Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
> Finally, it's done!  The most polished release of Pd yet.  We are  
> further refining  Pd into a truly powerful and usable programming
> platform.

great and congratulations.

does this also mean that the pd-0.39-extended bug's in the tracker are 
fixed and can be closed?
[1815044] blosc~ (tilde missing)
[1815041] freeverb~ (no sound)
[1815039] FFT (broken on PPC)
[1812195] IRC (on xp)
[1772720] $0-array (crash)
[1746207] only vanilla docs in help-browser
[1732313] extra process (on osx dock)
[1576865] namespace prefixes broken
[...] and probably some more


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