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Apologists for Iraqi War Going Bonkers
by William Hughes
(Sunday August 21 2005)

Ann Coulter is the Madame Defarge of the looney Right. She recently thrust
her needle into Cindy Sheehan, accusing her of “engaging in Stalinist
agitprop outside of President Bush’s Crawford ranch.” Then, the obviously
unstable Robert Novak wrongly labeled supporters of Sheehan’s vigil as
“extreme antiwar demonstrators.” As lies about the war are exposed and
opposition to it grows, apologists for the Bush-Cheney Gang are
collectively going bonkers.

"The unreal has about as much influence on them as the real..."
-- Gustave Le Bon [1]

It is all in the realm of a collective madness! Apologists for the Iraqi
War, a motley mob of sanctimonious Right Wing ranters, ranging from Ann
Coulter, to Linda Chavez, to Robert Novak, and others, are going
bonkers.[2] They are literally cracking up under the strain of seeing a
war that they fully supported, which was based on a pack of deliberate
lies, turning into a huge debacle. Their roles as shameless boosters for
the Bush-Cheney Gang in the failing scheme known by its dubious
Pentagon-imposed title, “Operation Iraqi Freedom,” should forever darken
their names and sully their reputations.

As their pro-War ship of bile continues to sink, these lackeys for the
Establishment have targeted for abuse a prime symbol of the rising
opposition in the country to the immoral conflict: Cindy Sheehan! They
have also begun a malicious smear campaign against pro-Peace groups, like:
Code Pink-Women for Peace, United for Peace and Justice and Veterans for
Peace. The obviously unstable Robert Novak, on Aug. 20, 2005, even
questioned the patriotism of the members of these fine organizations, who
have showed up to support Sheehan at her vigil in Crawford, Texas, by
wrongly labeling them as “extreme antiwar demonstrators.” [3]

Novak is an ultraconservative egomaniac. He recently walked off a CNN
program, "Inside Politics, throwing a hissing fit and cussing on air, too,
because questions about his sleazy role in the Valerie Plame affair might
have been raised on the show.[4] One Capitol Hill insider suggested to me
that the aging Novak’s bizarre conduct that evening might have had
something to do with the fact that, despite Washington’s searing heat wave
in early August, he stupidly persists "in wearing a suit, with a vest!"

This brings me to Ann Coulter, the Madame Defarge of the looney Right! I
get the impression when I watch her ranting on the TV that she has just
been released on a weekend pass from the local insane asylum. Coulter has
been called everything from a "Neo-Nazi" to the "Antichrist" to someone
with the "charm of a rattlesnake."[5] On August 18, 2005, she viciously
accused Cindy Sheehan of "engaging in Stalinist agitprop outside President
Bush's Crawford ranch. It's the strangest method of grieving I've seen
since Paul Wellstone's funeral. Someone needs to teach these liberals how
to mourn," she insensitively roared.[6] After the 9/11 tragedy, the whacky
Coulter railed on Sept. 12, 2001, "We should invade their countries, kill
their leaders and convert them to Christianity."[7] I wondered: "Did she
ever work as an intern under the ex-NY Times editor, 'Mad Abe' Rosenthal?"
[8] Later the mean spirited Coulter penned another racist, fascist-ringing
creed for the Far Right "National Review," that babbled, "Congress could
pass a law tomorrow requiring that all aliens from Arabic countries
leave....We should require passports to fly domestically. Passports can be
forged, but they can also be checked with the home country in case of any
suspicious-looking swarthy males." That disgusting column was, mercifully,
spiked by the editor of the NR and she was quickly dropped as one of its
contributing editors.[7]

Another conservative incendiary, who is apparently losing his mind, too,
is the pompous Tony Snow. He branded Sheehan as a "useful idiot." Then, he
went on to falsely characterize her passionate supporters as: "A cadre of
nostalgic malcontents, which includes septuagenarian ex-war protesters, a
confirmed Beatnik and some people who regularly wear shoes. Their bodies
are there, but alas, most of them abandoned their minds in 1968."[9]

Moving on to the mostly shrill Linda Chavez. She is a "Grade A" warmonger
and a notorious basher of the Labor Movement. I remember seeing her at a
pro-war rally on the National Mall, on April 12, 2003, in Washington, DC.
When I noticed her standing next to that revolting Neocon and Chickenhawk,
William Kristol, I wanted to throw up. Here is one of Chavez's falsehoods
about Cindy, "Perhaps Mrs. Sheehan truly believes the Bush administration
and its 'neo-con' -- read pro-Israel -- allies orchestrated the horrific
deaths of 3,000 Americans in order to justify going to war with Iraq, but
if so, she's gone mad. More likely, she's spouting the lies fed her by
conspiracy theorists who hate America and Israel in equal amounts."[10]

Finally-(and this is a very big if)-IF this were a just world, the rabid
war hawks, like Novak, Coulter, Snow and Chavez, et al, would all be
destined to be branded on their foreheads with a "W" for Warmonger. This
would serve as both a punishment for their vile actions and as a reminder
to their fellow citizens that there is a price the media pimps for the
Iraqi War must pay for advocating using our military forces in a conflict
that is based on a pack of lies.[11]

William Hughes is a Baltimore attorney and the author of "Andrew Jackson
vs. New World Order" (Authors Choice Press) and “Saying ‘No’ to the War


[1]. "The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind," by Gustave Le Bon.

[2]. There simply isn't enough room in this commentary to include
outrageous examples on the above referenced topic from Rush Limbaugh, Bill
O'Reilly, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity and others.





[7]. For "Wisdom of Ann Coulter," check out:

[8]. On September 14, 2001, in a spiel for media mogul Mortimer Zukerman's
rag, the NY Daily News, A.M. Rosenthal wrote that the U.S. should give an
ultimatum to six Arab countries - Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Iran
and Syria - giving them three days to hand over documents and information
relating to weapons of mass destruction and terrorist organizations. If
they didn't comply by the fourth day, "Mad Abe," a raving Likudnut, urged
that the capitals of those six countries should be "bombed to the ground."
Just try to imagine the media's reaction, if someone, had publicly dared
to suggest that the U.S. should bomb Israel to retaliate for its murderous
attack on the USS Liberty, on June 8, 1967. See,





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