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John Negroponte and the Death Squad Connection



Negroponte was sworn in as U.S. Representative to the United Nations on
Sept. 18, 2001. By November 2002, he was strong-arming a resolution through
the UN Security Council which called for the "disarming" of  Iraq. Standing
in front of the Security Council with CIA director George Tenet, Negroponte
stated that "the Resolution makes clear that any Iraqi failure to comply is
unacceptable and that Iraq must be disarmed. One way or  another...Iraq
will be disarmed." The New York Times would later report (March 29, 2005)
that "Mr. Negroponte pressed on foreign colleagues American intelligence on
Iraqi weapons that turned out to be profoundly flawed. If he was miffed,
Mr. Negroponte never spoke out."

Negroponte also delivered a warning to other less hawkish members of the
Security Council,  stating that, "if the Security Council fails to act
decisively in the event of a further Iraqi violation, this resolution does
not constrain any member state from acting to defend itself against the
threat posed by Iraq, or to enforce relevant UN resolutions and protect
world peace and security." As Stephen Kinzer, writing in the New York
Review of  Books (September 2001), put it, "giving him this job is a way of
telling the  UN: 'We hate you'."

When faced with contention over US intentions during the UN debate leading
up to the war in Iraq, Negroponte turned to grandstanding. In March 2003,
Negroponte walked out of  the General Assembly after Iraq's UN envoy,
Mohammed Al-Douri, accused the  U.S. of preparing a war of aggression.
"Britain and the United  States are about to start a real war of
extermination" he said, "that will kill everything and destroy everything."


On April 20, 2004, Bush nominated Negroponte as ambassador to Iraq, stating
that, "he has done a really good job of  speaking for the United States to
the world about our intentions to spread  freedom and peace." Calling him
"a man of enormous experience and skill" was all  that our courageous
Senators required in order to vote him in by 95-3 on May 6. He was sworn in
on June 23.

Negroponte's US Embassy in Baghdad, housed in a palace that once belonged
to Saddam Hussein, was and remains the largest embassy in the world, with a
"diplomatic staff" of over 3,000. Opting for the kind of diplomacy he's
most familiar with, he immediately "shifted more than a $1 billion to build
up the Iraqi Army," diverting the funds "from reconstruction projects" to
military and intelligence projects associated  with "what intelligence
officials describe as the largest C.I.A. station in the  world." (NYT ,
March 29, 2005)

On Jan. 2, 2004, the Washington Post stated that a "major challenge"
facing the diplomatic mission "will be sorting out the terms of the US
military  presence, which is expected to exceed 100,000 troops even after
the occupation  ends..." An un-named U.S. "official" stated that "we have
to  determine what command American troops will be under: Will it be part
of some  kind of multinational force, under the United Nations, under NATO?
Or will they  be relatively independent in an agreement with the Iraqi
government? These are  huge questions to be answered in a very short amount
of time." We can rest assured that John Negroponte, the enforcer, made the
Iraqi government an offer they couldn't refuse in favor of the "relatively
independent"  option.

Shortly after taking up the position, Negroponte was asked about eyewitness
statements that in late June 2004, Iraq's interim prime minister, Ayad
Allawi had, in a gesture of steadfast loyalty, personally executed up to
six suspected insurgents in front of his US military bodyguards. While
Allawi denies the  accusation, Negroponte did not. In an e-mail to the
Sydney Morning Herald, July  2004, he stated that "if we attempted to
refute each [rumor], we would have no  time for other business. As far as
this embassy's press office is concerned, this case is closed."

Sydney Morning Herald columnist Alan Ramsey wrote of Negroponte's arrogant
side-stepping. "Of course. One only has to consider Negroponte's record as
US  ambassador in Honduras to know he is a loyal servant of Republican
Washington  who sees and knows nothing... This same man, with an embassy
regime of more than 1,000 American foreign service officers, plus American
advisers salted throughout Iraqi ministries, as well as 140,000 US military
personnel, now has  absolute covert power in Iraq. Of course, 'the case is

By the first weeks of January 2005, Negroponte was said to be overseeing
the  formation of death squads in Iraq, prompting media reports about a
"Salvador option." MSNBC reported on Jan. 8, 2005 that the Pentagon was
"intensively debating an option that dates back to a still-secret strategy
in the Reagan administration's battle against the leftist guerrilla
insurgency in El Salvador in the early 1980s. Then, faced with a losing war
against Salvadoran rebels, the US government funded or supported
'nationalist' forces that allegedly included so-called death squads
directed to hunt down and kill rebel leaders and sympathizers. Eventually,
the insurgency was quelled, and many U.S. conservatives consider the policy
to have been a success, despite the deaths of innocent civilians..."

One Pentagon proposal would send Special Forces teams to advise, support
and possibly train Iraqi death squads, most likely  hand-picked Kurdish
Peshmerga fighters and Shiite militiamen, to target Sunni insurgents and
their sympathizers--even across the border into Syria, carrying out
assassinations or so-called "snatch" operations, in which the targets are
sent to secret facilities for interrogation.

Major General Muhammad Abdallah al-Shahwani, director of Iraq's National
Intelligence Service, was quoted in a Jan. 8, 2005 Newsweek story on the
"Salvador Option," warning that the U.S. occupation has failed to crack the
problem of broad support for the insurgency. The insurgents, he said, "are
mostly in the Sunni areas where the population there, almost 200,000, is
sympathetic to them." He said most Iraqis do not actively support the
insurgents or provide them with material or logistical help, but at the
same time they won't turn them in. One military source  suggested that "new
offensive operations" are needed that would create a fear of aiding the
insurgency. "The Sunni population is paying no price for the support it is
giving to the terrorists," he said. "From their point of view, it is
cost-free.  We have to change that equation."

Threatening everyone in a village with torture and death, if the village is
deemed a potential base insurgent operations can be a very effective
technique, whether the perpetrators are the Nazi SS in occupied
Czechoslovakia, the death squads in El Salvador, or whatever new force is
invented in Iraq. This strategy of tactical terror aims to sever an
insurgency from it's potential base of support.

At  least one pro-occupation death squad is already in operation. On Jan.
11, 2004, just days after the Pentagon plans regarding possible "new
offensive operations" were revealed, a new militant group, "Saraya Iraqna,"
began offering big wads of American cash  for insurgent scalps--up to
$50,000, the Iraqi paper Al Ittihad reported. "Our  activity will not be
selective," the group promised.


During Negroponte's Honduran ambassadorship, he worked closely with  Duane
R. Clarridge, aka "Mr. Marone", a high-ranking CIA officer based in
Honduras, who  was, according to a recent New York Times report (March 29,
2005), "running the covert war against communism in Central America."
According to Clarridge,  "Negroponte was a big supporter of the agency's
covert action mission" there.

At the time, the CIA utilized it's "Human Resource Exploitation Training
Manual" to teach young Honduran soldiers and others the methodology of
torture. Dated 1983, the manual, one in a series of  recently
"declassified" documents, addresses, among other subjects, "coercive
interrogation" techniques utilized in "the torture situation," which is,
according to the manual, "a contest between the subject and his tormentor."

The manual discusses inflicting pain or threatening pain, depriving
prisoners of food and sleep, making them maintain rigid positions for long
periods, stripping them naked, and keeping them blindfolded or in prolonged
solitary confinement. Disseminated throughout Latin America during the
early 1980s, the manual appears to have been compiled from training courses
given to  members of the Honduran military. The manual can be assumed to
have been sanctioned by higher-ups, including Negroponte, given, for
example, its statement that, "illegal  detention always requires prior
[headquarters] approval."

This secret manual was compiled from sections of an earlier 1963 training
manual entitled, "KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation." This was a
U.S. Military  Intelligence field manual written as part of the Army's
Foreign Intelligence Assistance Program. According to the manual, "all
coercive  techniques of interrogation are designed to induce regression" to
a state of abject submission. The  tormentor's "principal coercive
techniques" are "arrest, detention, deprivation of sensory stimuli through
solitary confinement or similar methods, threats and fear, debility, pain,
heightened suggestibility, hypnosis, narcosis, and induced regression."

In a March 1992 internal "report of investigation," which was sent to
then-Secretary of Defense Richard Cheney, seven such interrogation manuals
used for years by the Pentagon's Southern Command throughout Latin America
were said to contain "objectionable" and "prohibited material." Army
investigators traced the origins of the  instructions on use of beatings,
false imprisonment, executions and truth serums  back to a top-secret
program run by the Army Foreign Intelligence unit in the  1960s code-named
"Project X." Written by US Army counterinsurgency experts  starting in
1965, the Joint Foreign Intelligence Assistance Program used Project  X to
train U.S. allies in Vietnam, Iran, Latin America, and elsewhere around the

The report to Cheney noted that the "offensive and objectionable material"
in the Project X manuals "undermines US credibility, and  could result in
significant embarrassment." Cheney of course, immediately embarked on a
course of "corrective action," namely, to "recall" and destroy as  many of
the manuals as possible, shredding the "embarrassing" history--though  some
copies have survived, or perhaps were meant to.

Meanwhile, a July 1991 U.S. Southern Command "confidential" document
records a phone conversation with a Captain Victor Tise, who served in 1982
as a counterinsurgency instructor at the School of the Americas (SOA). In
it, Tise relates the history of the "objectionable material" in the manuals
and the training courses that he assembled for use at the School. According
to Tise, in 1976, following a  decade of SOA tutoring, use of the Project X
material was suspended by Congress and the Carter administration "for fear
the training would contribute to Human Rights violations in other
countries." But the program was restored by the Reagan administration in
1982, shortly after Negroponte arrived in Honduras.

Tise described Project X as a "training package to provide
counterinsurgency techniques learned in Vietnam to Latin American
countries." These "techniques" were undoubtedly derived from the Phoenix
Program, the CIA's assassination campaign which liquidated 40,000
Vietnamese "subversives." The  course materials Tise put together,
including the manuals that became the  subject of the investigations, were
sent to Defense Department headquarters "for  clearance" in 1982. They
"came back approved" and "UNCHANGED," despite the fact  that Tise sought to
remove--or so he said--the "objectionable" parts. Subsequently, hundreds of
the unaltered manuals, "objectionable material" and  all, were disseminated
for use throughout US-militarized Latin America over the next nine years.
Negroponte's role in this particular bit of "objectionable"  history
remains shrouded, and shredded.

It appears that by 1965, the US intelligence community had seen fit to
formalize the hard-learned lessons of the Phoenix Program in Vietnam by
commissioning the top-secret Project X.  Based at the U.S. Army
Intelligence Center & School at Fort Holabird,  Maryland, the project drew
from "field experience" to "provide intelligence training to friendly
foreign countries," according to a  Pentagon history prepared in 1991 and
released in 1997. According to the Washington Post (March 6, 1997), the
Project X materials even suggested that "militaries infiltrate and suppress
even democratic political dissident movements and hunt down opponents in
every segment of society in the name of  fighting Communism..."

In the early 1970s, the U.S. Army Intelligence Center moved to Fort
Huachuca in Arizona and began exporting Project X material to foreign U.S.
"military assistance groups." By the  mid-1970s, the Project X material was
going to armies all over the world, in effect, a textbook for global
counterinsurgency and terror warfare.

In its 1992 review, the Pentagon also acknowledged that Project X was the
source for some of the "objectionable" lessons taught at the School of the
Americas where Latin American officers were trained in blackmail,
kidnapping, murder and spying on non-violent political opponents. But
disclosure of the full  story was blocked when Defense Secretary Cheney
ordered the destruction of most Project X records. Nearly simultaneously,
President George HW Bush pardoned six Reagan-Bush administration figures of
any wrongdoing in the Nicaragua operations. These included former Defense
Secretary Caspar Weinberger, and Duane Clarridge, by then named as
intellectual author of another sinister murder manual, "Psychological
Operations in Guerilla Warfare." Produced by the CIA, this booklet openly
instructed in the assassination of public officials, and was distributed to
the Nicaraguan Contras.

That George W Bush's war on terrorism is really a global war of terror
directed against the entire world becomes inescapably clear with the
appointment of a man linked to this grisly history to head the entire U.S.
intelligence apparatus. Perhaps there is still time to apply pressure on
the Senate and halt this next step in the legitimization of torture and
state terrorism--if the citizenry, human rights community, clergy and
responsible voices in the media can join in a single cry: STOP  NEGROPONTE!



Center for Media and Democracy, SourceWatch, John  Negroponte:

Media for Social Change dossier on Negroponte:

"In From the Cold War", Terry Allen, In These Times:

Religious Task Force on Central America & Mexico report on El Aguacate air

National Security Archive, "Prisoner Abuse: Patterns from the Past":

"The Hidden History of CIA Torture," Alfred W. McCoy:

"Lost History: Project X, Drugs & Death Squads," Robert  Parry:

Peter Dale Scott on Project X in Southeast Asia:

Virtual Truth Commission on US Army torture manuals:

KUBARK, Counterintelligence Interrogation manual, July 1963:

US Army Field Manual 30-31B:


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