Though I've had a web cam and that ilk before, the OptioSV is the
first digicam I've purchased that can do prints.

It only does JPEGs, which, I discovered, are as fickle as slide film
with regard to exposure.  However, the LCD helps a bunch, so I've
paridoxically learned more about metering slide film than I ever thought
I would.

I adore the size, but something this small is HARD to handhold.  It
just ain't got enough heft or surface.  Glad I didn't buy the original
OptioS; although I looked at it, that sucker was/is tiny.

The SV is sluggish, but still quicker than say, the KX or MX for
many types of shots.

And I find it amusing that at the wide end, I have f2.8 to 8, but at
the long end, 4.7 (certainly respectable) to ONLY f8, so it is somehow
not a true variable aperature lens.  Shouldn't I have a higher-than-8
stop at the long end?  Bug or feature?

Does anyone have any feel for how JPEG quality (three, two, one stars)
compares to the DLSRs with regard to JPEG artifacts?  Same amount of
compression?  I'm talking compression, folks, not noise.  The tiny
in the SV seems to make it usable without something like NeatImage only
at ISO 50-100.

Anyone find manual focusing on a small LCD to be anything but a gimmick?

How tight is the spot metering, and how many segments ins multisegment
in the Optio line?

Any responses or observations on use of similar Optios much appreciated.


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