Hi Dave,

Our wiki has some examples on how to ignore a specific IP address. The
whitelist is only used
for the active response, not for the alerts itself.



Daniel B. Cid
dcid ( at ) ossec.net

On Jan 11, 2008 10:22 AM, Dave Rutlidge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  We receive a lot of files from an automated system which makes a new ftp
> connection for each file.  Rule 11452 fires (as it should) when we get 10
> successive logins.  I've added the client IP to the whitelist so they don't
> get blocked, but now I get LOADS of emails and alerts telling me that I'm
> getting "Multiple FTP connection attempts from same source IP".
> How can I fix this?
> I know I can remove the alert, but generally it's a good rule, so I don't
> want to do that.  I'd be happy to get one email / alert per day for a given
> rule/srcip, but not one every few seconds.
> Ideally, if a source IP is white listed, I'd rather not get emails / alerts.

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