
I am doing some site management for a non-profit community organisation and
have come up against a bit of a brick wall. Whilst community group
organisers want to be able to be contacted by email they are reluctant to
allow mailto: links with their email address on the community site for spam

On the other side of this wall are legitimate people who would like to
easily contact a group organiser and I am reluctant to make them jump
through a whole bunch of hoops just to confirm a date or location for a
group meeting. I consider CAPTCHA, web form emails, address obfuscation and
munging to be annoying hoops.

What I need is an email forwarding service, of some kind, that has a very
good spam filter and comes at a "reasonable" price. It should be able to:-

1. Filter SPAM on receipt but BEFORE moving email to folders
2. Forward filtered email to another email address
3. Allow multiple aliases so that it can be managed centrally
4. Have a white-list feature to deal with "spammy" but legitimate
5. Provide email summary digests to admins so that false positives can be

I've looked into Gmail and their aliases are a bit unwieldy but could be
used. I've also looked at but their maximum numbers of alias'
restrictions make it untenable.

Any suggestions or recommendations?


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