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The Supreme Court clips Bush's war wings

In a major rebuke to the president's draconian tactics, the court rules
that secret military tribunals for terror suspects fundamentally violate
U.S. and international law.

By Walter Shapiro

Jun. 30, 2006 | It remains one of the most chilling public statements by a
senior Bush administration official. Testifying before the Senate
Judiciary Committee in December 2001, Attorney General John Ashcroft
blustered, "To those who scare peace-loving people with phantoms of lost
liberty, my message is this: Your tactics only aid terrorists -- for they
erode our national unity and diminish our resolve. They give ammunition to
America's enemies and pause to America's friends."

Ashcroft's inflammatory claim that civil libertarians were arming al-Qaida
came on a day when the attorney general had the unsavory duty of defending
the administration's initial rules covering military tribunals. Now four
and a half years later, the Supreme Court's end-of-the-session decision in
Hamdan v. Rumsfeld both rejected these military tribunals and quickened
the hearts of civil libertarians.

Read narrowly, the court's ruling applies only to the roughly 450
prisoners held at Guantánamo. In fact, Thursday's decision does not even
guarantee any kind of trial for these detainees. As Justice Paul Stevens
noted in his majority opinion, "Hamdan does not challenge, and we do not
today address, the Government's power to detain him for the duration of
active hostilities." Yet such a gimlet-eyed interpretation may be the
equivalent of believing that Brown v. Board of Education applies only to
schools in the greater metroplex of Topeka, Kan.

It is possible that Hamdan may someday be seen as the turning point in
repudiating the Bush-Cheney view that all branches of government are equal
but some are more equal than others. An optimist could find persuasive
evidence in the decision that the Supreme Court was, in effect, saying to
the White House: "Enough of your cockamamie theories about the
all-powerful president in wartime. Enough of your cloud-cuckoo readings of
the resolution that Congress passed after Sept. 11. And enough of your
cataclysmic claims that the war against al-Qaida requires a wanton
disrespect for international law and the norms of civilized behavior."

Of course, the Supreme Court tends to be more Delphic than direct. Any
quick-off-the-mark interpretation of Hamdan should be regarded as the
first rough draft of legal theory rather than settled jurisprudence. This
complex 5-3 decision was still being read in detail by the law professors
and legal scholars who were simultaneously being asked to comment on its

Probably the most compelling passage in Stevens' opinion is this four-word
sentence: "That reasoning is erroneous." The octogenarian justice was
rejecting the government's cherished argument that not one syllable of the
Geneva Conventions applies to alleged al-Qaida captives at Guantánamo.
Stevens held that, at minimum, Hamdan and his companions on the
American-held tip of Cuba are covered by the portions of the Geneva
Conventions that regulate the treatment of prisoners in civil wars and
similar conflicts.

Marty Lederman, a Georgetown law professor who contributes to SCOTUSblog,
was among the first to grasp the implications of the Geneva Conventions
portion of the opinion. As Lederman recounted in a Thursday afternoon
interview, "When I saw it, I thought it was the big kahuna." Under
Lederman's reasoning, if al-Qaida members are covered by at least portions
of the Geneva Conventions, as the opinion confirms, then so would be
American soldiers and CIA operatives. Not only do these treaties set
fair-trial standards for military commissions, but they also (much to the
horror of Cheney and company) mandate the humane treatment of prisoners.

"After today, any waterboarding will open you up to a possible war-crimes
prosecution," said Lederman, who served in the Clinton and Bush Justice
Departments. He expressed the tentative view that Thursday's decision
probably could not be used retroactively to punish anyone for employing
extralegal interrogation techniques. But Lederman added, "I wish I could
see the memos that are going out today from the CIA to the field."

In the Hamdan decision the court also vigorously dismissed the claim that
Congress had already ceded to the president any power he wants to assert
under the guise of battling al-Qaida. Jeffrey Rosen, a law professor at
George Washington University and the author of "The Most Democratic
Branch," a just-published portrait of the Supreme Court, said, "They
completely rejected the notion that the president can do whatever he likes
because of the post-9/11 'Use of Force' resolution."

Significant as this ruling is, decisions like Hamdan do not by themselves
instantly transform behavior as if they were a fiat from Mount Sinai.
Their broader implications are bound to be tested in the courts and
challenged by the administration. If Congress and the voters lack the
political will to act on the Hamdan precedent, then Thursday's decision
will probably be remembered as a momentary flicker of judicial
independence in the era of a "laws only apply to little people"

But, for the moment, the Supreme Court in its robed majesty has rebuked
the White House. As Michael Posner, the president of Human Rights First,
put it, "They challenged the global notion that there's war and that
there's law -- and that war trumps law."

The court has played its trump card. Now the question remains: Who will
follow suit?


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