Perrin Harkins writes:
> Bas A.Schulte wrote:
>  > I do when the delivery mechanism has failed for 6 hours and I have 12000
>  > messages in the queue *and* make sure current messages get sent in time?
> I don't know, that's an application-specific choice.  Of course JMS
> doesn't know either.

This is one of the endemic problems with J2EE.  It doesn't know, and
it has to offer you lots of options to allow you to control the
horizontal and vertical.  Since it is a distributed platform, it can't
export "hooks" (callbacks), which allow you to decide on the fly.  The
options get out of control, and make it look like the system is
fancier than it really is.  Rather, when you see an option, it usually
means the developers couldn't agree on what to do (paraphrased from
Joel Spolsky,

With bOP, we tend to make policy decisions like this centrally, e.g.,
no exactly-once semantics.  There's a real cost, but then we've used
bOP for a wide variety of batch and Web applications without much
strain so we keep doing it this way.  When we stress the system too
much, we add a decision point (option) for the programmer.  However,
we only do this after careful deliberation.  This is one of the
reasons we don't release "bOP in parts" as some have suggested.  You
can use it in layers, but every application we've built ends up using
all the layers.

J2EE has too many competing/conflicting components, and each of those
components can be configured in myriad ways.  Only experienced
building distributed systems builders can know the trade-offs.  J2EE
is sold as an everyman's platform for everybody's problem.  This means
people often get caught using the wrong tool (entity beans) the wrong
way (a bean per DB row).  There's no easy answer to the problem of
distributed systems (esp. one as complex as SMS message queueing), and
J2EE gives one the impression there is, all in imiho, of course. :-)

BTW, the issue of exactly-once vs at-most-once is a tough one (and was
subject to much debate in the 80s).  JMS tries to guarantee
exactly-once, but that's really hard to do.  Especially in an SMS
situation where network partitioning is a real problem.  My
alphanumeric pager service holds messages for 3 days, and that's a
long time imo.  They can only do this, because pagers aren't
bi-directional (for the most part).  Once you get into SMS space,
where devices are bi-directional and much more useful, you have a real
problem promising exactly-once semantics.


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