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Published on Friday, December 23, 2005 by the Guardian / UK
Double Rebuke for Bush as Judges Attack Terror Moves
by Suzanne Goldenberg

President George Bush faced a rare challenge from the judiciary yesterday
when two courts questioned the legality of his expansion of presidential
powers in the war on terror.

In a startling rebuke, a federal appeals court refused to allow the
transfer of a terror suspect, Jose Padilla, from military to civilian
custody and strongly suggested that the Bush administration was trying to
manipulate the judicial system.

Meanwhile, the Washington Post reported that judges of the secret court
established under the foreign intelligence surveillance act (Fisa) had
demanded a briefing from Bush administration officials on why they
believed it was legal to bypass their authority and eavesdrop on the
telephone conversations and email of American citizens without a warrant.

The Fisa court had been in charge of issuing such warrants until 2002 when
President Bush signed orders enabling the National Security Agency to
monitor domestic communications without court oversight. The judges
reportedly now fear that the information thus obtained by the NSA was then
being used improperly to obtain wiretap approvals from Fisa courts.

Such challenges to the legal philosophy of an administration are
exceedingly rare, and arrive at a time of intense debate on the White
House contention that the war on terror justified an expansion of
presidential power.

The administration suffered an additional rebuff when the senate bowed to
civil liberty concerns, agreeing to renew its trademark anti-terror
legislation, the Patriot Act, for a mere six months.

However, the rebuke from the fourth circuit court of appeal in Richmond,
Virginia, was especially surprising because the judges have a reputation
as conservatives, and have previously ruled in favour of the
administration's efforts to hold Padilla indefinitely without trial.

"It was difficult for me to think of another situation where a court has
said this to the government," said Carl Tobias of the University of
Richmond law school, who has written about the government's conduct of
terrorism cases.

In its ruling, the court warned the Bush administration it risked giving
"an appearance that the purpose of these actions may be to avoid
consideration of our decision by the supreme court".

The judges also warned of the dangers of leaving the impression that
Padilla had been held for years by mistake, saying that could inflict
"substantial cost to the government's credibility before the courts".


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