With all the rumors flying about a "full frame" Pentax body, I'm kinda
disappointed that the K-5 II and K-5 IIs are the only new K-mount
bodies in this announcement. One thing I'd like to see soon is a
comparison between the two bodies to show exactly what removing the
anti-aliasing filter does to an image.

I really like the Q system, and now that there's a K-to-Q adapter, I
want one even more. Hopefully I'll be able to get a Q10 in the next
year or so. Maybe there'll be a higher-res version when I get around
to it.

The 18-270 is going to be of great interest to my dad, who owns a K-r
and two lenses, but hates changing lenses when photographing his
grandkids. Hopefully it won't be too expensive when it hits the

I'll likely never be able to afford the 560mm lens, but I want it.
Badly. My K 500mm just doesn't cut the mustard. To have AF and
reliable sharpness at that focal length would be really awesome.

The news that they're dropping "SMC" in favor of "HD" bothers me quite
a bit. HD is an incredibly overused label, and it does nothing to set
Pentax's lenses apart from EVERY OTHER LENS on the market. Cheapass
3rd-party manufacturers call their shitty screw-on video lenses HD,
for crying out loud! At least SMC is completely unique to Pentax.

So Pentax, if you're listening, lose the HD label! It's meaningless!
You did great with everything else in today's announcement, though.


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