Awesome story, thanks Suzanne


All is possible together

> On 8 Dec 2017, at 19.58, Suzanne Daigle via OSList 
> <> wrote:
> Thank you Christie for your  beautiful note and for leading us to Ashley's 
> interview. No matter how familiar is the message or how often I hear it, I 
> feel its comfort, its resonant invitation and all the hope, joy, grief and 
> "awe" that goes with it. 
> In your note you said:
> "Caring creates time, meaningful time."​ I have been thinking & talking with 
> colleagues a lot lately about the "care" part of healthcare & healthcare 
> education, and about how time and attention​ are necessary elements of 
> care...and truly, allowing for "meaningful time" can be powerful elemental 
> medicine.
> As I read this, I was triggered by the "caring that can happen at work" - a 
> caring connected to a spirit of community where  passion and responsibility 
> are at play. I experienced both yesterday. 
> It was related to my work with UPA (United Packaging Association) - a  new 
> packaging networking association that got ignited from an Open Space 
> gathering in 2016. UPA members and guests celebrated the holiday season last 
> evening and visited a wonderful flavoring company called Monin, with its 
> family roots in Bourges, France. Their self-organizing ways of managing the 
> company hooked my heart and I had great difficulty containing my enthusiasm 
> and holding back my questions, wishing to remember and absorb every miracle 
> moment of my time with them. There were so many stories, so many little 
> things that they are doing - everyone totally invested in the work of the 
> business, passionate, having a place and having a voice. It is with such 
> pride that they shared their progress, their mistakes, their set-backs and 
> their leaps forward with clients, doing more for them and with them than 
> anyone could imagine. 
> On the walls throughout their facility were large black and white, framed 
> professional photographs of every single employee, each capturing the essence 
> and spirit of the person  - sometimes a smile, sometimes a special spark in 
> the eye or a whimsical expression. 
> Their dedication, the excellence of what they do, their commitment, their 
> humility and the global place they have earned as leaders in the marketplace 
> attest to their culture, success and future prospects.  
> Little wonder that they say working for Monin is to be part of a family. The 
> spirit of family extends beyond to everyone connected to them including 
> community and us at UPA last evening. 
> I could not even begin to describe all those things that I noticed as we 
> toured - people on the job in their every day life doing what they do, taking 
> charge and in charge, with a pride of competency and collegiality that spoke 
> of decision-making by those closest to the work at hand. The important 
> measures of the business were there on the wall for everyone to see, written 
> not by management but again by people closest to the work. I could go on and 
> on about those items of continuous improvement, their breakthroughs, 
> technical expertise, commitment to excellence and the many ideas from people 
> across the company that adorned the bulletin boards in celebration of the 
> results from each of those initiatives. There were no labels attached to what 
> they do: lean, six sigma, self-management or indeed open space. They were 
> just doing the work. 
> One story in particular struck me deeply. Partnering with a placement agency, 
> they hired a young man who was autistic on a trial basis to do a task that 
> was somewhat repetitive and crucially important to the overall manufacturing 
> process of this particular product. Andrew, now a regular employee, excelled 
> at this task!! Others had struggled with the routine of it, trying to avoid 
> being assigned there. Today not only has the entire organization learned 
> deeply about right fit, for right job (applies to everyone not just Andrew) 
> but now teammates regularly come by to work side by side with him on other 
> projects to keep him company.  Outside the door of the small office where 
> Andrew works on the manufacturing floor is a plaque with his name on it and 
> the words "Pump Assembly". No one else in the company has a plaque with their 
> name on it. 
> As joyous and exuberant as I felt being there, I could not help but also feel 
> sadness, and even grief, knowing that others who were also on the tour, as 
> touched as they were by what they saw, could not imagine a culture like 
> Monin's within their own companies. Just as someone cannot imagine the 
> passion and results that happen in Open Space compared to the closed and 
> controlling ways that we have of doing strategy and organizing work. All it 
> takes it to invite and open a bit of space.
> I believe that being in Awe of the Sacred is that coming home to those little 
> things in life that we notice, that give us hope and make our hearts sing. 
> Yesterday, Monin made my heart sing. Here a short write-up that I wrote now 
> featured on our UPA website.
> Suzanne
> Suzanne Daigle
> Open Space Facilitator
> NuFocus Strategic Group
> FL 941-359-8877
> Cell: 203-722-2009
> Twitter @Daiglesuz
>> On Sun, Dec 3, 2017 at 1:19 AM, Christy Lee-Engel via OSList 
>> <> wrote:
>> ​Dear HO,
>> Warm birthday wishes and blessings for ongoing joy and vitality, and I hope 
>> you had a stellar birth day!
>> Thank You Very Much for all the gifts of your birth, and now these latest 
>> musings "In Awe of the Sacred."
>> I am especially touched by your sentence "Caring creates time, meaningful 
>> time."​ I have been thinking & talking with colleagues a lot lately about 
>> the "care" part of healthcare & healthcare education, and about how time and 
>> attention​ are necessary elements of care...and truly, allowing for 
>> "meaningful time" can be powerful elemental medicine.
>> Ashley Cooper and I were just chatting last week about you, and the profound 
>> gift that Open Space has been for each of us (I had just rediscovered a 
>> great interview she did with you in 2014 - transcribed here: 
>>  ). We agreed that each of us felt like we were struck by lightening (in a 
>> good way!) when we first encountered the practice / values / experience of 
>> Open Space.
>> Or another way to describe it would be of stumbling unexpectedly into a deep 
>> sense of being at home. Which to me is another one of the abundant names of 
>> god.
>> I also very much appreciate your framing of Open Space as "not a method, 
>> procedure or process. It is pure invitation, and there is nothing there. It 
>> is all question with not an answer in sight." Open Space and zen koan 
>> meditation, which I am a fan of, have lots in common as I'm sure you know - 
>> both ways of "sitting the question​,​" ​both ​deeply playful, seriously 
>> hilarious, liberatory in a right here right now way, so full of life and 
>> also not afraid of death. Like yerself, dear Harrison.
>> The latest koan that my teacher-friend John gave a group of us recently​: 
>> "There is nothing I dislike."
>> After sitting with it for a while, it did Open up into a sacred Space of 
>> 'this, here, is the right place; right now is the right time; this life is 
>> my right life.'
>> love and thanks from VERY dark and drippy Seattle (where it is still Dec 2 
>> for a little while longer)
>> Christy
>> 2611 NE 125th St, Ste 240
>> Seattle, WA 98125 
>> Clinic: 206.708.7172
>> Cell: 206.399.0868
>> "Every moment of freedom is amplified when we're together." - John Tarrant, 
>> Roshi 
>>> On Sun, Nov 5, 2017 at 4:36 AM, Harrison Owen via OSList 
>>> <> wrote:
>>> I have been asked on occasions (by myself and others) what did I do – 
>>> exactly. Truthfully I’ve never really had a good answer, but I’ve been 
>>> trying. The latest effort may be viewed at 
>>> Please share if you 
>>> care.
>>> Harrison
>>> Winter Address
>>> 7808 River Falls Dr.
>>> Potomac, MD 20854
>>> 301-365-2093
>>> Summer Address
>>> 189 Beaucauire Ave
>>> Camden, ME 04843
>>> 207 763-3261
>>> Websites
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