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Halliburton's Immigrant Detention Centers
By Ruth Conniff, The Progressive
April 17, 2006

While thousands of people were celebrating the contribution America's
undocumented immigrants make to our economy, and demanding justice and
recognition for workers who are denied basic rights, the government was
making plans for large-scale detention centers in case of an "emergency
influx" of immigrants.

KBR, the Halliburton subsidiary recently reprimanded for gross
overcharging in its military contracts in Iraq, won a $385 million
contract to build the centers. According to the Halliburton"the contract, which is effective
immediately, provides for establishing temporary detention and processing
capabilities to augment existing ICE Detention and Removal Operations
Program facilities in the event of an emergency influx of immigrants into
the U.S., or to support the rapid development of new programs."

What new programs might those be?

The web was abuzz with speculation after the contract was awarded on
January 24. Pacific News Service [1] gave the most detailed analysis.

It connected the new "immigration emergency" plans with older plans that
involved imposing martial law.

Certainly the detention centers raise the specter of WW II Japanese
internment camps.

The new facilities could be used for round-ups of Muslim Americans or
other American citizens tagged as "enemy combatants.”

The use of military personnel and military contractors in the event of a
Katrina-like disaster, which the Halliburton contract provides for, brings
us closer to martial law, whether it is officially declared or not.

It also means record profits for Halliburton, which declared 2005 "the
best in our 86-year history." David Lesar, Halliburton's chairman,
president and CEO, declares on the company website, "For the full year
2005 we set a record for revenue and achieved net income of $2.4 billion
with each of our six divisions posting record results."

Not bad for a company that has been repeatedly cited for inflating charges
and wasting taxpayer money in Iraq.

The immigration detention centers ought to raise a red flag, not just
about nepotism and waste among military contractors, but about what our
government has in store for us.

Perhaps the same energy that propelled immigrant rights into the national
headlines could be harnessed to demand an explanation for what, exactly,
Halliburton is helping to prepare for with this latest big chunk of
taxpayer largess.




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