Just beginning to use OSSEC and going through a trial-and-error process 
setting up a configuration for an internal application.  Searched for this 
before posting and ended up with more questions than answers.

posed my question but the context leaves more questions:

is user contributed but its reference to restart-ossec.sh seems incomplete 
because there's no parameter and running restart-ossec.sh without 
parameters produces an error (on v 2.9.2).  Second, restart-ossec.sh 
appears to deal with updates to hosts.deny, did they just borrow the 
script?  Third, this URL restarts OSSEC on the manager but how does that 
cause a restart on the agents (which seems necessary to get agent.conf 
updated on them)?

Maybe answering an alternate question is more appropriate, if I need to 
update agent.conf, what are the steps I need to take to successfully 
propagate the change?  (These questions are coming from the bottom of 
https://ossec.github.io/docs/manual/syscheck/index.html since the situation 
seems similar) Does the OSSEC manager's processes need to be stopped then 
restarted after clearing the agent's database and, following that, a 
syscheck scan launched on the agent?

Thanks for clearing up the confusion.  


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