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    Starving for Attention
    Troops Home Fast: Day One
    By Cindy Sheehan
    t r u t h o u t | Perspective

    Wednesday 05 July 2006

    It is midnight of the 5th of July and 24 hours since thousands of us
began the Troops Home Fast.

    Some of us will be fasting completely until the troops come home; some
will be on liquids only until the troops come home; some will fast for
2 weeks, 2 days; or like me, until at least September 21st.

    Hundreds of peace-loving and dedicated people joined us organizers of
the fast outside the White House during the past two eventful and
event-filled days. The Granny Peace Brigade walked from NYC to DC in
solidarity with the fast and with the people of Iraq and Afghanistan
and our soldiers who are suffering so profoundly under the US-led

    People joined us from as far away as Texas and California in person,
and thousands were with us in spirit from all over the world. We are
starting a historic and very meaningful action. We were honored by
being joined by legendary fasters Dick Gregory and Diane Wilson and
historic whistle blower and patriotic giant Daniel Ellsberg.

    Standing apart from our hundreds of supporters were about a dozen
Freepers who were holding various signs (which is as much their right
as it is ours) with very "clever" messages on them. A few of the signs
had the very pithy "Freedom Isn't Free." Well, I'm sorry, but the very
definition of freedom is that it is free. Freedom is a birthright of
every American, and we have the Bill of Rights to prove it. Nowhere in
the Constitution does it say that our young people have to fight
insane wars for greedy swine to earn anyone any kind of freedoms. If
freedom wasn't free it would be called "expensivedom."

    I was particularly impressed by a very slick and professionally made
sign that the Freepers had. It was a large pinkish sign with white
letters that read: Cindy Sheehan is Starving for Attention."

    Yes, that is why I am embarking on this fast. It is not because our
nation with the complacent, if not intellectual, approval of most of
our citizens is waging a war crime of mammoth proportions in Iraq.
It's not because our soldiers are committing atrocities on an innocent
population who never asked for our lethal interference. I am not
fasting because our soldiers should not be dying or killing for Exxon
and Halliburton. I am not sitting here with mild hunger pangs because
our leadership condones and orders others to commit cruelties on my
fellow human beings in such brutal places as Guantanamo. I am not
fasting because the wrongfully, illegally, and immorally detained men
in Guantanamo are going on their own hunger strikes and committing
suicide to call attention to the fact that they are human beings who
do not deserve to be tortured and tormented. I am not fasting so no
other mother has to drop to her knees screaming in agony because her
child is dead for nothing.

    On the contrary, I get plenty of attention and our troops are still in
Iraq. I am doing it precisely for all of the reasons above. Maybe
people have to ascribe nefarious motivations to our actions because
they can't conceive of leaving their comfort zones for another member
of humanity.

    The people of Iraq and Afghanistan are suffering so miserably. Our
soldiers want to come home. Our country wants them to come home. The
world wants them to come home. The people of Iraq want our soldiers to
leave. Generals are recommending time tables. We fasters figure that
we can sacrifice something in solidarity with the suffering in the
Middle East. What we are giving up is so insignificant compared to
what our soldiers and the people they are oppressing are giving up.
It's about time BushCo recognizes that staying a reckless and
murderous course is inherently disordered and they should turn around
and order our troops to come home.

    I encourage everyone in America to move away from the comfortable
complacency that allows BushCo to kill people with impunity. If we
don't stand up and speak out against their offenses and for
accountability, the crimes will continue even into the next
administration, whichever party is in power.

    How can we not fast, or march, or write, or speak, or rally, or go to
Camp Casey, or sacrifice something, anything, when the people of Iraq
- and many of our soldiers - don't even have enough food to eat or
clean water to drink? How can we numbly go shopping for groceries when
unsuspecting and undeserving people in Iraq are being killed when
simply going to the market to buy food for their families?

    We have to fast.

    Reflect and ask yourself: Why aren't I?


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