March 4, 2011

The IRS, Congress, and Jihad

Dave Gaubatz

we understand and accept that one of our responsibilities as citizens of
this great country is to pay taxes. We understand that to establish a
military and infrastructure there are costs associated with them and every
American must pay his/her share. What I am going to describe in this article
is something most Americans do not know about the Internal Revenue Service
(IRS) and Congress. During my career as a Federal Agent I had the
opportunity to work with many fine and respectable IRS Agents and
Congressional leaders. Their one fault is they virtually have no training in
relation to counter-terrorism or counter-intelligence, yet they are the
governmental agencies with the primary responsibility for allowing non
profit organizations (NPOs) to operate at taxpayers' expense. 


The IRS and Congress allows NPOs and a host of other Islamic based extremist
fronts to advocate physical 'Jihad' against innocent Christians, Jews, and
Muslims who do not adhere to Sharia law.


Islamic organizations such as CAIR have the support of numerous
professionals across America. CAIR will be the first to inform you that CAIR
has doctors, lawyers, law enforcement officers, airline pilots, congressmen,
and yes Americans; they have many IRS Agents who are aligned with CAIR.


The following is from CAIR's website:


The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3),
grassroots civil rights and advocacy group. CAIR is America's largest
Islamic civil liberties group, with <>
regional officesnationwide and in Canada. The national headquarters is
located on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C.


1.    CAIR condemns all acts of violence against civilians by any
individual, group or state. 


I ask readers to try and digest word for word what CAIR says about
condemning violence. I have visited mosques and conducted research from
Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Jordan, and over 250 mosques in the United
States. The manner CAIR alleges they condemn violence is very typical of how
the vast majority of mosques worldwide educate their worshippers in regards
to physical Jihad. The key is CAIR and Islamic leaders will only say they
condemn "all acts of violence against civilians". When my researchers and I
have questioned Islamic leaders and reviewed the materials they openly
distribute across America it is very clear in actuality Islam considers very
few people to actually be a 'civilian'. I want to make it loud and clear for
all Americans that CAIR and Islamic leaders advocate killing anyone who
'oppresses' Islam. 


I will provide an example per the explanations and materials my team of
researchers and I have obtained from Islamic leaders:


Scenario: If a government such as the United States is considered to be an
oppressor of Islam and Muslims (CAIR and Islamic leaders say the U.S. indeed
is an oppressor of Islam and Muslims) then it is justifiable to use physical
Jihad to kill anyone who supports the alleged oppressors (in this case
anyone who supports the U.S. is not considered to be a civilian). CAIR
leaders are very good at using terminology that sounds innocent, yet the
true meaning is hidden. Most Americans fall into the trap of CAIR and
Islamic leaders because they take individual words such as 'civilians' as
being a non military person. This is not what CAIR or the Islamic leaders
actually mean. They do not care if a person is a person who wears a uniform.
An oppressor of Islam can be a Priest, Rabbi, non Sharia compliant Muslim,
any Christian or Jew. Even children can be considered military members. If
Islamic terrorist groups sacrifice their own children for Jihad, why is it
so hard for Americans to believe these same groups could target your


While I was assigned in Iraq (2003), many Iraqis we captured told us the
next form of attacks against Americans would be to go after the hearts of
Americans. We (Federal Agents) asked them what they meant by this. We were
told over and over that the hearts of Americans are their children. It is


On 11 Sept. 2001, Al Qaeda very clearly showed us they considered everyone
in the aircraft, the people in the Twin Towers, and in the Pentagon to be
non civilians and were subject to being killed because they supported the
U.S. Government.


Al Qaeda and their supporters such as CAIR are trying very hard to let non
Muslims know they are enemies of Islam, but we continue to not listen to
them even when they write articles, distribute materials, and kill innocent
people such as the attack that killed two U.S. Airmen near Frankfurt,


There is nothing that I have ever written or said pertaining to Islamic
terrorist groups and their supporters that I would not go to any U.S. court
and swear under oath to affirm that it is accurate and based on first-hand
evidence. I will say today that based on my analysis of the thousands of
pieces of evidence I have obtained, Americans will soon be fearing for their
lives on the streets of any American city because Islamic terrorists have
advised they want 'Pure' Muslims to begin killing 'kufur' anywhere in the
world. There are thousands of 'Pure' Muslims in America who support Al Qaeda
and other terrorist groups (By 'Pure' Muslim it is meant they adhere to
Sharia law 100% as dictated by the Quran). In the latest edition of Al
Qaeda's 'Inspire' magazine the Islamic leaders have called for killing the
'kufur' worldwide.


Illustration from the latest Inspire magazine (p. 61) - Jannah means


>From Al Qaeda's 'Inspire' Magazine (Issue 4, page 24)


"We say to the kuffar [infidels]... no matter the security precautions you
may take, you cannot kill a borderless idea." 


I was provided a copy of the Inspire magazine on 2 Mar 2011.  Anwar
al-Awlaki (Al Qaeda) declared that "both the U.S. government and its
citizens should be targeted. He urged members, associates and supporters to
attack the American government and its citizens whether in the United States
or in other parts of the world". The magazine went further (p. 59):


"America and Americans are the Imams of kufr (leaders of disbelief) in this
day and age. The American people who vote for war mongering governments are
intent on no good. Anyone who inflicts harm on them in any form is doing a
favor to the ummah (Islamic nation).." 


I began this article by stating Congress and the IRS are responsible for the
physical Jihad attacks being carried out in the U.S. (to include the attacks
on 11 Sept 2001). I have always said 95% of our terrorism issues could be
resolved if all of the Islamic-based non profit organizations were shut
down.not just one every few years such as the Holy Land Foundation. 


For many years there has been ample evidence that Islamic leaders in America
and their extremism-supporting front organizations such as CAIR advocate the
overthrow of the U.S. government and the killing of innocent people. Just
one such piece of evidence our team uncovered are the works used in over 75%
of the Islamic Centers/Mosques, and distributed/advocated by non profit
organizations such as CAIR are the works titled '
<> Riyadh Ul


This particular manuscript is several hundred pages in length. Its author
(Imam Nawawi, 1234 - 1278 AD) provides very specific instructions to Muslims
on every aspect of how they should live each and every minute of their lives
in accordance with Sharia law. There is an entire section titled "
<> The Book of
Jihad". The Jihad pertains to physical Jihad against the enemies of Islam,
who as described by the author are kufur (non believers of Islam and
oppressors of Islam). This section avidly instructs the Muslim worshippers
to manufacture, arm themselves, and be prepared to use current weapons. In
modern terms, current weapons could include guns, tanks, biological and
nuclear weapons. 


Americans I ask you: do you feel the IRS, Congress, and our current and
former Administrations have/are protecting our country and innocent citizens
by allowing Islamic leaders to instruct their worshippers to manufacture
illegal weapons and be prepared to use them against our country and our
children? If not then voice your concerns to your law enforcement and
elected officials. Respectfully ask them to either do their jobs and protect
our children or resign from office and allow Americans who do want to
protect our country to be allowed to do so. Otherwise we can expect many
more Fort Hood type murders and events much worse than 11 Sept. 2001.


Contributing Editor Dave Gaubatz spent 20 years as an active duty USAF
(Special Agent/OSI), 3.5 years as a civilian 1811 Federal Agent, trained by
the U.S. State Department in Arabic, and was the first U.S. Federal Agent to
Iraq in 2003. He is also a counterterrorism counterintelligence officer. He
is co-author of the book
<> Muslim Mafia:
Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize America. His
website is  <>, and he can be reached at


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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