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Iraqi Seeks Probe of Killing
By Colum Lynch
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, July 2, 2005; A19

UNITED NATIONS, July 1 -- Iraq's U.N. ambassador Friday accused U.S.
Marines of killing his 21-year-old cousin "in cold blood" during a June 25
raid in a village in the Sunni Muslim-dominated province of Anbar.

Samir S.M. Sumaidaie called on the United States to investigate the death
of Mohammed Sumaidaie in "a credible and fair way to ensure that justice
is done." He said the killing represents a "betrayal" of Iraqi and U.S.
efforts to rebuild Iraq on a foundation of "freedom, democracy and respect
for human rights and the rule of law."

The allegation comes as the United States is trying to persuade Iraq's
Sunni Muslim community, which provides the largest base of support for the
insurgency, to break with Islamic extremist elements in Iraq and
participate in the country's political transition. The U.S. military has
held a series of private meetings this summer with insurgent leaders to
convince them to back the political process.

A spokesman for the U.S.-led multinational force in Camp Fallujah, in the
heart of Iraq's Sunni region, issued a statement saying an inquiry had
been launched into the incident, noting that the "allegations roughly
correspond to an incident involving coalition forces" in the area on June

"We take these allegations seriously and will thoroughly investigate this
incident to determine what happened," said Maj. Gen. Stephen T. Johnson,
commanding general of Multi-National Force-West. The investigation could
take several weeks, according to the statement.

According to a witness account compiled by Sumaidaie, U.S. Marines and
Iraqi Army units were conducting a joint series of raids June 25 in the
town of Haditha. At 10 a.m., 10 Marines searching for weapons knocked on
the door of Mohammed's father's house.

Mohammed, described as a "relatively shy" engineering student, "greeted
them pleasantly" and led them to his father's bedroom, where the family
stored an old rifle filled with blanks, according to the account.

His relatives say they do not know exactly what happened next, but they
say that several family members, including Mohammed's mother, were
gathered in the hallway and heard a thud in the bedroom. Meanwhile,
according to Sumaidaie's account, one Marine dragged Mohammed's younger
brother, Ali, through the house by his hair and beat him.

The family was asked to wait on the porch while the Marines continued
searching the house for another hour, the account said. When they
finished, an interpreter for the Marines asked Mohammed's mother in Arabic
whether it was her son in the bedroom. The account said he told her, "They
killed him!"

"In the bedroom Mohammed was found dead and laying in a clotted pool of
his blood," according to the account.

Sumaidaie wrote in a statement released Friday: "If that account is
broadly accurate, and I have absolutely no doubt that it is because I made
sure of it, a serious crime has been committed. All indications point to a
killing of an unarmed civilian -- a cold-blooded murder."

The United States' acting U.N. ambassador, Anne W. Patterson, expressed
"heartfelt condolences" to Sumaidaie and asked the U.S. embassy in Iraq
and senior Pentagon officials "to look into the matter immediately," said
Richard Grenell, spokesman for the U.S. mission to the United Nations.

"The situation is obviously just terrible," Grenell said.


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