> to the big iron in back. To a corporation, such as the one that employs 
> myself, if you don't have big iron you don't understand what 'Enterprise' 
> means.

I used to work at Tandem doing CORBA ORBs in Java and C.  Yes, you
need middleware for this type of stuff.  The definition of middleware
is subtle.  I call Apache middleware and most people look at me
cross-eyed.  Yet, we have a sendmail wrapper which funnels all emails
into an HTTP form which hits or Apache servers.  This is marshalling
RFC822 into HTTP.  It is easy to do, and can be generalized.  Our
servers talk to our credit card processor via HTTP.  We serve files
for one of our partners PC apps via HTTP.

The problem I have with Middleware (capital M) is that it is
overrated.  All it does is define a protocol between two servers.
Have you read the CORBA security spec?  It's so obtuse that I don't
think anybody could implement it correctly and write components which
interoperated with other vendors' components.  We talk to our credit
card processor via SSL.  It's damn secure, and easy to understand
because it doesn't involve the components.

This is why SOAP is cool.  It is very simple and transparent.

One of the things I've learned over the years is that Architects love
to Architect.  It has to be complicated, or their job is obsolete.
Sure, there are complex problems to solve, but it is usually solved by
hardwork and solid engineering, not architectural overviews.  The
devil is in the details.  You don't care if you use Apache or EJBs for
your middleware, you care that your business logic does the "right
thing".  When I see an add for "Java Architect", I cringe.  It is
putting the cart before the horse.  Middleware is rarely needed,
because you can use existing protocols (e.g. HTTP or TCP or LU6.2 :)
to solve most IPC problems when they crop up.

I'm sure you have heard the statement: Every software problem is
solved with another layer of indirection.  Well, there's a corollary
which a co-worker of mine stated many years ago: Every layer of
indirection creates a new software problem.


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