see also:
Unhappy Democrats Need to Wait to Get Into Canada


pretty fascinating and kind of funny article-
Electing to Leave: A Readers Guide to Expatriating on November 3rd


Ten Reasons Not to Move to Canada
by Sarah Anderson

Ready to say screw this country and buy a one-way ticket north? Here are
some reasons to stay in the belly of the beast.

1. The Rest of the World. After the February 2003 antiwar protests, the
New York Times described the global peace movement as the world's second
superpower. Their actions didn't prevent the war, but protestors in nine
countries have succeeded in pressuring their governments to pull their
troops from Iraq and/or withdraw from the so-called "coalition of the
willing."  Antiwar Americans owe it to themajority of the people on this
planet who agree with them to stay and do what they can to end the
suffering in Iraq and prevent future pre-emptive wars.

2. People Power Can Trump Presidential Power. The strength of social
movements can be more important than whoever is in the White House.
Example: In 1970, President Nixon supported the Occupational Safety and
Health Act, widely considered the most important pro-worker legislation of
the last 50 years. It didn't happen because Nixon loved labor unions, but
because union power was strong. Stay and help build the peace, economic
justice, environmental and other social movements that can make change.

3. The great strides made in voter registration and youth mobilization
must be built on rather than abandoned.

4. Like Nicaraguans in the 1980s, Iraqis Need U.S. Allies. After Ronald
Reagan was re-elected in 1984, progressives resisted the urge to flee
northwards and instead stayed to fight the U.S. governments secret war of
arming the contras in Nicaragua and supporting human rights atrocities
throughout Central America. Iraq is a different scenario, but we can still
learn from the U.S.-Central America solidarity work that exposed illegal
U.S. activities and their brutal consequences and ultimately prevailed by
forcing a change in policy.

5. We Can't Let up on the Free Trade Front Activists have held the Bush
administration at bay on some issues. On trade, opposition in the United
States and in developing countries has largely blocked the Bush
administrations corporate-driven trade agenda for four years. The
President is expected to soon appoint a new top trade negotiator to break
the impasse. Whoever he picks would love to see a progressive exodus to

6. Barak Obama. His victory to become the only African-American in the
U.S. Senate was one of the few bright spots of the election. An early
opponent of the Iraq war, Obama trounced his primary and general election
opponents, even in white rural districts, showing he could teach other
progressives a few things about broadening their base. As David Moberg of
In These Times puts it, "Obama demonstrates how a progressive politician
can redefine mainstream political symbols to expand support for liberal
policies and politicians rather than engage in creeping capitulation to
the right."

7. Say so long to the DLC. Barry Goldwater suffered a resounding defeat
when he ran for president against Lyndon Johnson in 1964, but his campaign
spawned a conservative movement that eventually gained control of the
Republican Party and elected Ronald Reagan in 1980. Progressives should
see the excitement surrounding Dean, Kucinich, Moseley Braun, and Sharpton
during the primary season as the foundation for a similar takeover of the
Democratic Party.

8. 2008. President Bush is entering his second term facing an escalating
casualty rate in Iraq, a record trade deficit, a staggering budget
deficit, sky-high oil prices, and a deeply divided nation. As the
Republicans face likely failure, progressives need to start preparing for
regime change in 2008 or sooner. Remember that Nixon was re-elected with a
bigger margin than Bush, but faced impeachment within a year.

9. Americans are Not All Yahoos. Although I wouldn't attempt to convince a
Frenchman of it right now, many surveys indicate that Americans are more
internationalist than the election results suggest. In a September poll by
the University of Maryland, majorities of Bush supporters expressed
support for multilateral approaches to security, including the United
States being part of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (68%), the
International Criminal Court (75%), the treaty banning land mines (66%),
and the Kyoto Treaty on climate change (54%). The problem is that most of
these Bush supporters weren't aware that Bush opposed these positions.
Stay and help turn progressive instincts into political power.

10. Winter. Average January temperature in Ottawa: 12.2°F.

Sarah Anderson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is a fellow of the Institute for Policy

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