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Bush Team Approaches Katrina Trip With Care
By James Gerstenzang, Times Staff Writer
August 26, 2006

KENNEBUNKPORT, Maine — As Hurricane Katrina approached the Gulf Coast a
year ago this weekend, President Bush already was beset by growing
negative impressions of his presidency. Now, as the first anniversary of
the storm arrives, he faces a new challenge: how to mark that moment
without reinvigorating the questions it raised about his competency.

Bush is planning to spend much of Monday and Tuesday in Mississippi and
Louisiana, visiting regions that were devastated by the winds and floods
that accompanied the storm.

His goal, said White House Deputy Press Secretary Dana Perino, is to
"reflect on the many people who died," as well as on those who rescued
others. He will examine "how America opened up its arms and wallets" to
care for the survivors.

But in the view of administration officials, their advisors and others,
the question of how Bush should approach the anniversary is a difficult
one. Speechwriters must craft presidential remarks that recognize
devastation and recovery, but that also show an awareness of government
failures in responding. Staffers must find locations for his visit that
demonstrate progress but do not minimize problems and mistakes.

The White House has begun sounding the themes of Bush's Gulf visit,
emphasizing that progress has been made, but that perseverance is
necessary because rebuilding will take years to complete. The president
delivered such a message last week when he met in the Oval Office with
Rockey Vacarella, whose home in Louisiana's St. Bernard Parish was
destroyed by the storm. Bush's weekly radio address this morning is likely
to echo those themes.

Through multiple events, Bush plans to raise the lessons learned in the
aftermath of the storm and the federal response, and the continuing
challenges, Perino said. She said he would express appreciation for the
resolve demonstrated by local residents and a commitment to continue the
federal effort as long as required.

But a danger for Bush is that the more he focuses publicly on the storm
and its aftermath, the more he risks reminding voters that the delay in
the federal response began to solidify the negative impressions of his
presidency that had been forming earlier in 2005.

In the storm's wake, two-thirds of those surveyed by the Washington-based
Pew Research Center said Bush could have acted more quickly. A month
later, his personal favorability rating — a measurement separate from his
job approval — dropped below 50% for the first time.

"What Katrina did was shed a very negative light on him at a time when
people had developed a lot of doubt about his competence, and he still
carries the negative legacy of that," said the center's director, Andrew

Now, Kohut said in a telephone interview, the administration faces "a
public relations moment."

"But I wouldn't expect it will change attitudes about Bush, no matter what
they do," Kohut said. "It revives a low point for him, not a strong point
for him."

Drawing on findings such as those highlighted by the Pew surveys, the
Democratic National Committee said Friday that the White House was
embarking on "a public relations offensive designed to paper over" its
Katrina shortcomings.

But Donna Brazile, who grew up in New Orleans and ran Al Gore's
presidential campaign against Bush in 2000, has consulted with the White
House over the past year about the recovery in New Orleans. She said the
president "has chosen the most respectful way to communicate this
anniversary," turning it into "a moment of reflection, a moment of

Preliminary White House plans have Bush delivering a speech Monday in
Mississippi and Tuesday in New Orleans.

In addition, he will take part in an ecumenical worship service Tuesday
morning, when bells are to peal across the city to mark the breaching of
the levees. Bush will speak at a roundtable on recovery later Tuesday and
is likely to make a number of stops without announcement, much as he did
on earlier visits, to speak informally with those who lived through the

The trip opens four days of travel on Bush's schedule next week. He also
is scheduled to visit Arkansas, Tennessee and Utah, and spend a night at
his ranch in Crawford, Texas. This weekend, he is in the midst of a
four-day holiday at his parents' summer home, making up a visit that he
canceled after Katrina.

Bush has made 11 trips to the stricken Gulf Coast in the last year.

"He'll see signs of progress and signs of despair," Brazile said. "They're
not just focusing on the positive or trying to toot their horn and focus
on the money they have committed."

She said the White House was considering at least three sites for Bush to
visit, including at least one in New Orleans' devastated Lower 9th Ward.


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