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Lori Berenson is a US citizen currently being held as a political prisoner
in Perú. November 30th 2005 marks the tenth anniversary of her arrest.

In 1996, Berenson, then 26, was convicted of treason and sentenced to life
in prison in a secret proceeding by hooded military officers. After
serving almost five years in harsh conditions, the Peruvian Supreme
Military Council annulled that conviction on the grounds of insufficient
evidence. At that time, President Fujimori’s spy chief, Vladimiro
Montesinos, said that Peru would provide her a civilian trial and sentence
her to 20 years in prison. In 2001, Berenson was convicted of
collaborating with the Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA), a
Marxist rebel group in Peru, and sentenced to 20 years. Berenson maintains
her innocence.

Berenson is one of many political prisoners, such as Nelson Mandela and
Aung San Si Kyi, wrongfully incarcerated for her political beliefs and the
courage to stand up for them. There are many political prisoners who will
remain nameless until we hear their voices.

Berenson is currently held outside of Cajamarca, Peru, in a small prison
made of concrete and metal. There is no glass in the window openings, the
bed is a concrete platform, there is a hole in the floor for a toilet,
cold water is available twice each day, and the cell is 5’ by 10’.
Berenson keeps herself engaged in the world by reading and writing, and
stays physically active by knitting, pacing the concrete yard and working
in the prison bakery.

Statement on the Tenth Anniversary:

My name is Lori Berenson. I am a New York born and raised political
prisoner in Perú. I have spent many years in Central and South America,
trying to contribute to the efforts of those who seek social justice for
all. I continue this work from prison.

On November 30, 1995, I was pulled off of a public bus in Lima, Perú. Like
thousands of Peruvians, I was detained by the anti-terrorist police, tried
for treason by a hooded military tribunal under draconian anti-terrorism
laws and condemned to life in prison.

This all occurred in the context of an internal conflict in Perú that
began in the early 1980's with the armed insurgence of the Peruvian
Communist Party, also known as the Shining Path, and later with the Tupac
Amaru Revolutionary Movement - the MRTA. This conflict had parallels with
other conflicts that occurred in much of Latin America.

When I was arrested, Peruvian President Fujimori made me a symbol for his
anti-terrorist campaign. His ability to use the media for his own
publicity purposes led to my case being very high profile.

Because of the tireless efforts of my family, friends and many others in
the US and elsewhere in the world, the Fujimori regime was forced to bring
my case to a civilian anti-terrorist court in 2000. During the period of
the falling of the Fujimori regime and the formation of a transitional
government in 2001, I received a new trial and was sentenced to 20 years
for collaboration with terrorism. A year and a half later, the
anti-terrorism legislation was modified slightly and those incarcerated
under it began to receive new trials. In 2004, in light of the
international anti-terrorism campaign in our post 9/11 world and under
extreme pressure from Perú's political class, the Inter-American Court of
Human Rights ratified my sentence.

The details of what happened to me are irrelevant in the broader picture
of the thousands of Peruvians who have been killed, disappeared, tortured
and detained during the internal conflict. Since history has always been
re-written by those who have the upper-hand, the issue of subversion
became the scapegoat for all of Perú's problems.

In all parts of the world, symbolic culprits are used to obscure the root
causes of social discontent, to distract attention and distort realities
when any group of people questions the existing order.

The world order, especially in this era of globalized capitalism is
designed to benefit a powerful few at the expense of the majority of our
world's peoples. This system is unjust, immoral, terrifying, and just
plain insane. We must change it.

People all over the world are imprisoned today and suffering tremendous
injustices for challenging this order. I express my solidarity with all of
those prisoners, and in particular my admiration for those whose courage
we can hear in the voice of Mumia Abu Jamal, in the writings about Leonard
Peltier, in the struggle for the liberation of Puerto Rico, and many
others. The dignity demonstrated throughout long years of struggle and
resistance under one of the harshest jail regimes on earth is an example
for all prisoners and for human beings in general.

For prisoners, the struggle for basic dignity is a daily plight. Prisons
are just a smaller version of the general system that operates in this
world, and that is what is wrong. The desire to change it is why many of
us are here in the first place. It is a worthy cause to be behind bars

For background info on Lori Berenson's case, see:


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