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Voting Systems in Question Were Used Last Week in Ohio Primary, Soon in
Pennsylvania, So 'Serious' Few Details Are Being Released

All Diebold Touch-Screen Machines, In All States, Said to be Affected by
'Horrifying' Vulnerability, Systems 'Sequestered' in PA

We've now been able to gather a great deal of additional information
concerning details about the story we first posted yesterday
( on the official
Pennsylvania state warning issued about the new "security vulnerability"
discovered in all Diebold touch-screen electronic voting machines.

That warning, which has now brought a lock-down on all Diebold systems in
PA, where early absentee (non-machine) voting is about to begin prior to
their upcoming May 16th primary election, was reported by the Morning Call
yesterday ( The warning says the serious security
vulnerability could allow ''unauthorized software to be loaded on to the

Public details about the warning are still sketchy as those in the know
have acknowledged that the problem is so serious, they are hoping to keep
the info under wraps until mitigation steps can be taken to safeguard

The BRAD BLOG has been told on the record, however, by one person involved
in the matter, that the vulnerability is a "major national security risk."

We've been speaking to many sources today, and we've been able to get
several first hand comments on the problem from top officials and analysts
directly involved in both state and federal certification of the Diebold
systems, as well as from those involved in the initial discovery of the

What's clear is that Morning Call's reporting that it was Diebold who
found the "glitch" are flat wrong. The discovery of the "glitch" (which is
anything but) emanated from the examination of Diebold AccuVote TSx
(touch-screen) machines recently in Emery County, UT.

A source has told The BRAD BLOG that Diebold was "cornered" into admitting
to the problem, a far cry from them having "found" it, as the Morning Call
characterized it.

What's also clear is that neither Diebold themselves, nor federal
officials at the Elections Assistance Commission (EAC) have been notifying
states about the serious problem which apparently affects all Diebold
AccuVote touch-screen systems, including both their newer TSx models, and
the older TS and TS6 models.

The Diebold TSx models, with the security vulnerability still intact, were
apparently used in the primary election last Tuesday in Ohio.

A document at Diebold's website describes the TSx models as featuring
"Industry Leading Security."

In Utah's Emery County, state officials are attempting to force Bruce
Funk, the 23-year elected County Clerk out of his job in the wake of his
having allowed a security evaluation of the county's new Diebold
touch-screen systems by both computer security firm Security Innovation
and Finnish computer security expert Harri Hursti. According to several
sources, that analysis revealed many new vulnerabilities and problems in
the Diebold touch-screen systems, including the one that seems to be at
the heart of the problem now being warned about by Pennsylvania officials.

Funk -- who has since been "vilified," as one source told us, by both
Diebold and Utah state officials as high as the Lt. Governor -- was forced
to implement the new Diebold touch-screen systems for the first time this
year against his own objections. His prudent subsequent security
evaluation of the systems was arranged by electronic voting watchdog
organization, (We recently interviewed Funk on the
radio concerning that evaluation, and his subsequent removal from office
in its wake. Listen to that interview here: )

Here's some of what we've so far been able to learn from a number of
officials, both on the record and off, in Pennsylvania, elsewhere around
the country and at the federal level, as well as those involved in the
initial Emery County discoveries...

The BRAD BLOG has confirmed with a top official in Pennsylvania, close to
those responsible for giving state certification of voting systems in the
Keystone state, that the problem comes from a "feature" that is purposely
built into all Diebold touch-screen systems.

"As far as I know, it's present on all TS and TSx machines," he told us.
"It relates to potential misuse of the procedure by which Diebold does
field updates to the machines. It's not a bug -- it's a deliberate but
unwise 'feature'. Every jurisdiction that uses the machines should be
notified. Now that the story is out, I suspect they will be. The fix can
be applied at any time prior to the next election, however, so there is no
particular rush except in states like Pennsylvania, which has a primary in
less than two weeks. The fix is administrative and requires no new or
modified software."

Bev Harris, of (BBV), who described the situation as
"horrifying" said in a comment posted on BRAD BLOG earlier today that,
"The problem is very serious and because primary elections are being held,
releasing even a small part of what makes this security hole so dangerous
presents an immediate threat to U.S. elections."

She told us in a phone conversation this afternoon that BBV will be
publicly publishing summaries of the full reports both from Security
Innovation and Hursti on Emery County "in redacted format" soon.

"Because the vulnerability is so serious," she wrote, "and until ALL
states have been able to implement the FULL recovery path, we can release
a redacted version only, but will send an unredacted version to the
states," she wrote in another comment earlier today.

She explained when we discussed the matter that even that "FULL recovery
path" may not be possible due to the severity of the problem which she
describes as "a major national security issue."

Harris wrote about a discussion last night with Dr. Michael Shamos who is
responsible for testing voting systems in Pennsylvania concerning the full
breadth of the security issue and the necessary means for mitigating it.

"When Dr. Shamos called me and described the mitigations being used in
Pennsylvania, I have to say that they did not appear to be the full
mitigation needed according to the videotaped examination we have by
Security Innovation and Hursti," Harris wrote.

But whether other states and counties who use Diebold's TS and TSx
machines will be properly notified by official federal authorities, or
even Diebold themselves, is another question. Apparently the state of
California has known about the problem for some time, as well as Diebold
obviously, but the matter in PA seems only to have come to public
attention when state officials were questioned by Election Integrity
Activists in a public meeting.

A member of the team involved in evaluating the Diebold systems recently
in California on behalf of Sec. of State Bruce McPherson has told us that
they've known about the problem for some time and confirmed the
seriousness of the issue:

"Yes, California has definitely been aware of the issue for several weeks
and will address it before the June 6 primary," the computer scientist in
California explained. "Other Diebold TS and TSx jurisdictions are equally
affected, and in my opinion must take ameliorating action."

Earlier this year, when McPherson was considering whether or not to
re-certify Diebold in California after the Diebold optical-scan systems
were revealed, in no uncertain terms, to be hackable in a Leon County,
Florida mock-election test
(, he commissioned an
independent analysis
[] of
the flaws in the Diebold memory cards which allowed for the hack to be
carried out without a trace being left behind.

That report confirmed the Leon County hack, and found 16 other bugs
described as "a more dangerous family of vulnerabilities" which "go well
beyond" what was discovered in Leon County. Remarkably, after the report
was issued, McPherson certified Diebold's systems in the state despite
those dire warnings from his own security team.

Harris, however, confirms to us that the problems now being discussed in
PA are an "entirely different class of problems" than were even revealed
by the California report.

The Washington state Sec. of State's voting systems director, Paul Miller,
has told us that when he asked a Diebold representative about the problem
yesterday, the rep told him that he had no knowledge of the issue and
promised to get back to him if he was able to find out anything.

When we inquired with Jeannie Layson, a spokesperson for the Elections
Assistance Commission (EAC) as to whether the EAC would be notifying
states about the vulnerability, she told us that their commission had
nothing to do with system certification.

We reminded her that this was not an issue about certification, but rather
of product security and vulnerability which needed to be passed on to
every state that uses Diebold TS and TSx systems. The EAC's role in
serving as a central clearinghouse for notifying states about such issues
was defined by the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) which created the
commission in the first place. As well, a recent 107-page report
( issued by the Government
Accountability Office (GAO) on the problems and vulnerabilities of
electronic voting (which went virtually unreported by the mainstream
corporate media) discussed the EAC's role in this matter as well.

Layson told us that she would discuss the matter with the EAC's Voting
System Secretariat, Brian Hancock. We look forward to action by the EAC.

John Gideon of and contributed to this story


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