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The Stakes in Roberts's Nomination
by BRUCE SHAPIRO, The Nation

Judge John Roberts is a white male who has spent his entire adult life in
Washington. Those facts themselves mean nothing, but they do beg a
question: What could be so compelling about Judge Roberts as a Supreme
Court candidate that the White House was willing to forswear all claims on
ethnic diversity and all geographical political advantage, not to mention
the express desire of Laura Bush and countless other women to see a
nominee of their gender?

To understand Judge Roberts's unique appeal, forget for a moment
"conservative," "textualist," "original intent" and the other shorthand
with which get-ahead Republican law school grads watermark their résumés.
Look instead at a single case decided by Judge Roberts and two other
members of the DC Court of Appeals less than a week ago. As it happened,
the day before that ruling was released, President Bush interviewed Judge
Roberts at the White House. Judge Roberts, it is widely reported, aced his
interview; but his appeals court decision due for publication just
twenty-four hours later--about the rights of prisoners at Guantánamo
Bay--was, in effect, the essay question.

Here is the question: Do the obligations of the Geneva Conventions apply
to prisoners seized in Afghanistan? And can the President convene military
trials, unreviewable by any courts and Congress? The case involves Salim
Ahmed Hamdan, allegedly a driver for Osama bin Laden, captured on the
post-9/11 battlefield and held in Camp Delta. Last year a federal judge
shut down Hamdan's trial and up to a dozen other military tribunals. As
convened by the Pentagon, those drumhead tribunals, wrote the lower court,
amounted to a violation of the Geneva Treaty and an unconstitutional
seizure of power by the President.

Whatever Judge Roberts's performance in his interview with the President,
whatever his sterling report card as litigator and jurist, we can be sure
there was only one acceptable answer to the Guantánamo essay question, and
the judge gave it. He voted, along with his two appeals court colleagues,
all three of them Reagan or Bush appointees, against Geneva Convention
protections for Guantánamo captives, in scathing language ordering the
military tribunals forward, empowering the President, and the President
alone, to determine those prisoners' fate.

More than anything else, to fill Sandra Day O'Connor's seat on the Supreme
Court, the Bush White House sought an advocate for ever-expanding
executive branch powers. With a raft of antiterrorism and Patriot Act
cases in the judicial pipeline, seeking relief from federal laws and
international standards on interrogation, torture and the treatment of
prisoners, the Bush Administration badly needs a friend like Roberts on
the Supreme Court--a friend who shares its view that the President's
authority in the "war on terror" is above judicial review, and counts more
than acts of Congress or international treaties. In other words, if you
like the Patriot Act and Guantánamo, you'll love John Roberts.

Roberts started his career as a protégé of Justice Rehnquist. The Chief
Justice's distinctly activist vision--of conservative means of expanding
the authority of presidents while stripping back federal regulations on
business and civil rights--shaped Roberts's views. Then Roberts spent
years embedded in the executive branch, arguing cases in the Supreme Court
on behalf of the Reagan and first Bush Administrations' efforts to promote
school prayer, restrict abortion and punish flag desecrators.

Perhaps most telling is Roberts's brief track record on the federal bench
on individual rights, a threshold issue not just for the left but
conservative libertarians. A few years back, Washington, DC, police
arrested a child for eating a single french fry on the Metro, during a
zero-tolerance crackdown on subway-rule violators: arrrested her,
handcuffed her, fingerprinted her, threw her in the back of a squad car
and held that 12-year-old in lockup for three hours. The child's mother
sensibly pointed out in a lawsuit that an adult committing the same
offense would have been issued a ticket, not treated like a dangerous
felon. Judge Roberts rejected the mother's plea for sanity: Arresting a
12-year-old like a suspect on Cops for eating on the subway, Roberts
wrote, advanced "the legitimate goal of promoting parental awareness and
involvement with children who commit delinquent acts." Even in red states,
parents may not spare much enthusiasm for a judge who would lock up their
12-year-old for public consumption of McDonald's fries.

The french-fry case suggests that behind Judge Roberts's famous
amiablity--which has won him influential friends in both parties--lies a
far more doctrinaire personality. Whiffs of that ideological rigidity leak
out of his careful opinions and briefs. Hostility to environmental
regulation? Yes, at least in his ruling in a California land-development
case in which he sought to weaken the Endangered Species Act. Hostility to
reproductive rights? As a deputy to solicitor general Ken Starr in the
Reagan years, he curried favor with the antiabortion right by adding an
irrelevant footnote to his briefs in a family-planning-funding case,
arguing that Roe v. Wade was "wrongly decided and should be overturned."
In his appeals-court confirmation hearings, Roberts said this footnote
simply reflected Administration policy, adding that he regards Roe as
settled law; but his willingness to go beyond the call of duty and
politicize his briefs suggests, at a minimum, enthusiasm for revisiting
the issue.

President Bush may not have had a "litmus test" on Roe v. Wade, but there
was one very clear litmus test: membership in the insular GOP judicial
patronage network. Of the names floated as Supreme Court finalists in the
past week, most were members of the Federalist Society, a GOP employment
agency masquerading as conservative counterweight to the ABA. Judge
Roberts--whose Supreme Court aspirations have long been widely known in
Washington--is a prince of the right-wing legal family.

The President has also, after a long search, managed to find a Supreme
Court candidate who in many ways looks remarkably like himself: born in
the Northeast (in Roberts's case, Buffalo), heir to old-line power (his
father was a US Steel executive), moved to a red state (Indiana), Ivy
League-educated (Harvard, Harvard Law). From the day of his graduation
from law school, Judge Roberts has held no job except those secured
through conservative Republican patronage. With the selection of Judge
Roberts, President Bush hopes that the Rehnquist Revolution will continue
long after the ailing Chief Justice retires. The stakes in Roberts's
nomination could not be higher.


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