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July 26, 2005
Civil War Specter Spurs New Iraq Exit Plans
by Jim Lobe

Growing pessimism about averting civil war in Iraq, as well as mounting
concerns that the U.S. military presence there may itself be fueling the
insurgency and Islamist extremism worldwide, has spurred a spate of new
calls for the United States to withdraw its 140,000 troops sooner rather
than later.

Although resolutions to establish at least a timeline for withdrawal have
so far gained the support of only about a quarter of the members of
Congress, the absence of tangible progress in turning back the insurgency
is adding to fears on Capitol Hill that the administration's hopes of
stabilizing the situation, let alone giving birth to a pro-Western
democracy in the heart of the Arab world, are delusory.

"In January, we had congressional staff hanging up on us when we called to
say that we want to discuss shifting U.S. policy from more guns and more
troops toward withdrawal," said Jim Cason, communications director of the
Friends Committee on National Legislation, a lobby group. "Now they want
to talk about it."

While the George W. Bush administration still insists that civil war will
be avoided and current negotiations to produce a new constitution by the
middle of next month remain on track, the continuing high level of
violence and the strength and sophistication of predominantly Sunni
insurgents and foreign fighters are clearly having an effect here.

That was made clearest in two New York Times articles published Sunday,
including one entitled "Defying U.S. Efforts, Guerrillas in Iraq Refocus
and Strengthen," and another, by John Burns, a veteran star Times reporter
who has spent considerable time in Iraq, entitled "If It's Civil War, Do
We Know It?"

The latter story recounted the recent intensification of Sunni violence
against the Shia community that provoked even the ever-patient Shia
religious leader, Ayatollah Ali Sistani, to whom Washington has
increasingly deferred in guiding the political transition, to call on the
Shi'ite-led government to "defend the country against mass annihilation."

"From the moment American troops crossed the border 28 months ago," Burns
wrote, "the specter hanging over the American enterprise here has been
that Iraq, freed from [Saddam] Hussein's tyranny, might prove to be so
fractured … that would spiral inexorably into civil war."

"Now, events are pointing more than ever to the possibility that the
nightmare could come true," according to Burns, who noted that Shi'ite
militias and Shi'ite and Kurdish-led army and police units were themselves
taking increasingly aggressive countermeasures, including abducting,
torturing, and executing suspected insurgents and their perceived
sympathizers and defenders.

The second story, by two other Baghdad-based Times correspondents, quoted
unnamed senior military officers reiterating two big frustrations that
have been heard since July, 2003: that the insurgency appears to be
"growing more violent, more resilient, and more sophisticated than ever,"
and that prosecuting the war is like sowing dragons' teeth.

"We are capturing or killing a lot of insurgents," one "senior Army
intelligence officer," told the Times. "But they're being replaced quicker
than we can interdict their operations. There is always another insurgent
ready to step up and take charge."

Such assessments are spurring what rapidly has become a cottage industry –
particularly from the Democratic side of the political spectrum – one
fueled in part by the leak in early July of a British contingency plan
that called for halving the number of U.S. and British troops in Iraq by
the latter part of 2006.

Thus, on July 15, former Central Intelligence Agency director John Deutch
published a column in the Times calling for a "prompt withdrawal plan,"
with the initial drawdown set to coincide with the Iraqi elections
scheduled for Dec. 15, that would include a timetable for reducing the
scope of military operations, while maintaining a "regional quick-reaction
force" in reserve, as well as ongoing intelligence and training programs.

At the same time, the U.S. would urge the Iraqi government and its
neighbors to recognize their common interest in Baghdad's peaceful
evolution without external intervention and commit itself to an economic
assistance program to Iraq "so long as it stays on a peaceful path" and to
the wider region that will encourage cooperation.

A more detailed plan emerged several days later from the Boston-based
Project on Defense Alternatives (PDA) calling for complete withdrawal,
except for the retention of a multinational civilian and military
monitoring and training contingent of less than 10,000 (of which the U.S.
military presence would be limited to 2,000 troops), by September 2006.

The plan, to take effect Aug. 1, would begin with the adoption of a
withdrawal time line, a sharp de-escalation of the war in Sunni areas, a
shift of U.S. resources to its training mission, and the transfer of
foreign military control of localities to elected officials "without the
interference of federal or coalition authorities."

"The key to enabling total U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq within 400 days
is achieving a political accord with Sunni leaders at all levels and with
Iraq's neighbors – especially Syria and Iran," according to the report by
defense analyst Carl Conetta. "The proximal aim would be to immediately
lower the level of conflict inside Iraq by constricting both active and
passive support for the insurgency, inside and outside the country."

Like the two other authors, veteran Middle East analyst Helena Cobban also
believes that the continued U.S. military presence in Iraq is
counterproductive to longer-term U.S. interests and is effectively fueling
the insurgency. But she goes further than the other two authors, calling
for a withdrawal strategy that is "total, speedy, and generous to the
Iraqi people."

Her model is Israel's 2000 exit from southern Lebanon, noting that,
despite deep fears that that withdrawal would touch off "mayhem and
revenge [in Lebanon], none came to pass."

A prior announcement of "imminent total withdrawal" would serve to "focus
the minds of Iraqis considerably," particularly on reconstruction if the
U.S. and other countries are sufficiently generous, and "make them far
less hospitable to insurgents, especially those who get their impetus from
the prospect of a prolonged foreign occupation."

All the authors take issue with the conventional assumption that the U.S.
military presence is a stabilizing factor without which Iraq's descent
into civil war would be more certain or bloody.

They also argue that the administration's argument that Washington's
global "credibility" is outweighed by other considerations, including the
damage that the continued U.S. presence does to U.S. interests in the Arab
and Islamic world more generally and the reduced ability of the U.S. to
deal with other important security challenges while it remains bogged down
in Iraq.

As noted by Deutch, continued investment in a losing proposition could
result in "an even worse loss of credibility down the road."


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