Naomi Klein: Baghdad Year Zero- Pillaging Iraq in pursuit of a neocon utopia
Insurgents funded by Saudis, U.S. says




A new study by the Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) shows
that supporters of President Bush hold wildly inaccurate views about the
world. For example, "a large majority [72 percent] of Bush supporters
believe that before the war Iraq had weapons of mass destruction."[1] Most
Bush supporters [57 percent] also believe that the recently released
report by Charles Duelfer, the administration's hand-picked weapons
inspector, concluded Iraq either had WMD or a major program for developing
them.[2] In fact, the report concluded "Saddam Hussein did not produce or
possess any weapons of mass destruction for more than a decade before the
U.S.-led invasion" and the U.N. inspection regime had "curbed his ability
to build or develop weapons."[3]

According to the study, 75 percent Bush supporters also believe "Iraq was
providing substantial support to al Qaeda."[4] Most Bush supporters [55
percent] believe that was the conclusion of the 9/11 commission.[5] In
fact, the 9/11 commission concluded there was no "collaborative
relationship" between al-Qaeda and Iraq.[6]

Bush supporters also hold inaccurate views about world public opinion of
the war in Iraq and a range of Bush's foreign policy positions.[7]

Visit for further
information about the study.


The Washington Post
20 October 2004

Mr. Kerry on Prisoners

LAST WEEK we questioned whether there was a difference between President
Bush and Sen. John F. Kerry on the crucial question of U.S. policy for
handling prisoners captured abroad. Mr. Bush continues to take the
position that the Geneva Conventions should not be applied to many
detainees, including anyone captured in Afghanistan, and that harsh
interrogation techniques foresworn by the U.S. military for decades should
be used on some of these prisoners. Mr. Kerry critiqued the shocking
abuses that have resulted from that decision, at Abu Ghraib prison and
elsewhere, but not the policy itself. Now Mr. Kerry has taken a stand. In
a statement drawn up in response to our questions, the Democratic nominee
declares that "a Kerry administration will apply the Geneva Conventions to
all battlefield combatants captured in the war on terror."

The result is an important new distinction between the presidential
candidates. In our view, Mr. Bush's decision in February 2002 to set aside
the Geneva Conventions was one of the most damaging mistakes of his
presidency. It led directly to the imprisonment of hundreds of foreigners
at Guantanamo Bay without any legal process, until the Supreme Court
intervened earlier this year. Mr. Bush's decision also led to the sanction
by senior administration officials, including Defense Secretary Donald H.
Rumsfeld, of harsh interrogation techniques that are illegal under the
Geneva Conventions. As several official investigations have found, these
techniques soon "migrated" from Guantanamo to U.S. field units in Iraq and
Afghanistan, leading to hundreds of cases of torture, homicide and other
abuse, and a shameful stain on the international reputation of the United

Mr. Bush and Mr. Rumsfeld still refuse to acknowledge the terrible
consequences of the decisions they made, much less correct their mistakes.
In a letter published on this page today, Mr. Rumsfeld's spokesman,
Lawrence Di Rita, once again claims that no policy or decision made by a
senior official had anything to do with the abuses at Abu Ghraib. To
bolster his case, he selectively cites official investigations that have,
in fact, proven the opposite. For example, Gen. Paul J. Kern, whom Mr. Di
Rita quotes, testified to Congress last month that techniques approved by
Mr. Rumsfeld in December 2002 -- including nudity, painful stress
positions and the use of dogs to incite fear -- "found their way into
documentation that we found in Abu Ghraib." The Schlesinger commission,
also cited by Mr. Di Rita, determined that Iraq commander Lt. Gen. Ricardo
S. Sanchez approved similar practices, "using reasoning from the
President's memorandum" of 2002. It also concluded, "There is both
institutional and personal responsibility at higher levels" for the crimes
at Abu Ghraib.

Without any change in policy, there is every reason to expect that a
second Bush term would produce more scandals like Abu Ghraib. As the
history of the past three years demonstrates, such abuses result when the
rule of law is set aside. That's why we welcome Mr. Kerry's pledge to
resume full U.S. compliance with the Geneva Conventions. Such compliance
does not prevent a U.S. president from holding enemy combatants
indefinitely or from denying them prisoner-of-war status. It does not
prevent American forces from conducting interrogations. But it does ensure
that the United States will operate according to the same international
standards that it wishes to see applied to its own service members and
citizens. "We will abide by a principle long enshrined in our military
manuals," says the Kerry statement: "That America does not treat prisoners
in ways we would consider immoral and illegal if perpetrated by the enemy
on Americans." That strikes us as a policy that is both more in keeping
with American standards, and more likely to be successful in practice,
than that pursued with such disastrous results by Mr. Bush.

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