
I'm using and arduino UNO with StandardFirmata and the [arduino] abstraction and the arduino-test.pd test patch.

When I open the connection, at random times some of the following things happen:

- sometimes the "ver" subpatch (the one with blue gop just under "pd device info") appears empty instead of showing the usual "Firmata-2.2"

- sometimes on the console I get the firmware message twice, and one of the times it is messed up, like:
Firmware: Stá-2.2
Firmware: StandardFirmata_2_2_forUNO_0_3-2.2

-sometimes I get this error on the console:

And of course, most of the times everything works fine.

This looks like there are being transmission errors on the serial line, doesn't it?
Doesn't it use any error correction?

Or is it something else?

I always close the connection before I try opening it again, and I'm doing this all with the arduino-test.pd patch.


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