March 4, 2011

We, the Unhyphenated Americans: Meet My People

Michelle Malkin

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<> fellow
Americans, who are "your people"? I ask because U.S. Attorney General Eric
Holder, who is black, used the phrase "my people" in congressional testimony
this week. It was an unmistakably color-coded and exclusionary reference
intended to deflect criticism of the Obama Justice Department's selective
enforcement policies. It backfired.


In pandering to skin-deep identity politics and exacerbating
race-consciousness, Holder has given the rest of us a golden opportunity to
stand up, identify "our people" and show the liberal poseurs what
post-racialism really looks like.


Herman Cain is my people. He's my brother-in-arms. I've never met him. But
we are family. We are kin because we are unhyphenated Americans who are
comfortable in the black, brown and yellow skin we are in. We are growing in
numbers -- on college campuses, in elected office, on the Internet, on
public airwaves, everywhere. And that drives liberals mouth-frothing crazy.


Cain is the successful Georgia businessman who has wowed audiences across
the country with his passion for free markets, free minds and the American
Dream. The former president of Godfather's Pizza and forceful tea party
speaker happens to be black. So he must pay the price that all minority
conservatives in public life must pay. As I noted last week, a cowardly
liberal writer recently derided Cain as a "monkey in the window," a "garbage
pail kid" and a "minstrel" who performs for his "masters."


Race traitors. Whores. Sellouts. House Niggas. Self-haters. I've heard it
for nearly 20 years in public life. Every outspoken minority conservative
has. Sticks and stones may break our bones, but these spiteful epithets
can't enslave us.


Val Prieto is my people. A fierce, freedom-loving American blogger of Cuban
descent, he rejects race-card games and refuses to be lumped in with
Hispanic ethnic grievance-mongers. In response to pro-illegal immigration
marchers who infamously desecrated the American flag, Prieto wrote: 


"I have never and will never, despite having many issues with the government
of the United States throughout the years, burn a flag of the United States
of America. I am Cuban by birth, American by the grace of God. And a darned
proud, dignified, thankful and respectful American. ... I refuse to be
lumped together as a class or a race simply because we speak a similar
language. ... I ain't Mexican, I ain't Latino and I ain't Hispanic. I am an
American of Cuban descent. And damned proud of it."


Katrina Pierson is my people. She's a feisty young Texas mom and Dallas tea
party activist who supports limited government principles and rejects
left-wing identity politics. She confronted the NAACP last year with a
rousing manifesto of political independence and rebutted the left-wing
group's attacks on the tea party as racist:


"The reality is that we colored people no longer require the assistance from
other Negros for advancement," Pierson said. "These groups run to the rescue
of distressed brown people only when the media deems it newsworthy.
Meanwhile, there are inner city black children who continue to grow up
fatherless while sharing a neighborhood with stray bullets, drugs and a
plethora of liquor stores on every corner. ... I don't believe that the true
meaning of this nation's creed was to move black people from one form of
slavery to another." 


The NAACP, she observed, is made up of "Democrats who bow to a Democrat
master today as they once did over 200 years ago. Once this is realized by
the forgotten society, race in this country will be as irrelevant as those
who thrive off of it." Amen, sister.


Allen West, a retired Army lieutenant colonel and freshman congressman from
Florida who happens to be black, is my people. Unafraid to skewer
progressive sacred cows, he speaks boldly against global jihad and its Fifth
Column enablers screaming "Islam-o-phobe!" West has also nailed the
Congressional Black Caucus as "a monolithic voice that promotes these
liberal social welfare policies and programs that are failing in the black
community, that are preaching victimization and dependency; that's not the
way that we should go."


According to U.S. News and World Report's Kenneth Walsh, President Obama
told guests at a private White House dinner that he believed the tea party
movement had a "subterranean agenda" of racism against him. But Lt. Col.
West summed up the movement's transcendent, post-racial agenda forthrightly:


"The tea party is a constitutional, conservative grassroots movement -- and
that's it. The tea party stands for three things: They want to see
effective, efficient constitutional government, they stand for national
security, and they stand for free market, free enterprise solutions. That's


It's government of, by and for the people -- all the people. Not just the
ones still shackled by reflexive Democratic Party loyalty. We are beholden
not to our skin pigment or ethnic tribes, but to American ideals, tradition,
history and faith in the individual.


Three, two, one ... RAAAAACIST!


Contributor Michelle Malkin is the author of Culture of Corruption: Obama
and his Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks & Cronies (Regnery 2010). Her e-mail
address is  <>


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