets:

In these cases, police need to do police work: gathering technical
data and examining content for evidence to aid in the investigation;
and infiltrating groups and performing stings (for which they often
use Tor).

  It depends where your jerks are coming from. If your jerks are all obeying
  every law and showing up from their static non-natted IP address, then
  yes, routing address is definitely related to identity. But if your
  jerks have ever noticed this doesn't work so well for them, they may
  start using other approaches and suddenly you're back needing to learn
  about application-level mechanisms
 Because current protocols were done just to solve technical problems
 and not also law or other society problems. For example, HAM
 operators and their networks had, before they started their packets
 networks, already laws in place requiring them that each packet should
 also contain call-sign of responsible person/station. OK, in this
 particular case (as far as I know) this is not cryptographically
 enforced (but this is a technical thing) but it still shows that laws
 like this can work. So if countries (like they cooperate on ACTA)
 would declare that it is illegal to send or route or relay any packet
 without information about responsible person for it things would be
 much different.

You think criminals obey the law?

Both China and South Korea have instituted fully authenticated
internet drivers licenses, and not only has cybercrime not vanished,
it continues to flourish and profit from new markets that trade in these
credentials and the use of authenticated connections through proxy.

Even a fully cryptographically secured and authenticated Internet
would still be *just* as vulnerable to abuse, all other things being
equal. Grandma could even be required to have her iris scanned before
entering her bunker to use her military-grade encrypted, authenticated
PC that is otherwise disconnected from the Internet while her iris is
not available. But as soon as she scans her iris, the malware on her
machine would wake up and inform its masters that it is ready to do
their bidding.

The only way to really curtail these social problems is to properly
address their root causes. Taking freedoms away seems like an easy
quick fix, but in reality, there is no gain, only more insecurity.

This is why Tor is not part of the problem. In fact, its use by law
enforcement for stings, infiltration, and investigation indicates it
is also part of the solution.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: geeez...

2011-01-12 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Timo Schoeler (

  Some of us are also compiling abuse response templates. The goal for
  abuse responses is to inform people about Tor, and to suggest
  solutions for their security problems that involve improving their
  computer security for the Internet at large (open wifi, open proxies,
  botnets), rather than seeking vengeance and chasing ghosts. The
  difference between these two approaches to abuse is the difference
  between decentralized fault-tolerant Internet freedom, and fragile,
  corruptible totalitarian control.
 Is there any place (e.g. in a wiki) where one could find or even upload
 his own 'response template', as I might assume that they will be very
 specific to the country's law they're issued?

Here's the (freshly updated) set of abuse complaints that reflects
what myself and a handful of others have dealt with over the past 6
months or so:

Notably absent from that list is a DMCA response, but the EFF provides
one for that case:

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: geeez...

2011-01-12 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Mike Perry (

  Is there any place (e.g. in a wiki) where one could find or even upload
  his own 'response template', as I might assume that they will be very
  specific to the country's law they're issued?
 Here's the (freshly updated) set of abuse complaints that reflects
 what myself and a handful of others have dealt with over the past 6
 months or so:

I've also gone ahead and updated the blog post with new tips for exit
node operators:

The two main changes are links to the ARIN registration pages and
forms, and tips on forming an LLC to run your node for civil liability
protection in the US.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Gmail saying cookies are turned off but they are not

2011-01-12 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Praedor Atrebates (

 I am using my usual tor button + firefox to access a gmail account.
 I have generally had no problems but lately I try to log in and get
 a cookies are turned off and that I need to turn them on.  
 Cookies are NOT turned off, they are set to be treated as session
 cookies and they get wiped whenever I shut off firefox.  Perhaps
 there is a setting hidden away somewhere that I can check, whether
 in the tor button settings or firefox?  

This is is a bug in Torbutton. It is caused by the hidden setting:

This setting was introduced to reduce the number of captchas that
google presented, so that you would only have to solve a captcha once,
instead of once per country code domain. It seems to be interfering
with gmail logins when your country code changes.

Setting this hidden pref to false in about:config will fix the issue
for you. See ticket #2377 for info on patches/fixes:

Also, please read the archives more closely. This was *just* discussed
in a different thread.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: geeez...

2011-01-11 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Dirk (

  ok... since this mailing list is not able to give at least some tips
  for running a tor exit node except:
  What do you want to know exactly? In many countries, running an
  anonymizing service is definitely not illegal. 
 This stuff:
 reads all like How not to get caught.

The tips in the blog post are not how not to get caught. In fact,
every one of them is about telling people as early in the process what
is going on, and who to contact if there are issues. This is done
because at scale (gigabit speeds), abuse complaints happen way more
frequently. With the default exit policy, you will get about 50
automated DMCA complaints per day at gigabit speeds. With the
bittorrent-resistant reduced exit policy from that post, you get about
5 per week. So it is entirely about reducing your work load for
managing your exit, and keeping the noise away from your ISP.

As previous threads indicate, law enforcement can and does still
contact you. The goal again is making this easy, so no one needs to
kick in any doors.

Some of us are also compiling abuse response templates. The goal for
abuse responses is to inform people about Tor, and to suggest
solutions for their security problems that involve improving their
computer security for the Internet at large (open wifi, open proxies,
botnets), rather than seeking vengeance and chasing ghosts. The
difference between these two approaches to abuse is the difference
between decentralized fault-tolerant Internet freedom, and fragile,
corruptible totalitarian control.

 But I wan't a legally binding statement from a lawyer or an official (BSI) 
 that running TOR exit nodes in germany is legal.

I'm not a lawyer, but our largest exit (blutmagie) has run in germany
for the past 4 years or so.

 And then I wan't to sink that little money I have into running as many of 
 such servers as I can.

We have discovered that the most effective way to run tor servers is
in bulk, because smaller providers are not willing to put up with
occasional abuse complaints that do get through to them, because doing
so costs them human resources and dollars. Bandwidth also is
considerably cheaper in bulk than it is at residential or even shared
hosting/VPS prices.

Consider donating to, or setting up your
own similar project and collecting donations to leverage the economies
of scale inherent in bandwidth prices. Obviously, the more people
doing this the better (for distributed trust).

See also the thread at: for
some insight into the arcane technical details involved in running
high capacity tor relays.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Cookie Mismatch when using Gmail.

2011-01-08 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Matthew (

 I login to Gmail as normal.  I go to Settings / Accounts and Import /
 Change Account Settings - Google Account Settings.  When I click on
 that link the URL changes to and the screen shows.
 We've detected a problem with your cookie settings.
 Vidalia + NoScript does not present any cookie issues.  I can access 
 Account Settings.  The problem is when TorButton is used.
 I then used TorButton's preferences to remove all the protections by 
 unticking as much as possible (effectively making TorButton worthless).  I 
 still get the same error!
 I rebooted and cleaned the cache and cookies and still I cannot access the 
 Account Settings aspect of Gmail.  It is as if TorButton per se is the 
 issue irrespective of any security settings it uses.
 In my Firefox cookie section I have cookies for that read: 
 GX, GXSP, gmailchat, TZ, GMAIL_AT, and S.
 Yet Gmail still claims that cookies are not installed.
 I did an about:cache and then searched for torbutton.  There were about 100 
 entries which include:

Try changing this last setting
(extensions.torbutton.xfer_google_cookies) to false. It is designed to
try to move your google cookies from one domain to another to avoid
requiring you to solve captchas for every google country domain.

It could be breaking something in the signon process, especially if
you get redirected to/from a country domain during login (by using a
german exit, for example).

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Tor uses swap?

2011-01-05 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake (

 I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 and Tor browser bundle with scripts forbidden.
 Does any of my web search results or web pages (or anything else during
 the web session) I look at get sent to or put on the SWAP partition of
 my machine?

This is a good question. Tor has a torrc option that is off by default
to disable all swap activity *by the tor process itself*:
'DisableAllSwap 1'.

However, this is not all you need. Your web browser can still be
swapped arbitrarily to disk. Unfortunately, this is difficult for us
to control for two reasons:

1. It is not possible to access the system calls relevant to this from
Torbutton until Firefox 4 (which provides JS-Ctypes to addon
developers) is in common use.

2. Even if we do this with a custom TBB build, most operating systems
require root/administrator priviledges to disable swap activity. 

The other alternative is to set up encrypted swap. The Ubuntu
documentation on encryption is pretty sad and disorganized:

But I think there should be an option to set up encrypted swap during
the installation process. There certainly is on other modern distros
like Fedora and even CentOS.

 That is to say- is there any data on my computer I should shred after a
 Tor session?  (yes, I understand other than what I knowingly download
 like a PDF or music)

Other than swap, Torbutton should be blocking all history writes by
Firefox in Tor mode by default.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Torbutton 1.3.1-alpha released

2011-01-04 Thread Mike Perry
Torbutton 1.3.1-alpha has been released at:

This release features a fix for the nasty pref dialog issue in 1.3.0
(bug #2011), as well as Firefox 4.0 support. Thanks to new APIs in
Firefox 3.5 and better privacy options in Firefox 4, Torbutton has now
been simplified as well. While we still provide a number of XPCOM
components, the number of native Firefox components we replace has
shrunk from 5 to just one.

However, the amount of changes involved in supporting Firefox 4 were
substantial, and it is likely that these changes as well as the
removal of old code has introduced new bugs. I've done my best to test
out operation on Firefox 3.6 and 4.0, but I have not tested Firefox
3.0, and I may have missed other issues as well. Please report any
issues you notice on our bugtracker:

Here is the complete changelog:
 * bugfix: bug 1894: Amnesia is now called TAILS (patch from intrigeri)
 * bugfix: bug 2315: Remove reference to TorVM (patch from intrigeri)
 * bugfix: bug 2011: Fix preference dialog issues (patch from chrisdoble)
 * bugfix: Fix some incorrect log lines in RefSpoofer
 * new: Support Firefox 4.0 (many changes)
 * new: Place button in the nav-bar (FF4 killed the status-bar)
 * misc: No longer reimplement the session store, use new APIs instead
 * misc: Simplify crash detection and startup mode settings

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: 27C3 on Tor

2010-12-28 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Roc Admin (

 Found the presentation at least and watching it now.  You have to skip
 to 3:30 for the actual presentation.

Here's a direct link to the relevant section:

The work seems to be pretty thorough, but it would be nice to have a
paper and/or the source to their classifier. The 27c3 website doesn't
seem to list much:

The results aren't very specific in the video. It looks like they
covered the major pitfall of timing attack research (the Base Rate
Fallacy) with their presentation of the True Positive rate and the
False Positive rate, but it's not 100% clear, because there's only a
single slide with the results:

The other detail that's not clear is if you train your detector for 5
interesting websites, and 2000 uninteresting ones, what happens if the
target is browsing sites outside of those 2000 uninteresting ones?

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Fwd: Re: DMCA Infringement Notification: Copies of 14 complaints

2010-12-18 Thread Mike Perry
Hrmm. You probably shouldn't be running an exit router on your home
Internet connection, either. To my knowledge, no one has ever had
their door kicked in in the USA for running an exit router, but there
have been phone calls and visits. In other countries, people have had
all of their computing equipment seized, and in rare cases, have had
charges brought against them for copyrighted or other material found
that was completely unrelated to Tor.

It's best to keep your home connection running as middle or bridge
only, unless you are fully prepared for the risks of increased
attention to your home.

Thus spake scar (

 Dmca violations are treated seriously by Qwest and if they continue
 you will lose your DSL service.  You mentioned you were operating a
 Tor exit router which normally is used for the purpose of hiding
 ip addresses. If you are allowing people on the internet to hide
 their ip addresses by routing through your DSL  Tor exit router,
 then you are violating your DSL service agreement with Qwest.  You
 can find the Qwest DSL service agreement at
 Under 7. Service Conditions it state that your residential DSL
 service is only for the use of your  pcs within your home. You
 cannot allow others, outside your house,  to use it for the purpose
 of hiding their ip addresses.  You also are responsible for any
 harmful or illegal traffic that comes from your DSL modem. The fact
 that your Tor service is a configured to block the most common
 ports associated with abuse does not release you from this
 responsibility. If you are charging money for the use of the Tor
 service then you are violating the terms of both your residential
 phone service and your residential DSL service with Qwest as you are
 not allowed to use either for running a business.
 FeEAoPZdlpdemE4Otc10qOpI7yLcxg9F =X4Nf -END PGP SIGNATURE-
 To unsubscribe, send an e-mail to with
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Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Torbutton, CSS3 and window size

2010-12-09 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Just A. User (
 are able to discover the browser's window inner dimensions

 The font downloading attack (@font-face based) from that test is
 also successful.

The short answer here is that new CSS3-based fingerprinting attacks
are currently not possible to fully defend against through
extension-land, and that while we do take them seriously, we don't
have a lot of options to truly protect against them in the short term.

JonDoNym is performing a bit of slight of hand on its users wrt to
these attacks. It only protects against these attacks by requiring
that Javascript be disabled, but this is not a full defense. The CSS3
Media Queries allow you to select entire stylesheets to be loaded on
the basis of screen resolution and display information:

Thus, media queries are quite capable of inducing element loads based
on screen resolution and font information, which can be used to ping a
server with information about your resolution without the need for
Javascript. The mechanisms for this are similar to the CSS-only
history attack that does not require Javascript and works on Firefox
2.x and 3.x:

The JonDoNym test is only using the Javascript versions of these
attacks, and therefore the JonDoFox profile they provide is given a
green pass against them, even though a dedicated adversary could
extract the same information with CSS3 alone. When I run Torbutton
with Javascript disabled, I get very similar results to the JonJoFox
profile on their test (are you sure you had javascript fully

But again, the reality is this is not the whole story.

We are currently actively trying to get people at the W3C and inside
Google and Mozilla to address these issues, because short of us
patching the browsers directly, there is not much we can do here. We
may end up patching our Tor Browser Bundle builds if it doesn't appear
that any of these groups are taking these new fingerprinting vectors
seriously. This places us in an interesting legal situation with
Mozilla, because technically such a patch means that we can no longer
use the trademark Firefox to describe the browser we provide in this

Our goal for the W3C is to get them to define a common subset of
rendering behaviors that all browsers can adhere to while in private
browsing mode. I believe the timeline for adoption of this standard
would be measured in multiple years, though.

Our goal with the browsers is to convince them to provide us with some
kind of API to interact with CSS and the rendering system. For Chrome,
their release cycle is faster and this process would be measured in
months (if we had all the other APIs we needed, see
But for Firefox, their release cycle is slower, and this time period
is probably still measuted in years.

So to sum it up, lots of rocks, and lots of hard places :/

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Chrome and Safari IP leak

2010-12-07 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Roger Dingledine (

 On Tue, Dec 07, 2010 at 11:12:37PM +, John Case wrote:
  Wait, what about lynx ?  I can't be safe by running lynx inside of a jail 
  with no routable IP ?  (
 Sorry, I've been talking to too many ordinary users lately. :)

 I don't know of any problems with lynx. I think you'll still want to
 think about topics like cookies and whether your http headers make you
 recognizable. Take a look through
 for more topics to think about. Web browsers like 'wget' should also be
 pretty safe in general. But somebody needs to analyze them in more detail.

Turns out that wget can be 302d between schemes to cause you to bypass
proxy settings. For example, if you have the $HTTP_PROXY environment
variable set but nothing for $HTTPS_PROXY, a 302 to an https url will
cause you to bypass proxy. I wouldn't be surprised if the same could
happen for an ftp url.

So the answer is Just because you think your program is simple
doesn't mean it is. We haven't fully audited anything other than
Firefox, but we do know most of it isn't safe.

Robert Hogan *has* audited a few more apps, but only in conjuction
with his 'torsocks' utility:

It looks like wget also has a note there about unsafe HTTP headers..
Not sure exactly what it is sending.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Chrome and Safari IP leak

2010-12-07 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Karsten N. (

 a warning for using Google Chrome, Safari or other Webkit based browsers
 with Tor. Because of a bug in the FTP proxy settings user can
 deanonymized by FTP links.

As Roger said, Chrome is not yet supported. We're working with Google
to change this:

But thanks for reporting this bug. Turns out it already has a ticket
in Chrome's bug tracker, but I wasn't aware of it:

I've added it to our list of Chrome issues at:

I will also ping the lead developer for Chrome proxy settings.
Unfortunately, they are currently on leave until early next year I

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Very low performance in CriptolabTORRelays*

2010-12-03 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Daniel Franganillo (

 Our ISP wont say nothing about their filters (It seems to be a Top Secret 
 issue :P). As I said before there's no problem reported at debug.log except 
 for the frequent:
 [debug] TLS error: unexpected close while reading (SSL_ST_OK)
 Another way to do this is to try to use Tor as a client. Does that
 How about using a client with bridges. Do they work?
 Nope. Transfer rates are equally ridiculous. Tried in windows, same.

Great! Now we're getting somewhere. Now, your question isn't How do I
run a relay at a censored ISP it's Please help me use Tor at a
censored ISP. That is a question we are prepared to at least *try* to
answer :)

Can you access the following page:

If it too is blocked, blocked, it is also available via the
ssl-encrypted proxy link on ixquick:

Similarly it is in the Google Cache, which is now available over SSL.

If you feel you can follow those instructions, can we meet on IRC? Can
you access #tor-dev on Port 6697 is SSL, if you suspect
keyword filtering too.

Specify a time and we can give you a private bridge IP and try to
diagnose exactly how your ISP is blocking access to Tor.

P.S. The above goes for anyone who knows anyone having trouble
*accessing* the Tor network from anywhere else. Please contact me or
show up on #tor-dev. 

We are in desperate need of people inside China to help us with this.
So far we have zero people there who can help us diagnose what is
going on.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Help me diagnose my Tor blocked/censored ISP!

2010-12-03 Thread Mike Perry
Actually, let's break this thread off into a new one with new subject, too.

Sorry about the double-post. Just want to make sure this hits the
search engines.

Thus spake Daniel Franganillo (

 Our ISP wont say nothing about their filters (It seems to be a Top Secret 
 issue :P). As I said before there's no problem reported at debug.log except 
 for the frequent:
 [debug] TLS error: unexpected close while reading (SSL_ST_OK)
 Another way to do this is to try to use Tor as a client. Does that
 How about using a client with bridges. Do they work?
 Nope. Transfer rates are equally ridiculous. Tried in windows, same.

Great! Now we're getting somewhere. Now, your question isn't How do I
run a relay at a censored ISP it's Please help me use Tor at a
censored ISP. That is a question we are prepared to at least *try* to
answer :)

Can you access the following page:

If it too is blocked, blocked, it is also available via the
ssl-encrypted proxy link on ixquick:

Similarly it is in the Google Cache, which is now available over SSL.

If you feel you can follow those instructions, can we meet on IRC? Can
you access #tor-dev on Port 6697 is SSL, if you suspect
keyword filtering too.

Specify a time and we can give you a private bridge IP and try to
diagnose exactly how your ISP is blocking access to Tor.

P.S. The above goes for anyone who knows anyone having trouble
*accessing* the Tor network from anywhere else. Please contact me or
show up on #tor-dev. 

We are in desperate need of people inside China to help us with this.
So far we have zero people there who can help us diagnose what is
going on.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Very low performance in CriptolabTORRelays*

2010-12-02 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Daniel Franganillo (

 El 29/11/10 16:27, Daniel Franganillo escribió:
 I'm the admin of CriptoLabTorRelays[1][2][3][4]
 As you can see at [1][2][3][4] our relays are having almost no transfer
 rate (3KB or so)
 It started on Monday 14 of November and after some testing we came to a
 conclusion... Our Univeristy (our workplace) somehow filtered Tor
 without us noticing.

I think no one is answering your mail because of this statement. If
the Tor network is blocked by your ISP, you can't exactly expect to
run a relay...

Did you confirm the block? Did you try connecting to some of the other
public tor relays? A simple way to do this is to just use Firefox and
type in https://random.tor.node.ip and see if you get a cert warning
or not.

Another way to do this is to try to use Tor as a client. Does that

How about using a client with bridges. Do they work?

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Active Attacks - Already in Progress?

2010-12-02 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Theodore Bagwell (

 On Sun, 28 Nov 2010 17:54 -0800, Mike Perry
  Rather than cripple the network by forcing more clients to use slower
  nodes more often, we have opted to try to document the process of
  running a high capacity Tor exit node:
 In my research (posted earlier to this list), I did not find an issue
 with exit relays. The relays which were reliably chosen as part of my
 circuit were often the first or second relay in my circuit - not the
 exit relay.

In this case, you are experiencing your guard nodes. This is a
protective measure where the Tor client remembers a set of 3 live
nodes and tries to use them for up to 2 months for its 1st hop... This
is done to protect against a wide variety of traffic analysis attacks.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Simulator for slow Internet connections

2010-12-01 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake John Case (

 On Wed, 1 Dec 2010, Maciej Zbierski wrote:
 I was going through the Coding Projects site the other day and spotted
 that Tor is in need of a simulator for slow connections. I have written
 something similar as a part of my M.Sc., so I thought I could contribute by
 adapting my code to Tor's needs. First of all, has there been any progress
 on the subject (so that I don't double someone's work)?

 Why is this a coding project ?  Why don't they just use FreeBSD with 
 dummynet ?

I've personally used Linux's NetEM for testing my Tor Circuit Build
Timeout learning code:

It worked well but it has a major drawback in that if you use netem on
the same machine as your code is running, you can't do real packet
loss simulations because the Linux networking stack hints to the TCP
layer that the loss was artificial so that window sizes are not
adjusted as they would be in reality:

Getting a patch to disable this behavior would be a great help.

Otherwise, I think we need to revise this task on our website to say
that we're looking for a Tor network simulator, not a slow network
simulator. Easy mistake, I guess ;)

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Active Attacks - Already in Progress?

2010-11-28 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Theodore Bagwell (

 I don't take issue with these particular nodes, nor the method in which
 they are multiplied.
 What concerns me is that any single entity (person/organization) is
 capable of convincing my Tor client to use it in the majority of
 circuits I build. The clusters I pointed out before have been vouched
 for by the community, and that's fine, let's assume they're not evil.
 But the fact remains that nobody - good or evil - should be capable of
 making themselves a party in my circuit with such reliability.

Unfortunately, Exit bandwidth is really hard to maintain if it is not
centralized, and all bandwidth is much much cheaper in bulk. It is
very hard to convince an ISP to put up with the noise, attacks, and
abuse complaints if you are a low budget node:

Rather than cripple the network by forcing more clients to use slower
nodes more often, we have opted to try to document the process of
running a high capacity Tor exit node:

We have to do the best with the situation we actually have. Trying to
force the network to route as if it were the network we *wish* we had
will only make it completely unusable. 

Please help us to create the network we *wish* we had.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Hints and Tips for Whistleblowers - their comments on Tor and SSL - I don't understand.

2010-10-27 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Seth David Schoen (

  I don't understand, too and in my opinion, this is utter nonsense. I'm
  not aware of any negative impacts on privacy due to the usage of
 Session resumption can be used to recognize an individual browser
 that connects from different IP addresses, or even over Tor.  This
 kind of recognition can be perfect because the resumption involves
 a session key which is large, random, and could not legitimately
 have been known to any other browser. :-(

This is not true if the user is using Torbutton. See the paragraph
about security.enable_ssl2 in:

This hack causes us to clear all TLS session ID and resumption state.
It's bloody, but it works. Firefox has also created an official API
for us to do this the right way that we will begin using in 1.2.6:

Torbutton also has code to isolate custom stored client and server
certificates, but this code tends to crash Firefox because of
refcounting issues in the TLS cert manager, so it is disabled by
default. We're waiting on this bug to be fixed to enable it:

In other words, like we do with everything else, we have spent quite a
bit of effort in dealing with TLS privacy issues, and the
Whistleblower howto link in question is almost 100% nonsense that
the author seemingly made up on the spot based on incorrect
assumptions that they didn't bother to verify or investigate...

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Ubuntu Privacy Remix 10.04r1 out

2010-10-16 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Eugen Leitl (

 On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 02:44:59PM -0700, Mike Perry wrote:
  Thus spake Eugen Leitl (
  I suppose that's one way to address the problem of the network
  adversary... Sure looks like this means this post has nothing to do
  with Tor, though.
 Yes, it doesn't have to do with Tor directly, should have
 pointed that out. However, there's at least some overlap
 between Tor users and higher paranoia-level folks, and the 
 environment is complementary to Tor in that regard.

There may be some overlap, but all of those people are doing it wrong.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Ubuntu Privacy Remix 10.04r1 out

2010-10-15 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Eugen Leitl (

I suppose that's one way to address the problem of the network
adversary... Sure looks like this means this post has nothing to do
with Tor, though.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Tor network connections constantly building / failing

2010-10-13 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Joe Btfsplk (

  What I'm seeing is completely ABnormal from what I've seen for 1 - 2 
 yrs, over several Tor / Vidalia versions.  I often looked at network 
 maps - was never like this.
 1)  What I described about connections constantly (RAPID fire - dozens, 
 one after another) building, then immediately after 90% of connections 
 1st pop up - showing building - they immediately fail.  Problem is, so 
 many fail so quickly (in seconds), fair amount of time, there aren't 3 
 good (open, stable) connections.  Therefore, d/l seems to drop to zero 
 during that time.
 2) ** Currently, this behavior does NOT level off.  It continues as 
 long a Tor / Polipo are running (even a day or more).  Regardless, in 
 past if I ran Tor for 1 hr, I NEVER saw anything close to this.  I don't 
 leave Tor running (for normal browsing) for days at a time.  Never have.
 3) Now, my speeds never pick up (for any length of time).

Your ISP may be blocking connections to the Tor network. What type of
internet connection is this? Work/school/library/home? What country
are you in? Have you tried other networks/open wifi to see if you get
the same result?

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: issue?

2010-10-10 Thread Mike Perry

Thus spake Udo van den Heuvel (

 Hello, ran fine on my Fedora 13 box. has exited twice without much reason...
 Any ideas why?

Did you build from source, or are you using packages? If so, which

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Are these torrc entries necessary?

2010-10-09 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Matthew (

 Probably well over a year ago Tor seemed really slow and I wanted to 
 speed it up.   These settings were recommended (I can't find the website 
 CircuitBuildTimeout 30
 NumEntryGuards 6
 KeepalivePeriod 60
 NewCircuitPeriod 15
 Are these valid today?  AIUI Tor is way faster than it was a year or so ago?

If you run tor, the CircuitBuildTimeout is now automatically
learned, and typically results in a value around 3-5s for broadband

The other options I think were hacks to try to help make this lower
hardcoded timeout value give you more benefit. I wouldn't use them
with the new code.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Torbutton 1.3.0-alpha: Community Edition!

2010-10-04 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Drake Wilson (

  Heh, it turns out this has the same problem, at least with Pidgin.
  tor still creates an http hyperlink that when clicked
  on directly would be loaded outside of Tor.
  httptor:// does not create a hyperlink, though.. Nor does
 Dear gods.
 Okay, I suppose that probably means that horse has already bolted.
 This is sad.  I tentatively retract my suggestion in light of that.

Well I think that specifying that urls are technically officially
supposed to be http+tor://, but that the http+ can be omitted gives us
the best of both worlds. These urls seem to be then treated mostly
correctly by dumb link parsers, because they will just become tor://
links if parsed, which would then work as normal.

The exception is that https+tor:// may then be treated as just a
tor:// url by a link parser, which effectively converts it into a
torrified http url, dropping vital ssl support. Hence, I think we
should also provide tors:// as an unofficial backup scheme for these

So no, your suggestion wasn't totally busted. It just required lots of
attempts to make it actually be practical. :)

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Torbutton 1.3.0-alpha: Community Edition!

2010-10-01 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake David Bennett (

 On 09/30/2010 08:36 PM, Drake Wilson wrote:
  This release features tor:// and tors:// urls that will
  automatically enable Tor before loading the corresponding http or
  https url.
  Ick.  This sort of layer-mixing is the sort that forces people to use
  a certain protocol for no actual reason. 
  Is there a reason not to use something like tor+http and tor+https for
  the schema, thus opening up the space for (as a facetious example)
  tor+nntp or analogous usages later?

 Drake is correct, I don't think that scheme transport swap method is a
 great idea. 
 That being said, the ability to bookmark a site securely is 
 advantageous. Plus, relative URL's referenced on a host would inherit
 the scheme.

This is not the case. The way the featur works is that Firefox
instantly converts the url to the real scheme after enabling Tor and
before loading the page.

 I do understand why it was implemented this way.  Scheme stacking would
 be much more difficult to pull off given current browser technology.  To
 the best of my knowledge, there are no browsers that would easily
 support this.

This rears its head in a lot of other places. For example, try
emailing, IMing or posting these urls to google groups. If you specify
tor:// as the prefix, worst case the url is not converted to a
hyperlink, but best case it is, and the user can just click on it.

However, all places I have tried to specify tor+, the portion of the url is transformed into a hyperlink by
the software, but the tor+ part is lost. This leaves room for user
error and also makes things inconvenient.

Intuition also tells me that tor:// and tors:// urls will be easier to
use, understand, and remember by the general public.. Can you give
some examples/reasons why just using these schemes actually prevents
us from doing this scheme layering idea for other protocols in the
future (when it is supported)? In otherwords, why can't we just do both?

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Torbutton 1.3.0-alpha: Community Edition!

2010-09-30 Thread Mike Perry
Release early and release often is the motto, or so I'm told.. Well
I never liked getting up early, but maybe we can at least try for
often with this one. But probably not..

Despite these shortcomings of mine (among others), Torbutton
1.3.0-alpha is the first release of Torbutton where most of the code
has come from our community members! 

This is great, because after many long years of Torbutton development,
I barely have enough time and sanity remaining to maintain bugfixes on
1.2.x. Not that I started with very much of either in the first place,
I suppose[1]...

And with that, it gives me great pleasure to announce Torbutton
1.3.0-alpha! Due to limitations of, the alpha
series will only be available at the Tor website:{,.asc}

This release features tor:// and tors:// urls that will
automatically enable Tor before loading the corresponding http or
https url. Useful for bookmarks of your tor sites, or sharing urls
with other Torbutton users to ensure that they load them safely
through Tor. It also features a cookie manager that attempts to allow
you to protect specific cookies that you want to preserve between Tor
modes, as well as intelligent referrer spoofing.

All three of these features were written by Kory Kirk, for his 2009
GSoC summer of code project. (What did I say about early?)

It also features support for a Transparent Proxy or Tor router (or
your regular connection), where Torbutton's protections can be enabled
without using any proxy. This feature was written by Jacob Appelbaum
and Kory Kirk.

These features should be regarded as *experimental*. In particular,
the cookie manager needs testing, to ensure that it is actually
properly protecting and deleting the right cookies, without leaking
them from state to state. Someone should also pay close attention to
the referrer behavior to ensure it is behaving sanely.

What little time I have for Torbutton development will be devoted to 
supporting Firefox 4, and trying to work through this neverending set
of bugs for 1.2.x:

However, it would be great if we could drum up some more community
interest in developing these and other features, too. In particular, I
think it would be really swell if the cookie manager could be extended
into providing a New Identity button, complete with an optional
timer to run periodically. There's tons of other potential features
waiting to be implemented in the Enhancements section of that trac
report, too.

Here is the complete ChangeLog for 1.3.0-alpha:

 * new: Support for transparent proxies in settings
   (patch from Jacob Appelbaum and Kory Kirk)
 * new: tor:// and tors:// url support to auto-toggle into tor mode
   (patch from Kory Kirk)
 * new: Cookie manager to allow individual Cookie protection
   (patch from Kory Kirk)
 * new: Add referrer spoofing based on modified same origin policy
   (patch from Kory Kirk)
 * new: Add as a Google captcha redirect destination
   (patch from aiden tighe)
 * bugfix: bug 1911: Fix broken useragent locale string on debian
   (patch from lunar)
 * bugfix: Fix captcha detection for


Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: The best way to run a hidden service: one or two computers?

2010-09-25 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake coderman (

 however, if an attacker has access to read this locally they've
 already compromised you to a degree that random mac affords no

Is this really true? One of the things I've wondered about here is
plugins, but since Torbutton disables them for other reasons I haven't
really looked into it. For insance, I know Java can create a socket,
and query the interface properties of that socket to get the interface
IP. Why not mac address? And if not java, can one of flash,
silverlight, pdf-javascript, or others do this? Already we have
location features built in to the browser based on nearby Wifi MACs...

The Java trick to get the interface IP does not require special privs,
so a randomized MAC would in fact help this scenario, if it were
somehow possible.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: The best way to run a hidden service: one or two computers?

2010-09-25 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Robert Ransom (

 On Sat, 25 Sep 2010 17:04:14 -0700
 Mike Perry wrote:
  Thus spake coderman (
   however, if an attacker has access to read this locally they've
   already compromised you to a degree that random mac affords no
  Is this really true?
 If you are running a hidden service, on a computer with no network
 access except through Tor, no -- you might not be hosed just by an
 attacker being able to run a shell command, but leaking an actual MAC
 address from an actual NIC might get you tracked down.  (An attacker
 with shell access can read your MAC address on Linux just by running
 ifconfig, even as an ordinary user.)

Hah, yah, I forgot the context of this thread was hidden service
threats. This thought popped into my head a day after reading
coderman's original post and thinking about securing plugins in
Google Chrome.

But yes, your statement about command injection is absolutely true. In
fact, in some cases commands that run may even be restricted by an
AppArmour or SELinux policy (if you run Ubuntu 10 or Centos 5), but an
attacker still could run some socket syscalls and commands with these
limited privs.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Google Chrome Incognito Mode and Tor

2010-09-14 Thread Mike Perry
(I'm cross-posting to or-dev and or-talk. Please remove one of the Cc's
as appropriate, depending upon the nature of your reply.)

For the past couple months, I've been doing a lot of work reviewing
and summarizing the major issues remaining before we can safely write
a Tor Incognito Mode extension for Google Chrome. I've been using
this ticket group on trac to track my progress:

I've also written a prototype Chrome extension that is functionally
incomplete and unsafe to use, but could use some review by any
Javascript ninjas out there:

The work has also been summarized in this blog post:

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: How does Gmail know my local time zone (therefore ignoring the time zone of the Tor exit node) and what else can it see?

2010-09-07 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Matthew (

 On 05/09/10 21:11, Geoff Down wrote:
 Did you select a time zone when you set up the account?
 I assume you are using Torbutton, which blocks Javascript being used to
 read your local clock.
 AIUI, Gmail uses JavaScript to detect the time zone (but not the time) on 
 the client machine.  When I use NoScript with Gmail as untrusted, Gmail 
 cannot use JavaScript.  Changing the time zone settings (for example to 
 something five hours behind my real time zone) does not then change the 
 time at which e-mail appears to arrive in the Gmail inbox since this 
 requires JavaScript which is not used since Gmail is considered untrusted.

Please actually use Torbutton instead of speculating about what
protections it provides, trying to compensate with ad-hoc homebrew
approaches, and then complaining to the list when the results aren't
what you expect.

Noscript can have all sorts of surprising results when you allow
javascript from other domains.

 However, since many websites do require JavaScript, whether or not one is 
 using NoScript and / or TorButton, my question was:
 If Gmail can get the time zone via JavaScript (when the client is using 
 Tor) then why can it not get the real IP also via JavaScript (when the 
 client is using Tor)?  I don't think it can get the real IP since I have 
 used various tests including and Tor with 
 JavaScript does not reveal the real IP.  But why not?

Javascript cannot unmask your IP. The attacks on decloak and elsewhere
are all about causing plugins and external applications to launch,
which NoScript does not protect against.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Tor seems to have a huge security risk--please prove me wrong!

2010-08-29 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Paul Syverson (

  For those who want more background, you can read more at item #1 on
  (I hoped to transition over to that new
  page, but haven't gotten around to finishing)
 Yes. Exploring defensive techniques would be good. Unlike correlation,
 fingerprinting seems more likely to be amenable to traffic shaping;
 although the study of this for countering correlation (as some of us
 recently published at PETS ;) may be an OK place to build on.
 Personally I still think trust is going to play a bigger role as an
 effective counter than general shaping, but one place we seem to be in
 sync is that it all needs more study.

Yeah, though again I want to point out that what we are actually
looking at when we intuitively believe fingerprinting to be easier to
solve than correlation is the event rate from the base rate fallacy.

Otherwise, they really are the same problem. Correlation is merely the
act of taking a live fingerprint and extracting a number of bits from
it, and adding these bits to the number of bits obtained from a window
of time during which the event was supposed to have occurred.

Or, to put it in terms of event rates, it is merely the case that much
fewer potentially misclassified events happen during the very small
window of time provided by correlation, as opposed to the much larger
number of events that happen during a dragnet fingerprinting attempt.

Any classifier needs enough bits to differentiate between two
potentially coincident events. This is also why Tor's fixed packet
size performs better against known fingerprinting attacks. Because
we've truncated the lower 8 bits off of all signatures that use size
as a feature in their fingerprint classifiers. They need to work to
find other sources of bits.

Personally, I believe that it may be possible to develop fingerprint
resistance mechanisms good enough to also begin to make inroads
against correlation, *if* the network is large enough to provide an
extremely high event rate. Say, the event rate of an Internet-scale
anonymity network.

For this reason, I think it is very important for academic research to
clearly state their event rates, and the entropy of their feature
extractors and classifiers. As well as source code and full data
traces, so that their results can be reproduced on larger numbers of
targets and with larger event rates, as I mentioned in my other reply.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Tor seems to have a huge security risk--please prove me wrong!

2010-08-29 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Paul Syverson (

 On Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 12:54:59AM -0700, Mike Perry wrote:
  Any classifier needs enough bits to differentiate between two
  potentially coincident events. This is also why Tor's fixed packet
  size performs better against known fingerprinting attacks. Because
  we've truncated the lower 8 bits off of all signatures that use size
  as a feature in their fingerprint classifiers. They need to work to
  find other sources of bits.
 I disagree. Most of what you say about base rates etc. is valid and
 should be taken into account, but that is not the only thing that is
 going on. First, you have just stated one reason that correlation
 should be easier than fingerprinting but then tried to claim it as
 some sort of methodological flaw. Truncating the lower 8 bits does
 have a significant impact on fingerprinting but little impact on
 correlation because of the windows and datasets, just like you said.
 But way more importantly, fingerprinting is inherently a passive
 attack. You are sifting through a pile of known fingerprints looking
 for matches and that's all you can do as an attacker. But its easy to
 induce any timing signature you want during a correlation attack. (It
 seems to be completely unnecessary because of point 1, but it would be
 trivial to add that if you wanted to.) Tor's current design has no
 mechanism to counter active correlation. Proposed techniques, such as
 in the recent paper by Aaron, Joan, and me, are clearly too expensive
 and iffy at this stoge of research. This is totally different for
 fingerprinting. One could have an active attack similar to
 fingerprinting in which one tries to alter a fingerprint to make it
 more unique and then look for that fingerprint.  I don't want to get
 into a terminological quibble, but that is not what I mean by
 fingerprinting and would want to call it something else or start
 calling fingerprinting 'passive fingerprinting', something like that.
 Then there is the whole question of how effective this would be,
 plus a lot more details to say what this is, but anyway I think
 we have good reason to treat fingerprinting and correlation as different
 but related problems unless we want to say something trivial like
 They are both just instances of pattern recognition.

Ah, of course. What I meant to say then was that passive
fingerprinting really is the same problem as passive correlation. 

I don't spend a whole lot of time worrying about the global *active*
adversary, because I don't believe that such an adversary can really
exist in practical terms. However, it is good that your research
considers active adversaries in general, because they can and do exist
on more localized scales.

I do believe that the global external passive adversary does exist
though (via the ATT secret rooms that splice cables and copy off
traffic in transit), and I think that the techniques used against
passive fingerprinting can be very useful against that adversary. I
also think a balance can be found to provide defenses against the
global external passive adversary to try to bring their success
rates low enough that their incentive might switch to becoming a
local internal adversary, where they have to actually run Tor nodes
to get enough information to perform their attacks.
This is definitely a terminological quibble, but I think it is useful
to consider these different adversary classes and attacks, and how
they relate to one another. I think it is likely that we are able to
easily defeat most cases of dragnet surveillance with very good
passive fingerprinting defenses, but that various types of active
surveillance may remain beyond our (practical) reach for quite some
  Personally, I believe that it may be possible to develop fingerprint
  resistance mechanisms good enough to also begin to make inroads
  against correlation, *if* the network is large enough to provide an
  extremely high event rate. Say, the event rate of an Internet-scale
  anonymity network.
  For this reason, I think it is very important for academic research to
  clearly state their event rates, and the entropy of their feature
  extractors and classifiers. As well as source code and full data
  traces, so that their results can be reproduced on larger numbers of
  targets and with larger event rates, as I mentioned in my other reply.
 We don't have the luxury of chemistry or even behavioral stuff like
 population biology of some species of fish to just hand out full
 traces. There's this pesky little thing user privacy that creates a
 tension we have that those fields don't. We could also argue more
 about the nature of research and publication criteria, but I suspect
 that we will quickly get way off topic in such a discussion, indeed
 have already started.

In most cases, we pretty intensely frown on these attacks on the live
Tor network, even for research purposes, so I don't think anyone is
asking for live user traces

Re: Tor seems to have a huge security risk--please prove me wrong!

2010-08-29 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Gregory Maxwell (

 On Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 3:54 AM, Mike Perry wrote:
  Any classifier needs enough bits to differentiate between two
  potentially coincident events. This is also why Tor's fixed packet
  size performs better against known fingerprinting attacks. Because
  we've truncated the lower 8 bits off of all signatures that use size
  as a feature in their fingerprint classifiers. They need to work to
  find other sources of bits.
 If this is so??? that people are trying to attack tor with size
 fingerprinting but failing because of the size quantization and then
 failing to publish because they got a non-result??? then it is something
 which very much needs to be made public.

According to the research groups Roger has talked to, yes, this is the
 Not only might future versions of tor make different design decisions
 with respect to cell size, other privacy applications would benefit
 from even a no-result in this area.

The problem though is that it's hard to publish a no-result, unless
its pretty a pretty surprising no-result, or at least a quantifiable
no-result. It's not terribly surprising that existing fingerprinting
techniques do not work well out of the box against Tor, because a
lot less information is available during a Tor session, and there is a
lot more noise (due to more than just the 512-byte cell size).

If someone actually worked hard and took all these things into
account, and still had a result that said Fingerprinting on Tor does
not usually work unless you have fewer than than X numbers of targets
and/or event rates below Y, it still probably would belong more in a
tech report than a full academic paper, unless it also came with
information-theoretic proofs that showed exactly why their
implementation got the results it did.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Tor seems to have a huge security risk--please prove me wrong!

2010-08-28 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Roger Dingledine (

 On Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 11:20:41AM -0400, Paul Syverson wrote:

 I keep talking to professors and grad students who have started a paper
 showing that website fingerprinting works on Tor, and after a while they
 stop working on the paper because they can't get good results either way
 (they can't show that it works well, and they also can't show that it
 doesn't work well).
 The real question I want to see answered is not does it work -- I bet
 it can work in some narrow situations even if it doesn't work well in
 the general case. Rather, I want to know how to make it work less well.
 But we need to have a better handle on how well it works before we can
 answer that harder question.

Yes. This is the approach we need to solve this problem. However, one
of the problems with getting it out of most academics is the bias
against easy reproducibility. In order for any of this research to be
usable by us, it must be immediately and easily verifiable and
reproducible in the face of both changing attacks, and changing
network protocols (such as UDP-Tor and SPDY). This means source code
and experimental logs and data.

Most computer science academia is inherently biased against providing
this data for various reasons, and while this works for large industry
with the budget and time to reproduce experiments without assistance,
it will not work for us. I believe it is the main reason we see
adoption lag of 5-10 years for typical research all over
computer-related academia. My guess is Tor not have this much time to
fix these problems, hence we must demand better science from 
researchers who claim to be solving Tor-related problems (or proving
attacks on Tor networks).

I've gone into a little more detail on this subject and the
shortcomings of timing attacks in general in my comments on Michal
Zalewski's blog about regular, non-Tor HTTPS timing attacks:

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Google and Tor.

2010-08-27 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Orionjur Tor-admin (

  This should be fixed in Torbutton 1.2.6.
 When you plan to release it?

Well the current plan is to add support for FF4 and fix a smattering
of bugs, including this one, in the 1.2.6 release. However, I am also
trying to help fix bugs in 0.2.2.x, and help improve the Google Chrome
APIs to allow for a Chrome Tor mode
(, amongst a few
other things that I feel are rather important in the near term. In
fact, I've been so busy lately that I haven't even fixed the issue in
git or my copy of Torbutton, so rest assured that I feel the pain as
much as you do. But it still may be a while.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Google and Tor.

2010-08-26 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Robert Ransom (

 On Wed, 25 Aug 2010 20:04:01 -0700
 Mike Perry wrote:
  I also question Google's threat model on this feature. Sure, they want
  to stop people from programmatically re-selling Google results without
  an API key in general, but there is A) no way people will be reselling
  Tor-level latency results, B) no way they can really expect determined
  competitors not to do competitive analysis of results using private IP
  ranges large enough to avoid DoS detection, C) no way that the total
  computational cost of the queries coming from Tor can justify denying
  so many users easy access to their site.
 If Tor exit nodes were allowed to bypass Google's CAPTCHA, someone
 could put up a low-bandwidth Tor exit node and then send their own
 automated queries directly to Google from their Tor exit's IP.

Good point. However I wasn't advocating whitelisting Tor exits, I was
advocating more intelligent treatment of all high user-count IP
addresses, and better mechanisms of rate limiting in general. It's my
understanding that a lot of NATed users also run into these captchas
during search.

To reduce scraping by suspect IPs, their servers could perform all
sorts of browser tests to ensure that there is a full working DOM
supported by javascript, which can be computationally costly to deploy
by scrapers.  They can also serve javascript code that performs
semi-large integer factorization in the background and post the
factors back with queries to rate limit scrapers computationally, or
at least tip the cost ratios more in favor of just paying for an API

Perhaps more effective, they could use various metrics to indirectly
estimate the number of humans behind an IP. There are plenty of Google
services and applications they provide that aren't really usable by
bots. The rate of use of these non-search services per IP should
provide a strong indicator of human activity behind that IP.

Again, the impression I got was that if they had done the analysis on
the captcha solve rate vs the query rate per IP, the cost/benefit
analysis of the DoS mechanisms they apply, or the cost vs
effectiveness vs user impact of alternatives, they certainly weren't
willing to discuss any of this with us. They also seemed disinclined to
meet to explore any realistic alternatives we could jointly develop in
both Torbutton and the DoS side to help reduce the captchas and 403s
experienced by our users.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: How to Run High Capacity Tor Relays

2010-08-25 Thread Mike Perry
I should have said this in my first post, but I believe that all
subsequent replies should go to tor-relays. This should be the last
post discussing technical details of relay operation on or-talk.

Thus spake coderman (

  net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 1200
 ^- who uses keepalive? :)

Hrmm, Tor does its own application-level keepalive. Perhaps that's how
this got merged in by confusion. Or maybe, like many of these, it was
just a blanket cut+and+paste move out of desperation to try to
increase capacity. The whole superset of voodoo thing.
 ^- best to just disable conntrack altogether if you can. -J NOTRACK in
 the raw table as appropriate.
 you're going to each up lots of memory with a decent nf|ip_conntrack_max
 ( check /proc/sys/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_conntrack_max , etc )

Will this remove the ability to do PREROUTING DNAT rules? I know a lot
of Tor nodes forward ports and even IPs around.

Good suggestion though. Perhaps we should mention both options in the
final draft.

 some dupes in here?
  net.ipv4.conf.default.proxy_arp = 1
 ^- BAD! this should not be enabled by default unless you're actually
 routing specifically to guest vm's or between interfaces or something.
 if you enable forwarding by default, someone may use you to relay some
 malicious traffic.

Oh shit, that is a relic of Mortiz's config. He is also planning to
provide VPN and VPS services. Good catch.

Also, does DNAT count as forwarding for the ip_forward option? 
  == Did I leave anything out? ==
  Well, did I?
 i'd love to see an sca6000 accelerated node.  been working with these
 recently but unfortunately they're allocated for other work...
 (most of the other crypto hw is going to be bus / implementation
 limited to less than what a beefy 64bit modern server can provide, so
 of little utility in this context.)

I'd love to hear Roger and Nick's comments on this, but isn't it
possible this might also bottleneck well before 1Gbit? I am worried it
may depend largely on the architecture of the card and our use of
openssl. Their docs claim up to 1Gbit but this could be using highly
parallelized processing, which tor cannot really do, as I understand

Personally I think the hyperthreading option is the lowest hanging
fruit for maxing out a single Tor relay process for lowest cost.

Also, afaik, zero people in the wild are actively running Tor with any
crypto accelerator. May be a very painful process... I'm not really
interested in documenting it unless its proven to scale by actual use.
I want this document to end up with tested and reproduced results
only. You know, Science. Not computerscience ;)

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: The team of PayPal is a band of pigs and cads!

2010-08-25 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake David Carlson (

On 8/23/2010 2:05 PM, Andrew Lewman wrote:
 They are correct,
 Section 9.1, j.
 Apparently they don't want you as a customer if you want to protect
 yourself from unscrupulous marketing or local ISP surveillance.  I'll
 start a conversation with them.  Thanks for bringing this up.
 I am a newbie here.  Since they use SSL, isn't it overkill to route your 
 connection through Tor?  I know it is a pain to switch Tor on and off 
 when multitasking, but it would seem that Tor button could do that.

There have already been lots of excellent paypal-specific answers
here, but the more general problem is that any company on the web is,
or at least eventually will conider, making money of of your
information, any way they can.

Using the Firefox addon RequestPolicy really makes you aware of this.
For example, I've seen facebook domains sourced in my airline ticket
purchase windows. When I happen to be wearing my paranoid hat (pretty
often -- it's rather stylish), I am convinced this is facebooks' way
of getting to ground-truth on an identity they have a profile for,
because plane ticket use is strongly authenticated.

I'm sure the same thing can happen with any bank, or even online
merchant. Once they get a purchase with a cookie set and IP, they not
only know your location, but they can correlate it with the rest of
the marketing data they have on you, and if you dont clear your use
Tor+Torbutton, they can infer a list of the rest of the websites you
visit.  In this case, they of course, are the voracious advertising

In fact, because so many users are actually clearing cookies these
days, marketing companies have begun developing fingerprints to track
you even if your cookies and IP change: Torbutton blocks most of
these, but work needs to be done to block more.

So for me, Tor is about cutting that crap off at the bud. If I must be
strip-searched at the airport (digitally or not), and have my airline
ticket purchase IP recorded at the DHS[2], at the very least they will
not correlate that with my other Internet activity.

In fact, you could take the paypal conspiracy one further, in that
they also don't like many forms of prepaid gift card use. They are
simply not interested in collecting information that contains any
noise what-so-ever...


Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Google and Tor.

2010-08-25 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Matthew (

  On numerous occasions when using Google with Tor (yes, I know there are 
 other options like Scroogle) it claims I might be sending automated queries 
 and gives me a CAPTCHA.  Sometimes this allows me to search; other times I 
 am caught in a loop and am constantly send back to the CAPTCHA screen.

This has been a known problem with Google for ages. There are numerous
ways we could improve this situation without requiring blanket
exemptions for Tor Exits (such as client side puzzles, or more
intelligent rate limiting algorithms that are more tolerant of our
typically cookieless but legitimate users coming in large masses from
the same IP). 

Unfortunately the DoS team at Google is unwilling to work with us to
find alternate ways of limiting these captchas at the moment. Tor has
many friends inside Google, but sadly the DoS team is independent
enough from the rest of Google that regardles of Google's opinion of
Tor or censorship circumvention, the DoS team is unwilling to devote
any development resources to improving this problem, and have declined
even meeting with us directly :(

Astute students of human nature will note that this is the result you
expect when you place a small group of people in a position of
unassaillable control of a resource for security reasons...

Our current solution is to automatically redirect Google Captcha
requests to alternate search engines such as ixquick, scroogle, yahoo,
or bing. This feature was introduced in Torbutton 1.2.5 and uses
ixquick by default. 

However, Google's recent switch to using for SSL
search caused our captcha detection code to break in Torbutton. So if
you are using encrypted search and/or HTTPS Everywhere, your captchas
will no longer be seamlessly redirected.

This should be fixed in Torbutton 1.2.6.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Google and Tor.

2010-08-25 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Aplin, Justin M (

 On 8/25/2010 8:52 PM, Mike Perry wrote:
 Thus spake Matthew (

   On numerous occasions when using Google with Tor (yes, I know there are
 other options like Scroogle) it claims I might be sending automated 
 and gives me a CAPTCHA.  Sometimes this allows me to search; other times I
 am caught in a loop and am constantly send back to the CAPTCHA screen.
 This has been a known problem with Google for ages.

 Really? I've never had this problem until recently. For about 2 years 
 now every Google CAPTCHA I've run into has been uneventful and let me 
 through after the first try, only in the past month or so have I been 
 getting caught in the CAPTCHA loop.

Various horrible behaviors have come and go with this captcha system
over the past 3 years or so. Sometimes you just get a 403 with no
captcha, sometimes you have to solve a captcha, sometimes 2 captchas,
sometimes infinite captchas, and sometimes it forgets your query and
you have to start the whole process over again from a Google landing

My point is that the whole system is problematic on a number of
levels. I also personally believe that there are better ways of rate
limiting and screening queries from high-user count IPs that do not
involve cookies or captchas.

I also question Google's threat model on this feature. Sure, they want
to stop people from programmatically re-selling Google results without
an API key in general, but there is A) no way people will be reselling
Tor-level latency results, B) no way they can really expect determined
competitors not to do competitive analysis of results using private IP
ranges large enough to avoid DoS detection, C) no way that the total
computational cost of the queries coming from Tor can justify denying
so many users easy access to their site.

This is why I'd love a chance to meet with the DoS team to discuss
some of these points. However, I get the strong impression it is a
very secretive group that is especially wary of discussing their
methods, reasoning, or analysis and with anyone else, and is generally
given a blank check to enact policy without proper in-depth
cost/benefit analsysis because its actions are for security.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Police raid in Erfurt, Germany on Perfect Privacy, a commercial anon-service

2010-08-24 Thread Mike Perry
English version:

Appears to be possibly related to their SSH/VPN service, not their Tor
nodes. As far as I can tell, they've run no Tor exits recently, only

Thus spake (

 'Perfect Privacy', a commercial anon-service (25 Euros/month) for
 encrypting your Internet and keep your identity and privacy protected
 from prying eyes was raided on friday in Germany.
 Heute, Freitag, dem 20. August 2010, kam es zwischen rund 7:00 und 8:00
 Uhr morgens MESZ zu einer Hausdurchsuchung bei einem von Perfect
 Privacys Administratoren, der als Kontaktperson für Perfect Privacys
 Server in Erfurt, Deutschland, fungiert. Der Durchsuchungsbeschluß
 gründet sich auf den Verdacht, daß über die Privatsphärenserver in
 Erfurt von unbekannten Verdächtigen strafrechtlich relevante
 Kommunikationen geroutet wurden. 
 Im Zuge der Hausdurchsuchung wurden insgesamt fünf Rechner samt
 Festplatten und Speichermedien beschlagnahmt. Sofern die Rechner für
 administrative oder sonstige Tätigkeiten rund um Perfect Privacy
 eingesetzt wurden, sind sie allesamt vollverschlüsselt. Der geschätzte
 Schaden beträgt ungefähr EUR 6.000,00 bis EUR 6.500,00. Perfect Privacy
 hat bereits mit einem Rechtsanwalt Kontakt aufgenommen, der unter
 anderem Akteneinsicht beantragen wird. 
 Perfect Privacys Server in Erfurt sind zur Zeit des Verfassens dieses
 Schreibens nach wie vor online, können gepingt werden, und Perfect
 Privacy besitzt weiterhin die root- und Verwaltungsrechte. Die Server
 wurden soweit nicht beschlagnahmt. Wir haben uns allerdings dazu
 entschlossen, vorübergehend alle Dienste in Erfurt (OpenVPN, PPTP VPN,
 L2TP/IPSec VPN, SOCKS5, SQUID) zu deaktivieren, um jenen unser
 Mitglieder, die erhöhte Sicherheitsbedürfnisse haben, Zeit zu geben,
 diese Ankündigung zu lesen und eine Risikoevaluierung vorzunehmen. Uns
 ist nicht bekannt, ob in Erfurt von behördlicher Seite Maßnahmen wie
 eine Telekommunikationsüberwachung eingeleitet wurden.
 Weitere Details folgen in den nächsten Tagen. 
 Mit freundlichen Grüßen
 Perfect Privacy Administration 
 20. August 2010, 10:30 MESZ 
 To unsubscribe, send an e-mail to with
 unsubscribe or-talkin the body.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

How to Run High Capacity Tor Relays

2010-08-24 Thread Mike Perry
net.ipv4.tcp_synack_retries = 3
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 10240
net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout = 30
net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 1200
net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 60
net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl = 10
net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes = 3
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1025 65530
vm.min_free_kbytes = 65536
net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_synack_retries = 2
net.ipv4.conf.default.proxy_arp = 1
net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 1
net.ipv4.conf.default.send_redirects = 1
net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects = 0

# XXX: ethtool wibbles 

# You may also have to tweak some parameters with ethtool, possibly
# also enabling some checksum offloading or irq coalescing options to
# spare CPU, but for us this hasn't been needed yet.

== Setting up the Torrc ==

Basically you can just read through the stock example torrc, but there
are some as-yet undocumented magic options, and options that need new

# NumCPUs doesn't provide any benefit beyond 2, and setting it higher
# may cause cache misses.
NumCPUs 2

# These options have archaic maximums of 2-5Mbyte
BandwidthRate 100 MB
BandwidthBurst 200 MB

== Waiting for the Bootstrap and Measurement Process ==

Perhaps the most frustrating part of this setup is how long it takes
for you to acquire traffic. If you are starting new at an ISP, I would
consider only 200-400Mbit for your first month. Hitting that by the
end of the month may be a challenge, mostly because their may be dips
and total setbacks along the way.

The slow rampup is primarily due to limitations in Tor's ability to
rapidly publish descriptor updates, and to measure relays.

It ends up taking about 2-3 days to hit an observed bandwidth of
2Mbyte/sec per relay, but it can take well over a week or more (Moritz, do
you have a better number?) to reach 8-9Mbyte/relay. This is for an
Exit node. A middle node will likely gather traffic slower. Also once
you crash, you lose it. This bug is about that issue:

There is also a potential dip when you get the Guard flag, as our load
balancing formulas try to avoid you, but no clients have chosen you
yet. Changes to the authority voting on Guards in Tor should
make this less drastic. It is also possible that your observed
bandwidth will be greater than without it. However, it will still take
up to 2 months for clients to choose you as their new Guard. 

== Running temporary auxiliary nodes ==

One way to shortcut this process and avoid paying for bandwidth you
don't use is to spin up a bunch of temporary nodes to utilize the CPU
and quickly gather that easy first 2MB/sec of observed bandwidth.

But you need the spare IPs to do this.

== Monitoring ==

Personally, I prefer console-based options like nload, top, and
Damian's arm ( because I don't like the
idea of running extra services to publish my monitoring data to the

Other people have web-based monitoring using things like munin and
mrtg. It would be nice to get a script/howto for that too.

== Current 1-Box Capacity Record == 

Our setup has topped at 450Mbit, but averages between 300-400Mbit. We
are currently having uptime issues due to heat (melting, poorly
ventilated harddrives). It is likely that once we resolve this, we
will continually increase to our CPU ceiling.

I believe Moritz and Olaf also push this much capacity, possibly a bit
more, but with less nodes (4 as opposed to our 8). I hear Jake is also
ramping up some Guard nodes (or maybe I didn't? Did I just betray you
again Jake?)

== Did I leave anything out? ==

Well, did I?

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Bigger Thinking [was: Tor Project 2008 Tax Return]

2010-08-21 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Al MailingList (

  And what about Microsoft? I think someone should be targeting/lobbying them
  to include a Tor client and default bridge relay in every version of Windows
  8 or 9. Find out what it would take to get them to do this,
 Sorry, what's in this for Microsoft? Being a good corporate citizen?
 From a business point of view, including a peer to peer style client
 BY DEFAULT in an operating system has PR nightmare written all over
 it, but they will take the risk of lost revenue for being a good
 corporate citizen? I find it unlikely...

Actually there are several large-userbase companies that want to
include Tor by default in their product, either as a client, a relay,
or a bridge.  Unfortunately, the only answer we have for them in the
immediate term is For the love of goddess don't do that, you'll
destroy Tor. 

Our immediate concern is making it possible to support at least a
fraction of one of these userbases in either the relay or the bridge
roll. The relay role will require a significant update to Tor's
directory mechanisms, and we are trying to drive academic research
forward in these areas. The bridge roll may be more immediately
doable, but we're not sure that bridgedb wouldn't just fall over yet

  of having a European voice in all this. That means another $20M a year in
  funding please. At least. Then there is law enforcement and the military and
  intelligence agencies - for f*ck sakes if someone at the Tor Project can't
  see them as low hanging fruit then I will start to cry.
 Right... so in the case of law enforcement, you are going to ask law
 enforcement to fund a project that (this is not my opinion, this will
 be theirs) allows people to access illegal content anonymously and
 makes their job that much harder? That's low hanging fruit? Hate to
 hear what the high hanging fruit will involve :)

Actually, most competent law enforcement agents realize that what gets
them the most points are sting operations that topple entire
distribution rings, gangs, or bot herders. These sorts of stings
require heavy use of Tor. Roger and Andrew actually spend a good
amount of their time talking with law enforcement and giving
presentations about what Tor is and how they can use it to anonymize
their investigative activity.

 I think if you want a job at the tor project, you should just ask :P
 And maybe just provide them with past results you've obtained for
 similar organisations or in a lobbyist role, as opposed to getting
 frustrated on mailing lists :)

Actually almost all of the people working for Tor today started out on
the mailinglists, frustrated with some aspect of Tor or other :). 

Of course, they also tended to naturally step in to some sort of
volunteer capacity along their areas of interest, as a result of this
frustration. Tor tends to care about this level of passion way more
than resumes or interviews.

The Tor Project is trying most of the things Julie has suggested. It
just takes time, effort, communication, and people. We don't mind
letting our consistently passionate volunteers talk to people about
Tor in official capacity, either.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: THE GLOBAL ADVERSARY [was: Tor Project 2008 Tax Return]

2010-08-19 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Mike Perry (

  So if you were the Global Traffic Analysis Adversary then you would 
  distract, delay, deny and defend lack of protection from your analysis. 
  If you also funded the project then that would make that task easier.
 Don't forget all the University professors and grad students doing Tor
 research independent of the Tor Project. They are paid off to keep
 quiet, too. Most of them have island beachfront property (but under 
 black ops front company names, of course). It's a pretty sweet gig.

Since my first revelation, several people have emailed or messaged me
privately about how they can start working towards their beachfront
property. It warms my heart that there are so many interested in
taking The Adversary up on His generous offer!

The Tor Volunteer page actually lists Tor-related research problems at
the very top of its Research section at the bottom of:

The first three are directly relevant to the Global Adversary problem
and have been present at the top of this list for years. They've
actually been solved numerous times. Each time the result is buried
and the author gets their own beachfront black-ops resort.

If you believe you have a solution, simply pick up your phone and
clearly say Attention: NSA. Attention: NSA. I have a solution to
subvert the Global Adversary into the mouthpiece. That, or email They'll get it either way, and they
will ensure you are... taken care of.

There have also been several near-solutions in the past year or two
that did not qualify for beachfront property, and thus were still
published. Namely the 3 at PETS this year (sorry guys, better luck
next time!).

These still need to be added to anon-bib, reviewed, and evaluated.
One of the major problems with all this attack and defense work is
that each paper uses different metrics and a different adversary
model. This makes it hard to tell which attacks would still be able to
thwart which defense, and thus it is increasingly hard for The
Adversary to determine exactly which papers He needs to Unpublish.

In fact, a thorough academic review of all timing attack and defense
papers to date under common adversary and performance models is at
least enough to get you a beachfront black-ops time-share. The
Adversary has informed me that Steven Murdoch was looking into
developing these models, but he may be willing to coauthor to split
the time-share with you if you help evaluate attacks and defenses
using his models. 

Something to consider...

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: TLS NPN (Next Protocol Negotiation)

2010-08-17 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Seth David Schoen (

 Much of the debate centers around the idea that NPN will make it
 harder for network operators to know what protocols users are using
 over TLS and hence to block particular protocols while permitting
 others.  One of the proponents (Adam Langley, who has been doing a
 lot of other fantastic work on making TLS better and more ubiquitous)
 mentioned the idea that Tor is an intended use case for this
 behavior, although there hasn't been any other explicit discussion
 of this.

It does seem like something we would try to use, but only if it were
deployed widely enough so that we weren't the only ones using it.

 I'm tempted to reply pointing out that _all_ uses of TLS represent
 at least potential support for a threat model in which a network
 operator is the adversary whom users are trying to defend against.
 So there's not much conceptually new about having TLS reduce network
 operators' control over traffic, although some of the people in
 the discussion seem to feel there is a qualitative difference
 between, say, keyword filtering and protocol filtering.

The point I would make is that its very likely that most services
will continue to operate on their traditional tcp ports, regardless of

Administrators hoping to be able to block protocols by a TLS
fingerprint seem to be barking up the wrong tree. Anyone wishing to
subvert their controls will use a custom TLS/stunnel bridge on an
acceptable port as defined by their policy. I think this indicates
that you are right.

The more effecive way I have seen to do these sorts of controls is by
policy enforcement on the software that the machines themselves can
run, rather than on the network.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Tor Project 2008 Tax Return Now Online

2010-08-16 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Jonathan D. Proulx (

 While I do think it's good to see the funding there are two points that
 are important to remember.
 1) this is a freesoftware project the code is there for all to see,
 hopefully clueful people other than the US Government are reading it.

Yes. The larger threat is that funders can stear funding in a general
direction. Say, by prioritizing performance over censorship
resistence, or censorship resistence over anonymity research.

So far however, it appears that everyone involved is on the same page,
and believes that performance, usability, censorship resistence, and
general anonymity research are *all* important to our goal.
 2) no matter who's funding it the US gov't could read the code (see
 above) and would continue to (potentially) have a near global view of
 internet traffic.
 To a large extent freesoftware defends agains the worst abuses funders
 can demand (1), but I wouldn't fully trust TOR against China either (2) 

As an aside, while a global adversary is not something the Tor
research and development community feels it is currently capable of
defending against in general, there are limits to the ability of
even a global adversary to perform accurate dragnet analysis of all
Tor traffic.

This is primarly due to the Base Rate Fallacy:

In other words, the average Tor user doesn't have a lot to fear, IMO.

However, once you are targeted specifically by a global adversary, or
if you are visiting sites that are targeted by a global adversary,
your odds of escaping detection do go down drastically.

The big problem that Tor faces is that most schemes to protect against
this sort of adversary are either costly, unproven, or both. There
were a couple of promising papers at PETS this year, but they need to
have a bit more time to be reviewed by the research community.  They
also add non-negligible overhead.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Tor Project 2008 Tax Return Now Online

2010-08-16 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Anon Mus (

 1) this is a freesoftware project the code is there for all to see,
 hopefully clueful people other than the US Government are reading it.
 Unfortunately, whilst there are clueful people watching the software, no 
 one has yet decided to publically produce and share a modified version 
 of this code which protects from a Global Adversary who is analyzing the 
 traffic (real time or.not).
 I await that day, but believe it will not be soon, because it would be 
 foolish to take on such a task, only to have the Tor project themselves 
 then radically change the code and so as to make the unofficial 
 modification obsolete.

You're right, that's exactly why the work hasn't been finished yet.
Everyone smart enough to do it realized that we'd just cause git
conflicts with their work. They'd be foiled once and for all. ONCE AND

It has nothing to do with realizing that the best designs for these
sorts of networks to date still aren't certain to be foolproof or
fast, or that completing and proving such a design to be secure and
scalable under a useful threat model would be at least a master's

It has nothing to do with realizing that any naive padding solution
would be instantly broken, providing a unique fingerprint for everyone
using it, while *still* not providing substantial actual protection of
their traffic.

It has everything to do with the fact that the conspiracy is SO VAST
AND OPPRESSIVE that everyone smart enough to do this project realizes
that we'd just break their commits and there would be NOTHING THEY

Tor: 1, You Guys: 0.

It's great being on the inside.

 2) no matter who's funding it the US gov't could read the code (see
 above) and would continue to (potentially) have a near global view of
 internet traffic.
 Well its obvious that who funds it get to make the decision as to what 
 anonymity protection gets put in.

I see you've been reading between the lines on our monthly status
reports, our roadmap docs, our trac projects, our specifications, our
proposal process on or-dev, our TODO files, and so on. Very clever of

For those not as swift as our detective here, the evidence (with full
revision history) is hiding in plain sight at:

The conspiracy is really too obvious in retrospect, especially if the
likes of you were able the figure it out. 

We should be more careful with our future conspiracies. This has been
noted in our files.

 So if you were the Global Traffic Analysis Adversary then you would 
 distract, delay, deny and defend lack of protection from your analysis. 
 If you also funded the project then that would make that task easier.

Don't forget all the University professors and grad students doing Tor
research independent of the Tor Project. They are paid off to keep
quiet, too. Most of them have island beachfront property (but under 
black ops front company names, of course). It's a pretty sweet gig.

 So whilst there is no protection in Tor (by official policy) from the 
 Global Traffic Analysis Adversary (aka US -GOV) then you can expect to 
 unmasked for every usage you make of Tor. Unless of course, you were the 
 US -GOV in which case you can add that protection into your Tor nodes 
 and Tor clients.


Of course, you could add that same protection in too. But, then, of
course, we'd break your commits. This is the one advantage of
sponsoring Tor. The US Gov't quickly realized that otherwise, we'd
break their commits too. They had no choice, really. 

It really is the best revenue model for Open Source Development yet.
We should write a book, if it weren't so damn secret...

 For instance if I were US - GOV (i.e. it was my job to spy on your 
 traffic) I would, at the very least,

You know too much, Mr. Anon Mus. The Adversary has been alerted.
Prepare to be silenced (if we're lucky).

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Restricted Exit Policy Port Suggestions?

2010-08-11 Thread Mike Perry
It's become clear that it is almost impossible to run an exit node
with the default exit policy in the USA, due to bittorrent DMCA abuse
spambots. I believe this means that we should try to come up with one
or more standard, reduced exit policy sets that allow use of the
majority of popular internet services without attracting bittorrent
users and associated spam.

Using previous threads, I have an initial sketch of such a policy at:

It includes the following ports: 20-22, 53, 79-81, 110, 143, 443, 465,
563, 587, 706, 873, 993, 995, 1863, 5190, 5050, 5222, 5223, 8008,
8080, .

While looking over the Vidalia settings, I just noticed that IRC is
missing from this list: , 6667, 6697. 

However, IRC is also a common source of abuse and DDoS attacks, and is
often forbidden by ISP AUP. Because of this, I was thinking we should
probably define 3 or 4 levels of Exit Policy:

1. Low Abuse (above list, possibly minus 465, 587 and 563)
2. Medium Abuse (above list, plus IRC)
3. High Abuse (default exit policy)

Now the question is, what other ports should we add or subtract from
this list?

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Restricted Exit Policy Port Suggestions?

2010-08-11 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake (

 On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 03:05:24AM -0700, wrote 1.8K 
 bytes in 55 lines about:
 : It's become clear that it is almost impossible to run an exit node
 : with the default exit policy in the USA, due to bittorrent DMCA abuse
 : spambots. I believe this means that we should try to come up with one
 : or more standard, reduced exit policy sets that allow use of the
 : majority of popular internet services without attracting bittorrent
 : users and associated spam.
 Giving in to the automated accusations of DMCA violations is a sad
 statement on the contemporary Internet.  It seems the chilling effects
 of the DMCA are so palpable, no one wants to fight back any more, not
 users and not ISPs. See for more analysis
 and options on how to respond. Are there no ISPs/datacenters left in the
 USA willing to defend the First Amendment of the US Constitution and the
 user's legal protections under patent/trademark/copyright laws?

Yeah, unfortunately what this means in practice is voting with your
feet and leaving ISPs that simply do not want to devote the staff and
the stress to dealing with this spam for you, regardless of the law.

The problem is this drastically changes the effective market for
bandwidth for Tor. Bandwidth costs are plummeting, and exit node
operators (and thus the Tor network as a whole) are faced with a
choice: you can pay less than $1/Mbit and go with an ISP that is less
than ideal, but will still allow you to exit to most Internet
services, or you put your foot down and end up moving your node every
few months until you finally end up paying $20/Mbit with the RBN. 

Or, you shop around for non-US bandwidth.

Sometimes, you just need to pick your battles. If you believe the DMCA
is bullshit and want a full exit policy, I think the practical answer
is Go outside the US for bandwidth. Or, be prepared to provider-hop
for a good, long time.

 : 1. Low Abuse (above list, possibly minus 465, 587 and 563)
 : 2. Medium Abuse (above list, plus IRC)
 : 3. High Abuse (default exit policy)
 I wouldn't call them varying levels of abuse, as the name alone implies
 exiting Tor traffic generates abuse.  It doesn't.  Many exit nodes run
 without incident for years.  We could probably better study/poll exit
 node operators and ask how many abuse complaints or dmca notices they
 receive over time to get more data on this topic.  And of course,
 everyone forgets their Tor exit relay will transmit TB of normal traffic
 without incident.

Yeah, perhaps that's not what we should call the options in the UI,
but that is really what it boils down to. You can run an exit node for
much longer without a complaint if you don't allow any form of IRC,

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Restricted Exit Policy Port Suggestions?

2010-08-11 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Mike Perry (

 Thus spake (

 Yeah, unfortunately what this means in practice is voting with your
 feet and leaving ISPs that simply do not want to devote the staff and
 the stress to dealing with this spam for you, regardless of the law.
 The problem is this drastically changes the effective market for
 bandwidth for Tor. Bandwidth costs are plummeting, and exit node
 operators (and thus the Tor network as a whole) are faced with a
 choice: you can pay less than $1/Mbit and go with an ISP that is less
 than ideal, but will still allow you to exit to most Internet
 services, or you put your foot down and end up moving your node every
 few months until you finally end up paying $20/Mbit with the RBN. 
 Or, you shop around for non-US bandwidth.
 Sometimes, you just need to pick your battles. If you believe the DMCA
 is bullshit and want a full exit policy, I think the practical answer
 is Go outside the US for bandwidth. Or, be prepared to provider-hop
 for a good, long time.

Now, what we *should* be doing is turning on the default first, and
then reducing it back to the restriced policy *after* complaints
arrive and the ISP refuses the budge.

They are not going to cancel service immediately, and if you argue
with them for a bit, you can at least try to educate some people (and
maybe make it easier for the next relay they get). This is what I've
done with my nodes, and this is what Moritz did too. So far though,
ISPs have insisted that either bittorrent goes, or we go.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Problem with Torbutton on OS-X PowerPC

2010-07-18 Thread Mike Perry
torbutton-logger.js is the Torbutton message log system.  It is used
for development and debugging.  Normally it shouldn't even be active. 

Based on this message and your previous one, its possible you have
somehow changed it to report way more than it should. If you check the
about:config url, and enter a search string of loglevel you should
see the value extensions.torbutton.loglevel. If it is set to a value
other than 4, you should reset it, and probably also go into your
Torbutton settings and click Restore Defaults.

Thus spake bao song (

 When trying to read (and post anonymously) to the New York Times, I keep 
 getting this error message below. I'm not sure where to send it. Sometimes, 
 it comes up, but sometimes it crashes Firefox.
 clip here--
 A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding. You can 
 stop the script now, or you can continue to see if the script will complete.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Torbutton Documentation - Adversary Capabilities.

2010-07-15 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Matthew (

  So to go back to the OP's question (my question)what do people think 
 of my questions about JavaScript being able to obtain non-Tor IPs when 
 wiping the cache?

If you are also restarting the browser, or closing all windows, you
are probably safe from most direct javascript attack vectors. The main
danger is in leaving pages open after changing proxy settings. Then
direct unmasking is possible. Identifiers can be stored in the page
javascript itself.

However, Javascript still has quite a bit of ability to fingerprint you
based on your desktop resolution, user agent, timezone, any many other
things. Torbutton does a good job of blocking a lot of the
fingerprintable attributes, which make it hard to correlate your
non-tor browser fingerprint to your tor browser fingerprint. More work
still needs to be done here, but we do handle quite a bit of the major
fingerprinting sources.

See also:

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Automated threat messages force limitation of Exit Policy (Softlayer)

2010-06-30 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Moritz Bartl (

 Please get back to us in a week or so with info on your abuse
 complaint rate with the new policy. I'll update
 with the policy if it does in fact drastically reduce your abuse
 complaint raint.
 It does. There are still some old complaints by MediaSentry and BayTSP 
 being forwarded, but the timestamp clearly show dates before I changed 
 exit policy.

Ok, I've updated
with this information. Let me know if there is anything else you think
might be helpful, too.

 I will soon set up a (b)log about all incidents. I'll also talk to a 
 lawyer (and friend of mine) if I am allowed to publish all complaints.

A blog would be great. Another option besides publishing the actual
complaints would be to draft template response letters for various
cases and publish those. I'm sure other potential exit operators would
greatly benefit from such a collection, and it would be a great thing
to link to in that post.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Automated threat messages force limitation of Exit Policy (Softlayer)

2010-06-27 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Moritz Bartl (

 On 27.06.2010 04:17, Mondior Folimun wrote:
  I also allow 465 and 563. Those are used by authenticated SMTPS and
  There's also the chat ports: 1863 (MSN), 5190 (aim), 5050 (yahoo), 5222-
  5223 (xmpp/gchat). Those haven't given me any problems either.
 Thanks. I have added them to the exit policy.

Please get back to us in a week or so with info on your abuse
complaint rate with the new policy. I'll update
with the policy if it does in fact drastically reduce your abuse
complaint raint.

(Though I suspect the SWIP will also help greatly. I am beginning to
believe that these abuse-bot companies deliberately pick on new
hosters who do not have their own IP allocation specified to bully
them off the net).

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Automated threat messages force limitation of Exit Policy (Softlayer)

2010-06-26 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Moritz Bartl (

  BayTSP/MediaSentry/etc have heard all the
  excuses, including when they tagged my printer as serving up movies;
  they don't care. I fully expect they don't even read the responses, just
  check that a response was received.  The response is probably then
  catalogued for some future court case.
 I'm not sure it was the most clever thing to do, but I wanted to have
 this cleared up. After sending a mail to five different BayTSP
 addresses, they finally came back to me, asking for my DMCA Designated
 Agent form filing with the US Copyright Office. They also said my
 counter notification doesn't meet the legal requirements...

Can you post a copy of your counter-notification? Did they say in
specific why they believe it doesn't meet the requirements?

Also, are you familiar with chillingeffects? They catalog DMCA-related
correspondence and provide some legal FAQs for counter-notice

This is the section that should be relevant:

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Automated threat messages force limitation of Exit Policy (Softlayer)

2010-06-22 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Moritz Bartl (

 After running our 300MBit/s Tor node for less than a week, the US data
 center Softlayer has forced me to limit our exit policy to well-known
 ports after receiving 25 automated Torrent DMCA complaints this weekend
 and again more than 20 in the last two days. I hope that now that the
 policy is restricted they will allow the node to stay up.

Out of curiosity, what exit policy are you now using? Perhaps we want
to standardize on a policy that is effective at reducing these
 All these complaints list pretty much the same Torrents, have been
 issued by MediaSentry or BayTSP, and each offers to get back to them on
 changing email addresses and through a web form. For each single abuse
 case, I have tried to reach them to tell them about the node and its
 background, including the offer to block on IP/Port basis and the URL to
 EFF's legal page, but they didn't get back to me and didn't stop the
 spamming. I even filed a counter notification with written signature etc.

I'm not a lawyer, but as a common carrier/service provider, you should
be specifically exempt from these noticies, as you're not hosting
content and are not the infringing party.

If you've filed the counternotice, maybe suggest your ISP just blackhole
future mails from the abuse sender? Did they SWIP you the IP block?

Back in 2005, the EFF was actively looking for a test case to
demonstrate that Tor exit nodes and other service providers are exempt
via safe harbor provisions:

As far as I know, they never got their test case.

We can check to see if they are still looking for one, and what it
might take for your situation to develop into a good test case for
them. The abuse senders may actually have to initiate legal action
against you first, which is unlikely. Being able to tell your ISP
that the EFF will defend you in this unlikely situation might also
help your position with them.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Downloading attachments with Tor - is this secure?

2010-06-19 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Matthew (

 When you are go into for example Yahoo webmail (without Tor) and 
 download an attachment (say a Word document or a photo) then your 
 browser asks you where on your hard drive you wish to save that 
 Then do the same thing using Tor (and Polipo).
 I assume the attachment downloads from Yahoo Mail (or whatever) through 
 the three Tor nodes before being unencrypted at the final node and then 
 is downloaded to my computer.   In other words: the attachment (or for 
 that matter any file downloaded in the same way) is never downloaded 
 outside the Tor system - that is directly from the website to me 
 bypassing the Tor nodes?

Yes, if you use Torbutton, the attachment itself will be downloaded
only via Tor.

If you do not use Torbutton, your browser may autolaunch a plugin or
helper application to download the attachment and display it, which
may *not* happen via Tor. See for
example exploits against non-Torbutton users.

Also, when you open your attachment after downloading it (either via
Tor or not), the program that opens it may be induced into making a
network connection outside of Tor. For example, .doc files, .pdf
files, .torrent files, and many many others can reference images,
urls, IP addresses, and other content from the Internet, which causes
the application that opened them to connect to a server outside of

This is especially dangerous if you are using Yahoo Mail, because even
if you trust the person who sent you the document, your attachment
will be downloaded in plaintext (via http, not https). This means that
the exit node you use can replace or alter your document to unmask
you (or worse, exploit your document reader and run arbitrary code).

If you need to view these documents in a safe way, your best bet is to
use VirtualBox or some other virtualization software to run a VM that
you can disconnect from the network while you view the file, and roll
back to a safe snapshot after you have viewed the file.

Torbutton has a warning to attempt to explain all of this when you
download documents handled by external applications, but it is a lot
to get across in such a small amount of space.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Hidden Services Hosting and DMCA

2010-06-12 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Moritz Bartl (

 On 12.06.2010 13:13, Marco Bonetti wrote:
  On 12/giu/2010, at 12.49, Moritz Bartl wrote:
  The barrier to create hidden services is quite high.
  I'm not too sure about this: you can run hidden services on tor clients
  which do not relay any traffic for the network.
  Starting a service is not that difficult: an home flat Internet
  connection and a low power computer are ideal for a small personal
  hidden service.
 That machine should be up 24/7, and you still need to maintain (ie.
 update) it.

Actually, the uptime problem is a rather good reason not to
consolidate hidden services with your exit node. An anonymous user on
the I2P network used to run a public intersection attack on I2P router
uptime vs eepsite (hidden service) uptime. It was rather easy to
correlate which I2P nodes were running which services with this data.

Of course, running hidden services in a separate VM might not have the
correlation that using the same Tor process will, but host OS
downtimes will still be correlated. If it is known that you are a
large provider of hidden services, it becomes useful for an adversary
to closely monitor your host OS for downtime to correlate to downtime
of hidden services.

As a related point, you need to be very careful about your opsec when
providing services like this. While US law protects you from
incriminating yourself by revealing your own encryption keys
(probably), it does not protect you from divulging encryption keys of
your users if you have them, nor does it protect you from court orders
requiring you to install monitoring software into your user's systems
to see what they are doing.

Add in the correlation properties for hidden services or other data
that may be available due to knowledge of your hosting setup (think
apache+php versions, etc), and there may be a sufficient level of
cause for such court orders to be binding.

Of course, you can try to simply ignore these orders due to the fact
that you're German and they're not likely to extradite you over them,
but you'll probably lose your server, and you might have trouble
entering the US at a later date then.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: HTTPS Everywhere Firefox addon

2010-05-28 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Runa A. Sandvik (

 On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 4:34 AM, Mike Perry wrote:
  The eventual idea is to allow an Adblock Plus style model, where users
  can submit and exchange rule files and eventually create subscriptions
  for the sites they use that partially support SSL.
 Have you seen ? (I haven't
 read the paper and I don't know much about it, but it might be worth a

Yeah, this addon doesn't have a UI. It was a research implementation
of the server-specified STS protocol (and the original source of this
idea), which allows servers to specify the browser use HTTPS for
certain paths. Our code is based on the NoScript implementation of
STS, which was also amenable to creating rules.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: HTTPS Everywhere Firefox addon

2010-05-28 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Erik de Castro Lopo (

 Mike Perry wrote:
  In the meantime, we'll gladly accept submissions as xml files for
  inclusion in the extension itself.
 DuckDuckGo and are two alternative (specifically to google)
 search engines which promise not to record your IP address :
   ruleset name=DuckDuckGo
 rule from=^; 
   ruleset name=Startpage
 rule from=^; 

Added. I hope these have been tested ;)

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

HTTPS Everywhere Firefox addon

2010-05-27 Thread Mike Perry
Peter Eckersley of the EFF and I wrote this addon this past week
to make it easier to use Google's SSL search feature, among other
mixed-mode SSL sites:

The addon is based on the NoScript STS/HTTPS forcing engine, with
improvements in how rules are specified. Rules for our addon are
specified as XML files that allow arbitrary URL rewrite substitution
via regular expressions and exclude patterns. This allows us to write
more complete and less error-prone rules than NoScript's
include/exclude model allows.

The eventual idea is to allow an Adblock Plus style model, where users
can submit and exchange rule files and eventually create subscriptions
for the sites they use that partially support SSL.

We also hope that NoScript will share our rule format and update
mechanisms, so that our rulesets will be interchangeable.

Please give it a try and give us feedback. We also will be including
the addon in the next alpha release of the Tor Browser Bundle.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: HTTPS Everywhere Firefox addon

2010-05-27 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Jon Cosby (

  The eventual idea is to allow an Adblock Plus style model, where users
  can submit and exchange rule files and eventually create subscriptions
  for the sites they use that partially support SSL.
  We also hope that NoScript will share our rule format and update
  mechanisms, so that our rulesets will be interchangeable.
  Please give it a try and give us feedback. We also will be including
  the addon in the next alpha release of the Tor Browser Bundle.
 Very interesting. How will other sites be added?

The rule files exist in two locations - the addon installed set, and
the user installed set. The addon installed set are in your Firefox
profile directory under the following path:

User supplied files live in ./HTTPSEverywhereUserRules/ in the Firefox
profile directory.

We plan to have some form of UI to automatically install filters to
the user directory from the web, similar to the Adblock Plus
subscription list.

In the meantime, we'll gladly accept submissions as xml files for
inclusion in the extension itself.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Tor Exit Node hosting:

2010-05-25 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Moritz Bartl (

 I set up a preliminary homepage at
 For the original discussion (Tor Exit Node Sponsorship, looking for 
 partners) see
 Basically it comes down to: I want to run another high bandwidth Tor 
 exit and I am looking for individuals or companies to help sponsor it.
 To keep the noise down on OR-Talk/Tor-Relays, I have also created a 
 mailing list for hosted tor exit discussion. If you want to stay 
 informed, feel free to subscribe at
 I am grateful for help, suggestions and other comments.

Hi Moritz,

I for one thing this is a great idea. I also welcome and encourage
others to step up and try to start similar projects, once we have a
good pattern down for a model that seems to work.

However, a common problem with donation-run projects like this (and
non-profits in general) is that everyone expects that the project will
succeed because someone else will jump in before them and fund it/save
it. Economists often call this the free-rider problem, but I think it
is more closely related to Diffusion of Responsibility:

Because of these fundamental aspects of human nature, I think it is
very important to set goals such as: We will not start or maintain
this project at the target level until/unless we have X months of
future funding, where X is around 3 months initially, and ideally
6-12 months or more long term. 

I think its also very important for people to see what their level of
dollar contribution gets them in terms of a percentage slice of exit
bandwidth for the Tor network. At the volumes you will likely be
purchasing bandwidth at, this is likely to be a very very compelling

This financial data should be very public on your website. If the
account balance ever drops below the level that can support roughly
this many months of service, you should renegotiate your contract with
your ISP to a level of service that you can support, and begin
clamoring for more funding.

Without this level of public accounting and public announcement of
financial requirements, I imagine most people are just going to look
at your site and assume Well, that's nice. Best of luck, hope it works
out for you! and move on. I know, because that thought has been in
the back of my mind (although I already spend quite a bit of my
paycheck to support Tor-related infrastructure, so perhaps I
am justified :).

If instead it's clear to people that if they just donate that $10,
$50, or $200, that it will make a significant impact to your service
staying online for X amount of time with Y amount of additional
capacity, they are way more likely to step forward.

For what it's worth, the optimal one-time donation amount to
request for addons has been statistically
determined to be $10. I'm not sure if the same
psychological/political/financial dynamics will apply here, though.
Your optimal requested donation amount may be higher or lower,
depending upon the impact people believe they will have with that
money, and any additional economies of scale you can present to them
for donating more/reaching a higher level of total funding.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Tor Exit Node hosting:

2010-05-25 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Moritz Bartl (

 Let's look at what the Tor website has to say about its logo:
 If you're making non-commercial use of Tor software, you may also use 
 the Tor onion logo (as an illustration, not as a brand for your 
 products). Please don't modify the design or colors of the logo. You can 
 use items that look like the Tor onion logo to illustrate a point (e.g. 
 an exploded onion with layers, for instance), so long as they're not 
 used as logos in ways that would confuse people.
 I have also tried to contact the Tor developers through this mailing 
 list about my planned usage, but I guess I should do that more 
 explicitly, and will do that now in a mail to execdir. Sorry. It is very 
 important to me to do this with approval of the Tor community (that's 
 why it started here).

The problem is that the Tor developers really don't know - they
primarily write software rather than practice law :). Andrew and the
Tor Board of Directors typically need to discuss these issues with
actual lawyers.

One of the sticky issues with trademark protection though is that if
you do not defend your mark in all applicable cases, you lose the
right to defend it in cases you actually do care about. So please do
not take any decisions about your use personally.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Tor Exit Node hosting:

2010-05-25 Thread Mike Perry
Cool Story, bro.

Thus spake Scott Bennett (

 Mike and Moritz,
  Would you both *please* stop posting each message to multiple lists?
 Thanks much.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Tor Exit Node Sponsorship - looking for partners

2010-05-11 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Timo Schoeler (

 I don't want to be a party-pooper, but installing just another big node
 (like blutmagie) would still mean

 * relatively simple eavesdropping of exit traffic
 When speaking in terms of bandwidth, e.g. 150Mbps, then I'd rather
 spread it across n machines with 150Mbps/n each.

The counterpoint is that scale really works in our favor the other
way, along a number of different fronts:

1. Bandwidth will be significantly cheaper in bulk
2. ISPs take larger customers more seriously
   A. This means you're much more likely to get SWIP/ARIN 'whois'
  allocation to better handle abuse complaints.
   B. The ISP be much more likely to tolerate the occasional abuse
  complaint that makes it back to them.
3. There probably really aren't that many super-friendly yet
   affordable ISPs to begin with.

I feel like all this means that the answer here is for us to try to
create as many consolidated exit nodes like Olaf's and Moritz's as we
can, rather than nickle and diming it with a lot of small time nodes
that aren't going to last very long because ISPs don't want to deal
with them.

In fact, #3 especially underscores this point, because really, what is
the point of creating 'n' small time nodes at one tor-friendly ISP?
Anyone interested in surveilling that traffic will just watch the ISPs
uplink either way..

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: opening up (exit policy) a bit ...

2010-05-08 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake John Case (

 So I am indeed an exit...
 This is totally incorrect. Tor uses exit nodes in the middle and possibly
 even guard position, depending on flags and general scarcity of
 Ok, that was the answer to my first question.  My follow-up questions 
 If that is the case, is the distribution random ?  Or is there some 
 expected ratio I should see between non-exit relay traffic and port 80 
 exit traffic ?

As of Tor, the ratios used by clients is listed in the
consensus[1]*. See sections 3.2 and 3.4.3 of dir-spec.txt;f=doc/spec/dir-spec.txt;hb=HEAD

 Have I complicated that ratio by having a very restrictive exit policy, or 
 doesn't that matter ?
 (FWIW, I picked port 80 just as an example)

You have, sort of. Because you do not exit to enough ports to get the
'Exit' flag, you will be treated as a middle or Guard-only node,
depending upon your uptime. This means the following weights will
apply to you in each of the three positions:

Guard: Wgg (if you are a Guard, otherwise 0)
Middle: Wmg (if you are a Guard, otherwise Wmm)
Exit: Weg (if you are a Guard, otherwise Wem)

In the current weight implementation we

Handle bridges and strange exit policies:
 Wgm=Wgg, Wem=Wee, Weg=Wed

This means that your non-Exit flagged node will be weighted like an
Exit flagged node for the exit position, but will be weighted as if
you were a non-scarce middle or guard node for the other positions.

In sort, you would in theory get slightly more total load than if you
were an actual Exit.

As to the ratio of your exit to non-exit load, that depends heavily on
if you have the Guard flag, if you are a Directory Mirror, what
percentage of the exit traffic actually flows over port 80, and how
many clients have upgraded to the new algorithm vs the old.

*[1]. If there is a bug or other issue, these weights may be
temporarily absent from the consensus. Currently, Bug 1294 is causing
us to drop weights when there are no Guard+Exit flagged nodes, which
can happen when Exits are scarce. When weights are absent, clients
fall back to the previous client-based weighting algorithm. By not
having an actual 'Exit' flag, you will be treated as a non-scarce
Guard or middle node for purposes of this old algorithm too, and
should see more load accordingly.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: opening up (exit policy) a bit ...

2010-05-08 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Mike Perry (

 This means that your non-Exit flagged node will be weighted like an
 Exit flagged node for the exit position, but will be weighted as if
 you were a non-scarce middle or guard node for the other positions.
 In sort, you would in theory get slightly more total load than if you
 were an actual Exit.

On second thought, this is not fully correct. You will in theory get
slightly more load than if you were just a Guard/Middle node. Since we
do not currently balance among different exit port classes, you might
still get less load than a full-on Exit when Exits are scarce, because
80 might not carry that much traffic in terms of bytes as other ports.

Not an easy question to answer in either case. Having good answers to
these questions might help us refine our load balancing algoriths

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: opening up (exit policy) a bit ...

2010-05-08 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake John Case (

 On Sat, 8 May 2010, Mike Perry wrote:
 This means that your non-Exit flagged node will be weighted like an
 Exit flagged node for the exit position, but will be weighted as if
 you were a non-scarce middle or guard node for the other positions.
 In sort, you would in theory get slightly more total load than if you
 were an actual Exit.
 On second thought, this is not fully correct. You will in theory get
 slightly more load than if you were just a Guard/Middle node. Since we
 do not currently balance among different exit port classes, you might
 still get less load than a full-on Exit when Exits are scarce, because
 80 might not carry that much traffic in terms of bytes as other ports.
 Not an easy question to answer in either case. Having good answers to
 these questions might help us refine our load balancing algoriths
 Thanks.  So, it's hard to say, but I can assume there will be significant 
 exit traffic, even with just one TCP port valid for exit...
 I suppose I could see the ratio of actual connections by simply running 
 'netstat', yes ?  If my orport and dirport are 9001/9030, and I am 
 allowing port 80 exit, then all netstat connections showing port 80 are 
 exit connections, so I could (roughly) calculate these numbers myself, 
 right ?

Yes. Though this brings up the other approxmiation of the load
balancing algorithms, which is that we balance per-connection, which
have non-uniform bandwidth use across ports and protocols. According
92.5% of the connections through Tor are HTTP, accounting for 58% of
the traffic.

So you should see a much larger number of TCP connections (and
possibly also total traffic) as comparted to if you also added port
443 and/or 6667 to gain the Exit flag. Especially if you are a Guard.

The extra data that we would need beyond that published in the paper
above is a data rate per connection by port, in addition to connection
duration information. Gathering this data in a safe fashion, and
figuring out how to use it are open questions (though probably not
terribly difficult ones).

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Tor configs

2010-05-03 Thread Mike Perry
These are controlled by Torbutton's Preferences-Security
Settings-Headers-Don't send referer during Tor usage option, which
sets the appropriate Firefox settings.

Thus spake (

 I don't remember who originally sent me the link to cross check config 
 settings for Firefox with Tor.
 I have been doing that cross checking fort my Mac, and noticed these two that 
 are not there. 
 They are as follows:
 I have -network.http.sendRefererHeader  0   and
 These values are both changed to  2 and
 when I enable Torbutton.
 Aren't these configurations ways that web sites log and track users
 and shouldn't they remain 0 and false to keep one safe and anonymous?

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: circuit construction timeout values

2010-05-03 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Scott Bennett (

  I've noticed something odd in info-level log messages that show circuit
 build timeout values being set.  Given that the maximum length of circuit
 construction time history of 5000 construction times has already been reached,
 it seems weird to see huge jumps in the timeout values from one such message
 to the next.  Here are two examples.
  So I'm wondering what is going on here.  If the timeout being set is
 supposed to reflect some sort of smoothed values of a time series of circuit
 construction time, where the smoother is 5000 values wide, how can such jumps
 occur?  I guess I don't understand what algorithm is being used here.  Any
 clarification would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance!

Hi Scott. There are a couple bugs in the algorithm used. One of the
problems is that the Xm pareto value needs to be chosen a bit more
intelligently to deal with samples coming from multiple guards. The
other problem is that synthetic timeouts need to be clipped to a
lower value.

The algorithm is defined at;f=doc/spec/proposals/151-path-selection-improvements.txt;h=363eebae8423e4c25310dc28b6f2c232cf20e533;hb=HEAD
(don't you love our nice, short, easy-to-understand-and-predict gitweb urls? ;)

The bug to track this is at:

If you could upload the state file from that Tor to that ticket (after
stripping out the EntryGuard info), that would give me another
datapoint to test against, and to ensure that these are in fact the
problems you are seeing. Even 65 is a bit high for a circuit timeout,
so I suspect you are actually seeing both issues here.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Torbutton 1.2.5 Released

2010-04-10 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Mike Perry (

 This release provides the ability to automatically redirect to an
 alternate search engine when Google presents you with a captcha. The
 options are ixquick, bing, yahoo, and scroogle. In addition,
 potentially identifying information (such as language, OS version, and
 Firefox version) will be stripped off of Google Search Box queries by
 This release will also only update Torbutton via Tor by default, to
 address concerns with data retention by, as well as
 potential issues with Tor users being revealed via their Torbutton
 update requests.

I've written a bit more on the reasoning behind these two changes at:

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Torbutton 1.2.5 Released

2010-04-09 Thread Mike Perry
Torbutton 1.2.5 has been released at

This release provides the ability to automatically redirect to an
alternate search engine when Google presents you with a captcha. The
options are ixquick, bing, yahoo, and scroogle. In addition,
potentially identifying information (such as language, OS version, and
Firefox version) will be stripped off of Google Search Box queries by

This release will also only update Torbutton via Tor by default, to
address concerns with data retention by, as well as
potential issues with Tor users being revealed via their Torbutton
update requests.

Here is the complete changelog entry for 1.2.5:

 * bugfix: bug 1169: Fix blank popup conflict with CoolPreviews
 * bugfix: bug 1246: Fix IST and other HH:30 timezone issues.
 * bugfix: bug 1219: Fix the toggle warning loop issue on settings change.
 * bugfix: bug 1321: Fix a session restore bug when closing the last window
 * bugfix: bug 1302: Update useragent to FF3.6.3 on WinNT6.
 * bugfix: bug 1157: Add logic to handle torbutton crashed state conflicts
 * bugfix: bug 1235: Improve the 'changed-state' refresh warning message
 * bugfix: bug 1337: Bind alert windows to correct browser window
 * bugfix: bug 1055: Make the error console the default log output location
 * bugfix: bug 1032: Fix an exception in the localhost proxy filter
 * misc: Always tell a website our window size is rounded even if it's not
 * misc: Add some suggestions to warning about loading external content
 * new: Add option to always update Torbutton via Tor. On by default
 * new: Redirect Google queries elsewhere on captcha (default ixquick)
 * new: Strip identifying info off of Google searchbox queries

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Torbutton 1.2.5 Released

2010-04-09 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Programmer In Training (

 On 04/09/10 21:26, Mike Perry wrote:
  Torbutton 1.2.5 has been released at
  This release provides the ability to automatically redirect to an
  alternate search engine when Google presents you with a captcha. The
  options are ixquick, bing, yahoo, and scroogle. In addition,
 Is it impossible to use Startpage in this manner? I have a search widget
 for both their normal and https site in FF and I like them better than

What is the difference between StartPage and Ixquick? I thought
startpage was just another domain ixquick happened to own?

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: google gears

2010-03-29 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake M (

 If one is running a wordpress blog using TOR, will installing Google 
 gears in order to speed up the process compromise anonymity in any way? 
 Will it bypass the proxy settings or anything?

Google Gears has not been fully audited for anonymity, so we don't yet
know the specific answer to this, but the outlook isn't good. Gears
components can store arbitrary data from websites, and the current
Gears implementation does NOT obey private browsing mode in either
Firefox or Chrome to conceal gears data. Gears data is also not
cleared when you clear private data in either browser.

I believe it does use Firefox's network stack, so proxy settings
should most likely be obeyed.

However, it is possible it can phone home to update its component
cache or to ping your gears websites at any time, regardless of your
current Tor mode.

It is also likely that gears data can be transfered over http as
opposed to https, which would mean that any exit node can spoof google
gears urls and probe your installation for gears data, which may
include authentication information or unique identifiers.

Risky business. I would recommend against it unless you're prepared to
audit it with wireshark first. If you do, please report back!

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

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