[osg-users] Per pixel lighting problem

2010-10-13 Thread BARRAL Adrien
Hello, I am using a custom shader to enlight my scene thanks to a spot light. I have got a problem considering enlightment of some shapes. Objects loaded from 3ds file seems to be correctly enlighted. But, when I create a simple object like a Cone, it is not enlighted correctly, and I can't

[osg-users] Why does CameraView attitude impact the Znear and Zfar coefficient of a matrix view ??

2010-10-08 Thread BARRAL Adrien
Hello, I am using a osg::CameraView to make a first person view. The CameraView is attached to a osg::PositionAttitudeTransform node (we will call this node Head). I can't understand why, but when I tilt the head, the camera's Znear, and Zfar value's change... I create my CameraView in this

Re: [osg-users] Why does CameraView attitude impact the Znear and Zfar coefficient of a matrix view ??

2010-10-08 Thread BARRAL Adrien
Hi, Disable near and far computation have some side effects. Some of my objects (skydome and other) aren't dispalyed. I tried with a very huge fixed zNear and zFar (Near : 0.1 and Far 3), but some objects aren't displayed. Did some one understand why ? Cheers, Adrien --

[osg-users] Texture management and shader :

2010-10-06 Thread BARRAL Adrien
Hello, I set a texture on a big plane with the following lines : Code: Image* image = osgDB::readImageFile(resources/textures/sable-jaune.bmp); Texture2D* texture = new osg::Texture2D; TexMat* tmat = new TexMat; tmat-setMatrix(Matrix::scale(100,100,1)); if (image) {

Re: [osg-users] Texture management and shader :

2010-10-06 Thread BARRAL Adrien
Thank you very much !! That works fine, I just had to replace Code: gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_MultiTexCoord0; by Code: gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_TextureMatrix[0] * gl_MultiTexCoord0*; Cheers, Adrien -- Read this topic online here:

Re: [osg-users] Texture management and shader :

2010-10-06 Thread BARRAL Adrien
Oups... That seems to work, but that doesn't work... In my previous post I made a syntax error in my vertex shader, so the shader was disable, that's why my texture was correctly displayed... If I well understand, gl_MultiTexCoord0 contain the per vertex texture coordinate 0 (I found that in

Re: [osg-users] Texture management and shader :

2010-10-06 Thread BARRAL Adrien
It's ok I finnaly find something that work, using the following lines : Code: gl_TexCoord[0].s = dot(gl_Vertex, gl_ObjectPlaneS[0]); gl_TexCoord[0].t = dot(gl_Vertex, gl_ObjectPlaneT[0]); End of the POST ! -- Read this topic online here:

[osg-users] Collision between two 3DS objects in OSG.

2010-09-24 Thread BARRAL Adrien
Hello, In an OSG scene, I have to objects imported from a 3DS file. I can grossly approximate these objects with bounding boxes (but not with bounding spheres). I load my objects in this way : Code: Registry::instance()-getDataFilePathList().push_back(resources/data); ref_ptr

[osg-users] Lighting an HeighField.

2010-09-22 Thread BARRAL Adrien
Hello, I am creating a scene composed of two objects : - A (yellow) submarine, and a osg::ShapeDrawable created from an osg::HeightField : The Seabed. I use a spot light to illuminate this scene. The spot light is positinoned 1 meter above the submarine, the submarine is 10 meters above the

Re: [osg-users] Lighting an HeighField.

2010-09-22 Thread BARRAL Adrien
Thanks for your answer... Now, osgspotlight example is working on my computer... (I didn't download the ressources file, shame on me). I will try to do exactly like in this sample, and I hope all wil be right ! So in this sample, they use a HeighMap and a osg::ShapeDrawable. You said that's

[osg-users] [osgOcean] Light effect in osgOcean

2010-09-22 Thread BARRAL Adrien
Hello, I am writting an application wich use osgOcean Plugin. I add to an ocean scene a submarine (imported from a 3DS file), and I would like to activate spot lights of this submarine. So I attach to the submarine a light : Code: Vec4f lightPose(0,-1270,0,1); // le kster mesurant1.26mètres

Re: [osg-users] [osgOcean] Light effect in osgOcean

2010-09-22 Thread BARRAL Adrien
Hi ! Thank for your reply, but that is exacly what I would'nt want to read ! I am affraid about learning gl Shading Language. Do you know some cool resources to learn it ? I have got the OpenGL Super Bible 4th edition, is it enough ? Thanks ! A. BARRAL -- Read this topic

[osg-users] Manage single window, single view and multi cameras scene.

2010-09-21 Thread BARRAL Adrien
Hi, I am writting an application wich need to use differents view to show the scene. Operator cas switch from one view to another typing a keyboard key... For example we start in top view, and when the operator press the c key, whe change to subjective (first person) view. I saw 3 differents

Re: [osg-users] Manage single window, single view and multi cameras scene.

2010-09-21 Thread BARRAL Adrien
Tom, I manage to do that with a CameraViewSwitchManipulator, and two CameraView object (one for each view), and that works well... Thank you for your help Cheers, BARRAL -- Read this topic online here: http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=31923#31923