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Source to Stephanopoulos:
President Bush Directly Involved In Leak Scandal

Near the end of a round table discussion on ABC’s This Week, George
Stephanopoulos dropped this bomb:

Definitely a political problem but I wonder, George Will, do you think
it’s a manageable one for the White House especially if we don’t know
whether Fitzgerald is going to write a report or have indictments but if
he is able to show as a source close to this told me this week, that
President Bush and Vice President Cheney were actually involved in some of
these discussions.

George said it so calmly. Clearly he knows what the ramifications are to
this tidbit of information.

watch the video in Windows Media format:

or Quicktime:


> Last week, an official government investigation determined that the Bush
Administration broke the law when it used taxpayer dollars to hire fake
journalists like Armstrong Williams to promote its political agenda.

It’s not only unethical, it’s also illegal. The only way for justice to be
served is for you and 50,000 others to add your name to a letter I am
sending to Congress and the Justice Department demanding prosecution. A
copy of your letter will be sent to all the leaders of the Judiciary and
Appropriations Committees.

Please put your name next to mine in demanding a full prosecution.

This White House has a knack for evading prosecution. Our strength is in
our numbers -- I need you to stand by me and make the charges stick
against an administration that has set aside more than a quarter billion
dollars to push covert propaganda on the public. No other administration
has spent so much to deceive so many.

In a report released on Sept. 30, the Government Accountability Office
found that the Department of Education illegally used taxpayer dollars to
fund a covert propaganda campaign, funneling money to Williams to tout
Bush's education policies in advance of the 2004 elections. The
investigation also dug up other instances of abuse, including a previously
undisclosed case in which the Bush administration commissioned a newspaper
article that praised the White House's role in promoting science
education. But these abuses may just be the tip of the iceberg.

We need the White House to provide a full accounting of the more than $250
million in taxpayer funds spent to promote its political agenda.

Tell Congress and Justice to prosecute these crimes to the full extent of
the law.

The administration's silence on propaganda speaks volumes. Without popular
dissent, an emboldened White House will continue to throw up obstacles to
full disclosure. It is now up to the public to pressure our government to
enforce the law and stop propaganda crimes.

Take action today -- and don't forget to tell your friends.


Robert McChesney
Free Press

P.S. Learn more about stopping news fraud at


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