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Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting
Media analysis, critiques and activism

Downing Street Memo Activists "Wing Nuts," "Paranoid"

After over a month of scant media attention, mainstream U.S. outlets have
begun to report more seriously about the "Downing Street Memo," the
minutes of a July 2002 meeting of British government officials that
indicate the White House had already made up its mind to invade Iraq at
that early date, and that "the intelligence and facts were being fixed
around the policy" of invading rather than seeking a peaceful solution.

A June 7 White House press conference with George W. Bush and Tony Blair
offered the first public response from Bush to the memo, and with that
came an upswing in U.S. media attention. But some in the media took it as
a chance to lash out at the activists who have been bringing attention to
the story all along. On June 8, Washington Post reporter Dana Milbank
referred to Downing Street Memo activists--some of whom were offering a
cash reward for the first journalist to ask Bush about the memo--as "wing
nuts." He also offered an illogical explanation for the memo's low media

"In part, the memo never gained traction here because, unlike in Britain,
it wasn't election season, and the war is not as unpopular here. In part,
it's also because the notion that Bush was intent on military action in
Iraq had been widely reported here before, in accounts from Paul O'Neill
and Bob Woodward, among others. The memo was also more newsworthy across
the Atlantic because it reinforced the notion there that Blair has been
acting as Bush's 'poodle.'"

Milbank had reported the same day (6/8/05) that his paper's latest poll
showed that only 41 percent of Americans approved of the Iraq war--which
makes one wonder when exactly the war would cross Milbank's threshold and
become unpopular enough to make the memo newsworthy. Secondly, Milbank
argued the memo isn't news because other similar stories were once
reported--a peculiar explanation, to be sure. Finally, Milbank's third
rationale--that the memo was news in the U.K. because it confirmed
existing suspicions--would seem to directly contradict the second
principle of not reporting familiar stories.

Los Angeles Times editorial page editor Michael Kinsley opted for sarcasm
over serious discussion, deriding activists in a June 12 column for
sending him emails "demanding that I cease my personal cover-up of
something called the Downing Street Memo." Kinsley kidded that the fuss
was a good sign for the Left: "Developing a paranoid theory and promoting
it to the very edge of national respectability takes ideological

What does Kinsley mean by paranoid? Criticizing the Times for not giving
the story much attention would be accurate: Prior to the Bush-Blair press
conference, a Nexis search shows one story about the Downing Street
minutes appeared in the paper nearly two weeks after the story broke
(5/12/05), and that columnist Robert Scheer mentioned it a few days later

In fact, Kinsley's mocking seemed to serve no purpose, since his fallback
position is a familiar media defense: We all knew the Bush administration
wanted war, so this simply isn't news. As Kinsley put it, "Of course, you
don't need a secret memo to know this." As for "intelligence and
facts...being fixed around the policy," Kinsley eventually acknowledged
that "we know now that this was true."

So, to follow Kinsley's logic: People who demand more Downing Street
coverage have developed a "paranoid theory" that accurately portrays White
House decision-making on Iraq. His only quarrel with what he calls a "vast
conspiracy" pushing the mainstream media to take the memo more seriously
is that the activists think such information is important, and should be
brought to the attention of the public, whereas Kinsley--and apparently
many others in the mainstream media--doesn't "buy the fuss."

Contact the Washington Post ombudsman Michael Getler and ask him if it is
appropriate to label media activists "wing nuts" in a news story. Also,
ask Los Angeles Times editor Michael Kinsley to explain how Downing Street
Memo activists are peddling a "paranoid theory" that he also suggests is

Washington Post
Michael Getler
Phone: (202) 334-7582

Los Angeles Times
Editorial & Opinion Editor
Michael Kinsley


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