
I am happy to announce version 0.7.1 of PuREST JSON, Codename: cookie monster on the couch [*].

PuREST JSON is a library for working with JSON data and communication with RESTful HTTP webservices that use JSON data.

New in this release:
- You can now use cookie authentication, e.g. for secure communication with a CouchDB, but it also works for any other implementation of HTTP security with cookies, as long as the expected post data is in the format "name=<username>&password=<password>", and only expects 1 cookie on each request.

- [rest-json] has a third outlet, that reports the HTTP status of the request. That enables you to react e.g. on HTTP status 403 and re-authorize your connection.

See the help files, manuals and examples for details.

Github repository: https://github.com/residuum/PuRestJson
Debian package for i386: https://github.com/downloads/residuum/PuRestJson/pd-purest-json_0.7.1_i386.deb

Have fun,

PS: For those of you waiting for OAUTH: I am still planning to implementing it, but I am not sure, if a general implementation is even possible. But I will see to it.

[*] Well actually 0.7 was cookie monster on the couch, but it still had two serious bug that I have fixed.
"As long as people kept worrying that the machines were taking over,
they wouldn't notice what was really happening. Which was that the
programmers were taking over." (Robert Anton Wilson - The Homing Pidgeons"

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