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Sukseskan Pulang Basamo Juni 2008

Dear Members,

Pembahasan di bawah ini menunjukkan betapa amburadulnya dunia usaha di 
Indonesia khususnya airline business.
Beberapa tahun lalu dalam salah satu wawancara di media mengenai dunia 
penerbangan di Indonesia saya pernah menyatakan airline di Indonesia saat ini 
seperti dunia perbankan beberapa waktu silam pasca kebijakan Sumarlin yang mana 
semua pengusaha membuat bank.The point is Regulator membuat Regulasi untuk 
dilanggar oleh Aparat (lagi-lagi aparat) itu sendiri yg bertujuan mempertebal 
isi saku mereka.
Mari kita lihat akan bertumbangan satu persatu operator penerbangan yg tidak 
mentaati regulasi yg ada,apalagi Regulator Dunia sedang gencar-gencarnya 
melakukan audit.
Wass.& Bgds.,
Herman Jambak
Jl. Nipah III No. 2 Jakarta 12170
Telp. +62217266372, Mobile +62811961908

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Joachim Hartmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 9, 2007 8:56:18 PM
Subject: Re: [auri] Group Culture

Hi Pak Hasan, 
happy new year !!! I was wondering why you were "quiet" recently but now it's 
Great posting and i am happy its in English, the language of aviation!!!
I am particularly fond of the leat two paragraphs which say so bluntly how the 
mickey mouse airlines in this country work.....and its not only KI i guess!! It 
goes even further , the consultants from the regulator sell templates of 
manuals in order to "facilitate" AOC processes, so there is no real scrutiny of 
whether an organisation is well prepared to face the challenge of a safe 
operation. I have mentioned English above, I think another critical factor is 
the lack of English knowledge among Flight Crew ( Cabin and Cockpit) as this 
has a strong impact on understanding procedures. There has to be a substantial 
upgrading in entry qualifications and training for Crew so THEY DONT PANIC if 
they face irregular conditions such as landing on slippery runways and flying 
in high winds and turbulence. This is so normal in countries with four seasons, 
where you have everything from storms, rain, snow, ice , fog, Yet there are no 
regular incidents and accidents like in Indonesia.
And the public discussion about LCC being the culprits because they sacrifice 
safety for lower operations cost. Someone needs to inform the puplic that "hey 
, with the excpetion of Air Asia there is no LCC here. And anywhere else , most 
of the LCC ( the real ones!!!) operate brand new aircraft instead of 17 to 30 
year old planes.
There is yet to be an airline in Indonesia which does it right and arguing with 
the low tariff levels is wrong, its the airlines fault themselves ( or maybe 
Rusdi who started with sending prices spiralling downwards) that prices are so 
low and that quality and safety are so low
Look at JetStar/Tiger/ Easy/Ryan , they see fares partly much lower than Lion 
and they fly modern aircraft, have substantially higher staff cost - at least 
for the European examples.
I believe now there is a time ( and its a good time) where the existing 
operator should be audited by third parties ( not the KNKT) and a decision to 
be made who will be suspended temp or for good. at the same time open the doors 
for applicants with a sound business plan and the neccessar funding.
Like it or not, whoever tells an potential investor that 5 million USD are 
enough to start an airline is a liar!
Starting an airline with 5 Aircraft ( which i think is the new DGAC rule) 
requires at least USD 50 Million considering all pre-ops, aircraft  deposist 
and other deposits and a working capital buffer for at least 6 months as well 
as getting some expat professionals on board. The expats with a good name in 
the industry facilitate dealing with lessors, banks etc and dont forget the 
experience they can bring in.
Its time for a change and - to qoute Bob Dylan again - "The times they are 
wake up everyone in air transport !!!!!

"Hasan M. Soedjono" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] id> wrote:
Dear aUri friends,
All of our aUri member's "good behavior" as reflected by the postings lately to 
date, even though without intervention or direct supervision from the official 
aUri milis moderators, is a good indication of our shared ethical and 
professional values, and our unique milis culture.  This is a milis without any 
written and explicit rules, remember?  Of course, in the past, the moderators 
tried to communicate the kind of values, vision and mission we could all share, 
and the moderators even had to be decisive in enforcing such values.  Even 
P'Arwin mentioned the "toughness" of our aUri milis moderators, in his blog 
(which I posted an hour ago).
My point here is: If the regulatory authorities are tough, fair, and have a 
worthy vision that the members/players share, then bad things just don't happen 
- EVEN WITHOUT written laws and rules (and in the particular case of our aUri 
milis, even when the moderators aren't around - VBG).   On the other hand, a 
company or government can cite all the written rules and regulations, but if 
the "SPIRIT" to abide by the rules doesn't exist, then the players or members 
will simply not make it happen.  There is no point in being "long" on rules & 
regulations, but "short" on implementation.  In an airline (just like in any 
company) or in the airline industry (just like in any industrial business) the 
presidents, CEO, ministers, bosses, chiefs,etc must set good examples.  They 
must be fair and firm -- they "say what they mean, and mean what they say".   
When a strong culture evolves, then its members will be proud members of such a 
culture.  When the Transportation Ministry and
 airline CEO's set good examples about safety, then -- AND ONLY THEN -- will we 
see  professional and safety-first cultures develop.
I have been told that KI-574 wasn't just "an accident waiting to happen" -- it 
was "an accident that 'we' designed to happen"!  A Director General or CEO 
should never ignore the power of a "strong culture" to regulate itself with a 
great sense of mission and responsibility to a shared vision.  (The flip-side 
to this thesis is: No Minister nor CEO should ignore the dangers of a weak 
culture and weak implementation in destroying value).  All the advanced 
technology and capital didn't help SwissAir nor United Airlines.  Only two 
airlines in the world have made profits for more than 30 years (in a row!) -- 
Southwest Airlines and SQ.  This wasn't because of capital and technology, but 
because of organizational culture.  It is no accident that SQ and Southwest 
Airlines are still holders of the best safety records in their regions. For the 
time being, only Air Asia seems to understand the power of organizational 
culture as the lasting basis for long-term competition.
I am sure Philip Morris Inc. (who bought PT HM Sampoerna Tbk) and Singapore's 
Cycles & Carriages Ltd (who bought PT Astra Tbk) will agree, that if it was 
just the assets and market share, they wouldn't have paid big premiums when 
they calculated the valuations of the target companies.  What made them 
strongly interested in buying such local companies actually was something that 
we locals already knew all along about these two companies: that they were 
already unique because each are blessed for having developed strong corporate 
cultures.  And these strong cultures are what the first CEO's (William 
Suryajaya and Putera Sampoerna) of these local companies built.  When I asked 
the Chairman of SQ ten years ago, on why they were so eager and persistent to 
buy a major portion of Sempati Air, and not other "bigger and/or older" local 
air carriers, Dr. Choong replied: "It is important that we buy into the right 
culture.  Some corporate cultures are simply totally mismatched with
 ours".   In the end, global players will pay big premiums for quality 
organizations.  I wonder what Qantas thinks of their interest in buying equity 
stakes in our local carriers, now?  How much "company value" got "destroyed"?
The irony in this kind of thinking is delicious!  Just imagine.  Any 
Mickey-Mouse airline CEO who graduated from a Mickey-Mouse university and took 
one or two Mickey-Mouse marketing classes, will still conclude as we just did 
above: that air accidents and incidents destroy company value.  And then that 
is when their Mickey-Mouse minds, Mickey-Mouse morals and their Mickey-Mouse 
power politics begin to kick in: cover up facts, pay off officials, "spin" the 
media, silence and terrorize whistle-blowers, and hire public safety 
investigators as company consultants.  Oh dear!
Are "we" not just "waiting", but actually "making" still more accidents to 
happen?  I think this is the essence of why the public wants more 
accountability from ministers and, director generals, and CEO's -- not just 
from pilots, engineers, airplane manufacturers and God (for the weather).
As Bob Dylan sung in his song famous early 60's song:
 ... When will they ever learn? ...
... The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind
Best regards,
PS To idea-exchange members dan AKI-pojokan members, maaf karena tampil 
cross-posting (yang di kebanyakan milis umumnya dilarang).  Tetapi semoga 
isinya tetap menarik dan relevan bagi rekan anggota.

____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __
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