see also:
The Media Culpability for Iraq


Broadcast Exclusive: Georgetown Professor Accuses Bill O'Reilly of Lying
About 9/11 Commission's Findings
Monday, July 19th, 2004

AMY GOODMAN: This is Democracy Now!.  Over the weekend, I saw Georgetown
Law professor, David Cole. I talked to him for a few minutes at Dulles
airport just outside Washington, D.C., about his experience being on the
"O'Reilly Factor," with Bill O'Reilly.

DAVID COLE: It was an afternoon in June when I got a call from a Fox
producer who says, "Do you want to come on the O'Reilly factor to talk
about a story that day in the New York Times about the Guantanamo
situation?"  I generally have declined going on O'Reilly. It's not the
kind of show that I'm a fan of, but I think it's an important issue; I
will go on the show.

I went on the show, and I am sitting in the Washington studio. It's being
recorded in New York. They're recording the intro that O'Reilly apparently
always does to his show. It's an introductory commentary. In the course of
this, O'Reilly says -- he was talking about the Iraq-al Qaeda connection,
9/11, et cetera, and says, the factor -- the O'Reilly Factor established
the connection between Iraq and al Qaeda and here's what governor Tom
Kean, the head of the 9/11 commission said about it this weekend. Then he
play as clip in which Kean says something like we have found no evidence
whatsoever of any connection between the Saddam Hussein and 9/11. However,
we have found some contacts between – and at that point, O'Reilly
interrupts very angry and says, we can't use this. We have to redo this
whole thing. So, they -- so, there's silence for three minutes or so. 
They come back on. They re-record the introduction totally verbatim,
except when they get to the Kean part, instead of putting on the sound
bite, O'Reilly paraphrases and says over the weekend, the head of the 9/11
commission said they definitely found evidence of the connection between
Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda.

So, then we go into my segment, which is about this New York Times story,
and O’Reilly's spin essentially is that the New York Times is lying to us,
the New York Times is biased, and that bias is under mining people's
resolve in the war on terrorism. He keeps characterizing the New York
Times story as saying that the people in Guantanamo are innocent, there's
no reason for them to be there. I keep saying, no, that's not what the New
York Times story said. It said it was reporting on a C.I.A. Report that
had found they had gotten very little intelligence from the people at
Guantanamo and there were very few high level people at Guantanamo, mostly
low-level people who didn't actually pose much of a danger.

We go back and forth, the usual -- you know, very thoughtful exchange that
you get on this kind of talk show. Until I keep saying -- you know, Bill,
you are misleading your viewers by mischaracterizing what the New York
Times is saying and you are criticizing the New York Times for
mischaracterizing the facts and he says, no, I'm not. At which point I
say, I might as well go for it and say, "It seems to me, Bill, like it's
the pot calling the kettle black because not five minutes ago, I sat here
and watched you re-record the introduction to your show in order to take
out the head of the 9/11 commission saying there was no evidence linking
Saddam Hussein to 9/11."  At which point he just went ballistic, screamed
at me, called me an s.o.b. at least three times. He said -- guaranteed
that this part of the segment would not air, and said that I would never
ever be called back to the show, which at the time I wasn't sure whether
to take as a threat or a promise. But in any event, that's where he left

Later that night, the show aired and there was Bill O'Reilly fuming about
the bias and spin of the New York Times, but leaving out both governor
Kean's statement and my statement to O'Reilly about his own spinning of
the al Qaeda - Hussein connection. That's the story.

The most smarmy thing about the whole event was that O'Reilly's opening
commentary was all about how terrible spin and how terrible the New York
Times’ spin is because it's dividing the country, undermining the war on
terrorism, and the final line was "the spin must stop. Our lives depend on
it." But he had just spun the statement of Governor Kean to serve his own

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