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Truth, Death and Journalism
We Kill Journalists, Don’t We?
by Michael I. Niman ArtVoice etc. 3/3/05

“There is not one of you who dare to write your honest opinions, and if
you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am
paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected
with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any
of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on
the street looking for another job. . . . The business of the journalist
is to destroy the truth; to lie outright; to pervert; to vilify; to fawn
at the feet of mammon…”

- John Swinton (1880), Former New York Times Managing Editor

When John Swinton made the remark cited above, he was already retired from
his positions at both the New York Times and the New York Sun. Privileged
with the luxurious freedoms of retirement, Swinton cut loose with this oft
cited (usually cited incorrectly as having been said in 1953, 52 years
after Swinton’s death) remark one evening after some naive fool at a party
offered a toast to our “free press.” During the ensuing century and a
quarter since that night, many mainstream journalists have echoed
Swinton’s sentiment. Like Swinton, almost all of them were already retired
when the truth got the better of them.

This is the paradox of American journalism. The business of journalists is
to inform and educate news consumers about the issues of the day. Most
enter the profession taking this ideal to heart. Along their sordid roads
to “success,” however, they learn the dangers of compulsive truth telling.
Those who can successfully ignore inconvenient truths have the best shot
at success.

Hence it was quite invigorating to see CNN Chief News Executive Eason
Jordan candidly offer his version of the truth, while still gainfully
employed in the corporate media. That employment, however, didn’t last

Jordan allegedly uttered what will no doubt be his most famous line (even
if he never actually said it) at a candid “off the record” discussion on
January 27 th at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Witnesses
claim Jordan told the audience that U.S. forces had deliberately targeted
journalists in Iraq. The idea is nothing new. Journalists in other
countries, especially colleagues of journalists killed by U.S. troops,
have made these charges repeatedly. It was the job of people like Jordan,
however, to ignore them. To hear them echoed from a CNN official meant the
rules of the game were broken.

The U.S. corporate media had a feeding frenzy, with CNN’s competitors all
lining up to scavenge meat from Jordan’s bones. CNN, and even Jordan
himself, dutifully lined up to distance themselves from Jordan’s suddenly
on-the-record off-the-record comment. In a scene reminiscent of China’s
cultural revolution, Jordan denounced the comment, claiming that it didn’t
come out as he had meant it, and feigned his support for U.S. troops with
whom he was formerly embedded. Jordan told the world, “…my friends in the
U.S. military know me well enough to know I have never stated, believed,
or suspected that U.S. military forces intended to kill people they knew
to be journalists…” He then resigned from his post at CNN.

What Report?

At about the same time the media was celebrating Jordan’s fall from their
ranks, the international journalists group, Reporters Without Borders,
issued the results of their investigation into the U.S. killing of two
European journalists at the Palestine Hotel in Baghdad. Needless to say,
the report was one of those truths that must remain untold.

Before getting to the report, I want to put Jordan’s remarks into context.
During the first three weeks of the U.S./British invasion of Iraq,
coalition forces directly killed seven journalists. On the same day U.S.
forces fired on the European journalists at the Palestine Hotel, killing
two of them, U.S. forces also bombed the Baghdad studios of Al Jazeera and
Abu Dhabi TV – even though both networks supplied U.S. forced with their
GPS coordinates and descriptions of their buildings. One Al Jazeera
correspondent was killed in the attack. Four other journalists were either
shot when U.S. forces opened fire on their press vehicles, or were victims
of coalition bombs.

The Iraq situation is not without precedent. Two years earlier, U.S.
forces also bombed the Al Jazeera studio in Kabul, Afghanistan. On the
same day, they also attacked Kabul’s BBC studio. Five years before that,
U.S. forces bombed Serbia’s RTS TV offices in Belgrade, killing 13 media
workers – in an attack the Clinton administration never claimed was
accidental. This history would give some context to Jordan’s retracted
remarks. But like most history, it constitutes an untellable truth.

Information Dominance

This brings us up to the Reporters Without Borders report. The actual
document is not as damning as its title, “Two Murders and a Lie,”
insinuates. Based on interviews with journalists who were in the Baghdad
Hotel at the time of the attack, journalists embedded with U.S. forces
elsewhere at the time, and with U.S. soldiers themselves, including those
who fired on the Baghdad Hotel, the report is thorough.

Here’s the skinny: On February 28 th, 2003, U.S. Presidential Press
Secretary Ari Fleischer warned media organizations to pull their reporters
out of Baghdad before the invasion. University of Pennsylvania Wharton
School Professor Emeritus Edward S. Herman, writing for Coldtype and Z
Magazine, talks about the U.S. military theory of “Full Spectrum
Domination” in propaganda wars, explaining that “the war-makers must
dominate the frames and factual evidence used by the media.” Hence, all
uncontrolled media must leave Baghdad before ugly visual images appear.

David Miller, author of “Information Dominance: The Philosophy of Total
Propaganda Control,” explains that friendly media are rewarded with
privileged access to information, as is the case with the “embedded
reporter.” Miller goes on to explain that “hostile media,” as in any media
not deemed friendly or useful, is “degraded.” Now lets get back to
Fleischer’s press conference. When asked if his warning was meant to be a
veiled threat, he replied, “… if the military says something, I strongly
urge all journalists to heed it. It is in your own interest, and your
family’s interests. And I mean that.” I suppose that’s a yes. There were
to be only two types of journalists in Iraq. Embedded reporters under the
physical control of U.S, forces, and potentially dead journalists. CBS,
NBC, ABC and Fox all pulled out of Baghdad before the invasion. The Iraqi
government expelled Jordan’s CNN.

Two Guys Without a TV

For three weeks prior to the attack on the Baghdad Hotel, the world
watched daily news reports broadcast by the remaining international press
corps housed in the Baghdad Hotel. Well, not the entire world was
watching. Sgt. Shawn Gibson and his commanding officer, Capt. Philip
Wolford, according to the Reporters Without Borders report, were busy 24/7
on the move fighting a war – without the luxury of cable TV. Hence, the
big English language sign reading “Palestine Hotel” meant nothing to them.
And it was Gibson who turned his tank gun toward The Palestine and opened

For two months following the attack, U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell
argued that Gibson came under fire from the Palestine Hotel and simply
returned fire. Maj. Gen. Stanley McChrystal, U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff
vice-director of operations, echoed this falsehood, explaining to the
media weeks after the killings that American soldiers “had the inherent
right of self-defense. When they are fired at they have not only the right
to respond, they have the obligation to respond…”

Robert Fisk of the London’s The Independent, was on the ground at the
time, between the Palestine Hotel and Gibson’s tank. He reports that there
was no gunfire or rocket fire audible before the tank opened fire.
Likewise, a French TV camera recorded the time leading up to the attack –
and there was no audible close-range gun or artillery fire. Gibson and
Wolford verify this – never having claimed to be under fire. Hence,
according to Reporters Without Borders, the official U.S. response was an
intentional lie. Gibson and Wolford said they were shooting at what they
believed were “enemy spotters” with binoculars who were calling tank
coordinates in to Iraqi forces. The enemy spotters turned out to be the
press corps through whose cameras most of the rest of the world, with the
notable exception of Gibson and Wolford, were watching the war.

The report exonerates both men for their actions, drawing the conclusion
that neither intentionally targeted journalists. Ignoring the Serbia
attack, where the U.S. does not deny targeting journalists, and ignoring
for the moment, the other less well investigated incidents in Afghanistan
and Iraq, it would seem that the Reporters Without Borders report counters
Jordan’s retracted truth about U.S. forces targeting journalists.

Who Knew Cats Kill Mice?

The report, however, raises one pivotal question. Why were the gunners on
the ground not informed that the Palestine Hotel was full of journalists?
The report concludes that this withholding of information constituted
either criminal negligence at the very least, or that it was intentionally
withheld out of contempt for the unembedded journalists who had refused to
vacate Baghdad. With U.S. forces trained and ordered to fire on people
with binoculars or long lenses, it’s a no-brainer that eventually they’d
wind up shooting at a building full of photographers. There was no need to
order them to attack journalists. The attack was a predictable outcome of
not informing tank gunners about what the rest of the world knew – that
the Baghdad Hotel was full of journalists. This is plausible deniability.
No one ordered anyone to kill journalists. Who knew the cat would kill the

Anyway – forget this whole story. Its dissonance doesn’t fit the accepted
script. If I worked for CNN or another puppet of the corporate media I’d
have to denounce myself for writing it. But tell me again in case I missed
the point of my own destruction – what part of it isn’t true?


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