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A Spinwatch investigation has revealed that journalists working for the
Services Sound and Vision Corporation (SSVC) have been commissioned to
provide news reports to the BBC. The BBC has been using these reports as
if they were genuine news. In fact, the SSVC is entirely funded by the
Ministry of Defence as a propaganda operation, which according to its own
website makes a 'considerable contribution' to the 'morale' of the armed

Senior defense officials have described the CIA practice of hiding
unregistered detainees at Abu Ghraib prison as ad hoc and unauthorized,
but a review of Army documents shows that the agency's "ghosting" program
was systematic and known to three senior intelligence officials in Iraq.


Justice Redacted Memo on Detainees
FBI Criticism Of Interrogations Was Deleted
By R. Jeffrey Smith
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, March 22, 2005; Page A03

U.S. law enforcement agents working at the military prison in Guantanamo
Bay, Cuba, concluded that controversial interrogation practices used there
by the Defense Department produced intelligence information that was
"suspect at best," an FBI agent told a superior in a memo in May last

But the Justice Department, which reviewed the memo for national security
secrets before releasing it to a civil liberties group in December,
redacted the FBI agent's conclusion.

The department, acting after the Defense Department expressed its own
views on which portions of the letter should be redacted, also blacked out
a separate assertion in the memo that military interrogation practices
could undermine future military trials for terrorism suspects held at
Guantanamo Bay.

It also withheld a statement by the memo's author that Justice Department
criminal division officials were so concerned about the military
interrogation practices that they took their complaints to the office of
the Pentagon's chief attorney, William J. Haynes II, whom President Bush
has nominated to become a federal appellate judge.

The revelations in the memo, released yesterday by Sen. Carl M. Levin
(D-Mich.) , generally amplify previously disclosed FBI concerns that
military interrogators at the island prison were using coercive
interrogation methods that could compromise any evidence of terrorist
activities they obtained.

FBI agents and officials had complained about the shackling of detainees
to the floor for periods exceeding 24 hours, without food and water; the
draping of a detainee in an Israeli flag; and the use of growling dogs to
scare detainees.

Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, who as White House counsel
participated in detailed discussions about the legality of aggressive
military interrogation techniques, has twice publicly expressed skepticism
about the reliability of these FBI accounts.

But the May 10, 2004, memo, written by an official whose name has not been
disclosed, contains a highly detailed account of the efforts that FBI
agents made to convince the Defense Department that its interrogation
practices were wrongheaded.

They met, for example, with Army Maj. Gen. Geoffrey D. Miller, who took
over the prison in October 2002, and another Army general to "explain our
position (Law Enforcement techniques) vs. DOD," the author wrote in a
previously disclosed portion of the memo. "Both agreed the Bureau has
their way of doing business and DOD has their marching orders from"
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld.

"Although the two techniques differed drastically, both Generals believed
they had a job to accomplish," the author wrote in the memo, which was
initially released to the American Civil Liberties Union at the insistence
of a federal judge.

Levin, who had pushed the Justice Department to release a version of the
memo that included the new disclosures, yesterday sharply criticized the
department's initial handling of it. "As I suspected, the previously
withheld information had nothing to do with protecting intelligence
sources and methods, and everything to do with protecting the DOD from
embarrassment," Levin said.

Justice Department spokesman Bryan Sierra declined to address that
assertion. But he said "DOD did review this" memo before its initial
release last year. He said he could not comment on whether the Defense
Department had requested the redactions or explain why he could not

Spokesman Bryan Whitman said it is Pentagon policy to request redactions
"based solely on national security and privacy." He also noted that the
department has previously acknowledged modifying some interrogation
tactics at Guantanamo Bay in January 2003 after protests were made inside
the government.

Jeffrey Fogel, legal director for the New York-based Center for
Constitutional Rights, an advocacy group that helped organize lawyers for
150 military detainees, said the newly disclosed passages could be used to
persuade judges to "look behind" any military assertions during court
trials that the suspects had confessed during questioning.

"An awful lot of cases have been built on information obtained through
these kind of coercive interrogation techniques," Fogel said.


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