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Brace for more Katrinas, say experts


Center for American Progress

Here's the Story of a Hurricane

In 2001, the Federal Emergency Management Agency ranked a major hurricane
strike on New Orleans as "among the three likeliest, most catastrophic
disasters facing this country," directly behind a terrorist strike on New
York City. Yesterday, disaster struck. One of the strongest storms in
recorded history rocked the Gulf Coast, bringing 145 mph winds and floods
of up to 20 feet. One million residents were evacuated; at least 65 are
confirmed dead. Tens of thousands of homes were completely submerged.
Mississippi's governor reported "catastrophic damage on all levels."
Downtown New Orleans buildings were "imploding," a fire chief said. Oil
surged past $70 a barrel. New Orleanians were grimly asking each other,
"So, where did you used to live?" (To donate to Red Cross disaster relief,
click here or call 1-800-HELP-NOW). While it happened, President Bush
decided to ... continue his vacation, stopping by the Pueblo El Mirage RV
and Golf Resort in El Mirage, California, to hawk his Medicare drug
benefit plan. On Sunday, President Bush said, "I want to thank all the
folks at the federal level and the state level and the local level who
have taken this storm seriously.” He’s not one of them. Below, the
Progress Report presents "How Not to Prepare for a Massive Hurricane," by
President Bush, congressional conservatives, and their corporate special
interest allies.

President Bush took an ax to budget funds that would have helped New
Orleans prepare for such a disaster. The New Orleans branch of the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers suffered a "record $71.2 million" reduction in
federal funding, a 44.2 percent reduction from its 2001 levels. Reports at
the time said that thanks to the cuts, "major hurricane and flood
protection projects will not be awarded to local engineering firms. ...
Also, a study to determine ways to protect the region from a Category 5
hurricane has been shelved for now." (Too bad Louisiana isn't a swing
state. In the aftermath of Hurricane Frances -- and the run-up to the 2004
election -- the Bush administration awarded $31 million in disaster relief
to Florida residents who didn't even experience hurricane damage.)

"natural buffer that helps protect New Orleans from storms," slowing
hurricanes down as they approach from sea. When he came into office,
President Bush pledged to uphold the "no net loss" wetland policy his
father initiated. He didn't keep his word. Bush rolled back tough wetland
policies set by the Clinton administration, ordering federal agencies "to
stop protecting as many as 20 million acres of wetlands and an untold
number of waterways nationwide." Last year, four environmental groups
issued a joint report showing that administration policies had allowed
"developers to drain thousands of acres of wetlands." The result? New
Orleans may be in even greater danger: "Studies show that if the wetlands
keep vanishing over the next few decades, then you won't need a giant
storm to devastate New Orleans -- a much weaker, more common kind of
hurricane could destroy the city too."

Forward-thinking federal plans with titles like "Issues and Options in
Flood Hazards Management," "Floods: A National Policy Concern," and "A
Framework for Flood Hazards Management" would be particularly valuable in
a time of increasingly intense hurricanes. Unfortunately, the agency that
used to produce them -- the Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) -- was
gutted by Gingrich conservatives several years ago. As Chris Mooney (who
presciently warned of the need to bulk up hurricane defenses in New
Orleans last May) noted yesterday, "If we ever return to science-based
policymaking based on professionalism and expertise, rather than ideology,
an office like OTA would be very useful in studying how best to save a
city like New Orleans -- and how Congress might consider appropriating
money to achieve this end."

Reserve soldiers are typically on the front lines responding to disasters
like Katrina -- that is, if they're not fighting in Iraq. Roughly 35
percent of Louisiana's National Guard is currently deployed in Iraq, where
guardsmen and women make up about four of every 10 soldiers. Additionally,
"Dozens of high water vehicles, humvees, refuelers and generators" used by
the Louisiana Guard are also tied up abroad. "The National Guard needs
that equipment back home to support the homeland security mission,"
Louisiana National Guard Lt. Colonel Pete Schneider told reporters earlier
this month. "Recruitment is down dramatically, mostly because prospective
recruits are worried about deployments to Iraq, Afghanistan or another
country," the AP reported recently. "I used to be able to get about eight
people a month," said National Guard 1st Sgt. Derick Young, a New Orleans
recruiter. "Now, I'm lucky if I can get one."

HELP FUEL GLOBAL WARMING: Severe weather occurrences like hurricanes and
heat waves already take hundreds of lives and cause millions in damages
each year. As the Progress Report has noted, data increasingly suggest
that human-induced global warming is making these phenomena more dangerous
and extreme than ever. "The hurricane that struck Louisiana yesterday was
nicknamed Katrina by the National Weather Service," science author Ross
Gelbspan writes. "Its real name is global warming." AP reported recently
on a Massachusetts Institute of Technology analysis that shows that "major
storms spinning in both the Atlantic and the Pacific ... have increased in
duration and intensity by about 50 percent" since the 1970s, trends that
are "closely linked to increases in the average temperatures of the ocean
surface and also correspond to increases in global average atmospheric
temperatures during the same period." Yet just last week, as Katrina was
gathering steam and looming over the Gulf, the Bush administration
released new CAFE standards that actually encourage automakers to produce
bigger, less fuel efficient vehicles, while preventing states from taking
strong, progressive action to reverse global warming.


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