[osg-users] Placing OSG graphics in an FLTK Fl_Gl_Window

2021-04-02 Thread Robert Kiser
My apologies in advance if what I am asking for is either preposterous or 

I was wanting to use the FLTK forms package as a frontend for for a 
visualization of a finite element (FEA) model using osg as the rendering 

As a start, I was able to get the provided example code: osgviewerFLTK 
compiled, linked and running and it did well.  (Did this on Windows 10 
using Visual Studio 2019)  But, as per design, it creates its own window.

What I was hoping to do was create a simple FLTK form and place an 
Fl_Gl_Window on it and then have osg place the rendering in that window (or 
some similar FLTK widget).  That way, using buttons, menus, etc. I could 
control the rendering to my liking.

I have already done something similar using a VB.Net form with a C++ DLL 
backend, but was wanting to transition to an all C++ solution and how to do 
it with FLTK presently escapes me.

I was hoping that one of the members here had already plowed that ground 
and could post a bare-bones example of how they did it.

Your help would be most appreciated.


Bob Kiser

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Re: [osg-users] extending the osgWidget example osgWidgetMenu

2016-05-17 Thread Robert Kiser
Thank you for this reply, Mr. Osfield.

I didn't want to be a pest, but was hoping that someone would see this and have 
a quick fix in their back pocket.

Perhaps I can message this gentleman and maybe Jeremy Moles as well to see if 
they might have a suggested path for me to try.


Bob Kiser

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Re: [osg-users] extending the osgWidget example osgWidgetMenu

2016-05-17 Thread Robert Kiser
So, was this question too ridiculously easy as to be worth answering or was it 
too hard for anyone to answer?

Either way, I'm still stuck.

Thanks in advance,

Bob Kiser

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[osg-users] extending the osgWidget example osgWidgetMenu

2016-05-12 Thread Robert Kiser
Hello All

I was looking over the example program osgWidgetMenu in the OSG 3.4.0 
distribution, wanting to extend it a bit for my needs.

Specifically, I wanted to have the sub-menu fly up (pop up) when my mouse was 
over the menu button and then have the sub-menu disappear when I clicked on one 
of the sub-menu options.  The first part was easy enough.  The second part has 
got me stuck: how to tell the parent of the sub-menu (the menu button) to make 
the sub-menu disappear (presumably by calling it's _window->hide() operation).  
I don't see how to get back to the derived class to get access to the _window 

Perhaps this is obvious to a C++ guru.  (I'm very much a C++ newbie, though).

Anybody have any thoughts as to how to go about this?

Thanks in advance,

Bob Kiser

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Re: [osg-users] Odd Font/Text issue

2016-04-28 Thread Robert Kiser
Hello Mr. Osfield

Yes, it could be a driver issue.  I really don't know one way or the other.

As of the moment, I don't have a way of checking this out on another driver.  I 
will endeavor to find a way to do that, however.

I didn't mean to impugn the reputation of the osgText code.  Just observing 
that I have a somewhat different environment and hardware and am seeing a 
similar phenomenon.  I don't know if that tells us anything of significance or 

Best regards,

Bob Kiser

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Re: [osg-users] Odd Font/Text issue

2016-04-28 Thread Robert Kiser
Hello All

I thought I'd add my recent experience to this thread in case it helps get to 
the bottom of this strange behavior.

Like the earlier posters, I was noticing that some of my text (changed from a 
callback) was getting dropped (displayed as blanks).

As was suggested earlier, a crude but workable hack was on the first call to 
setText send a string with all the displayable ASCII characters and then send a 
blank string.  Then, all the subsequent updates displayed fine.  That hack was 
good enough for my purposes, so I didn't investigate any further.

I did have the line text->setDataVariance(osg::Object::DYNAMIC); set in case 
that matters.

For what it's worth:

Windows 8.1 Pro 64 bit
Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2015 Update 1
using dual monitors and 2 graphics cards: Intel HD 4000 and AMD Radeon HD 7570

I don't know if this info helps or is just noise.  My hope is that if there is 
indeed an obscure bug with osgText that this is another clue in getting to the 
bottom of it.

Best Regards,

Bob Kiser

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[osg-users] determining new size of rendering window after a user resizing

2016-03-31 Thread Robert Kiser
Hello All

First, I apologize profusely if I am asking a newbie question with an obvious 
answer.  I am a technical software developer w/ 30 years experience in other 
languages (FORTRAN, Assembler, VB.Net) but have only very recently been exposed 
to C++ and OSG.

My question is: how (on a Windows system) can I determine the size of the 
rendering window after the user has resized it?  (I was wanting this info so I 
could set the rendering window back to the desired size the next time the user 
ran the program.)  I thought that there would be a quick and simple answer, but 
for some reason I can't seem to some up with it.

I've done numerous google searches along the lines of: "OpenSceneGraph get 
window size",  "OpenSceneGraph get window width", etc. to no avail.

I did find a hit talking about a class called Producer which I am understanding 
is deprecated from an older version of OSG.  I am presently using OSG 3.4.0 and 
was wanting a solution for that version.

Thanks in advance for your help as I delve deeper into the exciting world of 

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