
Sorry it's taken me awhile to get back to you on this.  I had the same issues that you do.  From what I can tell it's an issue between Windows and the Apple iCal server implementation of CALDAV.  From what I've been gathering it doesn't have much to do with Outlook or the open connector plugin.  Try this:
Can you login to http(s)://yourcaldavservername:8008 using IE (6 or 7, it doesn't matter) on your test windows machine?  I could not.  I even tried setting the iCal authentication method to "any method" in Sever Admin with no luck.  Mozilla firefox on windows authenticates and can browse to calendar files on http(s)://mycaldavservername:8008 just fine.  There is something in IE which is also then used by Windows that prevents us from correctly authenticating to an Apple iCal server.  What it is  I don't know but I know that is why when you try to "browse" for calendars using the open connector plugin it errors out with authentication failure messages.  Hope this helps a little, sorry I don't have better news for you.  I'm not sure who needs to update here M$ or Apple or maybe both, but I'm going to report the issue to both parties and hope for the best.

I'm copying the Open Connector List on this message as well in case it provides help for any others out there struggling to make this work with Apple's iCal server. Hope you don't mind.

Chad McDonald
Compucraft Service Consultant

On Mar 12, 2008, at 11:55 PM, Edwin Bien wrote:

Hello Chad

Please forgive me for emailing you but I am looking for assistance with outlook connectivity to iCal server.

I see from your posting on the list you experienced authentication issues.
I am having similar issues.
Our configuration is leopard server with open directory enabled. I get “not authorised” errors.

Were you able to resolve this issue and if so may I ask what your resolution was?

Again Sorry for the intrusion


Edwin Bien
IT Support

82 Wentworth Ave Kingston ACT 2604 Australia
Phone: (02) 6260 8777  Fax (02) 6260 8778

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