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Nagasaki: Wasteland of war, by the first Western reporter to witness it

The American journalist George Weller was the first Allied observer to see
the devastation wreaked by the atomic bomb on the Japanese city of
Nagasaki. But his account was censored at the command of General
MacArthur, and only now, three years after his death, have his astonishing
reports finally been published.

By Andrew Buncombe
21 June 2005
The Independent [UK]

The scenes that confronted the reporter George Weller would fill his
dispatches with horror and stay with him for life. The first Western
reporter into the bombed and off-limits city of Nagasaki in September
1945, Weller encountered sickness and suffering of a kind never seen
before. He described the cityscape though which he passed as a "wasteland
of war".

But his unflinching reports written a month after the atomic bomb had
dropped caught the eye of General Douglas MacArthur's US military censors.
Concerned at the effect Weller's reporting would have on worldwide opinion
as well as his subsequent political ambitions, the general ensured that
none of the reportage he filed from Nagasaki would be published.

Until now. Three years after Weller's death at the age of 95, and 60 years
after the US dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki killing more
than 200,000 people and ushering the world into the nuclear era, some of
those first-hand dispatches have been published in a Japanese newspaper.

They provide a raw and unique insight into the bomb's devastation and the
horrifying effect of radiation poisoning, known to the author of the
reports and the bewildered doctors he spoke to simply as "Disease X".

In a report filed from Nagasaki on 8 September 1945, Weller wrote: "In
swaybacked or flattened skeletons of the Mitsubishi arms plants is
revealed what the atomic bomb can do to steel and stone, but what the
riven atom can do against human flesh and bone lies hidden in two
hospitals of downtown Nagasaki. Look at the pushed-in façade of the
American consulate, three miles from the blast's centre, or the face of
the Catholic cathedral, one mile in the other direction, torn down like
gingerbread, and you can tell that the liberated atom spares nothing in
the way." Weller's remarkable dispatches might not have been discovered
but for his son Anthony, also a writer and journalist, who was dealing
with his father's belongings after his death in 2002. At his father's home
in San Felice Circeo, Italy, Mr Weller was working his way through a box
of papers when he came across 75 typed pages of carbon-paper copies
containing reports from the war in the Pacific, which his father had
believed lost. The reports ran to about 25,000 words.

Speaking yesterday by telephone from his father's home, Mr Weller, 47,
told The Independent: "My father had spoken of these reports many times
over the years and it was a source of great frustration to him [to be
censored]. It was one of the biggest stories of his life.

"It was very poignant to find his carbons no more than 20ft from where he
was sitting. One of the rooms in his house was overflowing with papers
from his more than 65 years as a foreign correspondent. There were boxes
and crates with these papers jammed into them. I spent some time going
through a crate full of mildewed papers from the Pacific war and there
they were. The crate was a few feet from the chair in which he used to
sit. He did not know they were there."

The story of Weller's suppressed dispatches from the southern coastal city
of Nagasaki - devastated by the 4.5-ton "Fatman" nuclear device that was
exploded at a height of 1,500ft at 11.02am on 9 August - are made all the
more remarkable for the effort it took him to get into the city. With the
city and much of southern Japan placed off-limits by MacArthur, commander
of the US forces, Weller, already a Pulitzer Prize winner with the now
defunct Chicago Daily News, made his way to the distant island of Kyushu.
There, with official permission, he visited what had been a Japanese
kamikaze base. But he also noticed that the town on the mainland - just a
few hundred yards from the island - was connected to Nagasaki by railroad.
Using a combination of boat, train and a bravura performance in which he
impersonated a senior US officer and commandeered two military cars, he
was able to get into Nagasaki several days before any other Western
reporters. Weller, who had earlier been among the very last journalists to
leave Singapore and then Indonesia in the face of the Japanese advance,
was not at the time particularly opposed to the atomic bomb. "I think the
Japanese military had cleared any sense of remorse out of him," said his
son, who usually lives in Annisquam, Massachusetts. And his initial
reports from Nagasaki suggested that he believed the atomic weapon, while
clearly deadly, had worked with a rare degree of precision.

He started one early dispatch by writing: "The atomic bomb may be
classified as a weapon capable of being used indiscriminately, but its use
in Nagasaki was selective and proper and as merciful as such a gigantic
force could be expected to be. The following conclusions were made by the
writer - as the first visitor to inspect the ruins - after an exhaustive,
though still incomplete study of this wasteland of war." He suggested that
the death toll stood at no more than 24,000 and that this number (later
shown to be more than 75,000, with another 75,000 injured and countless
more left to die later from radiation sickness) was largely the result of
poorly designed civilian air shelters and a refusal by the local
authorities to take air-raid warnings seriously. He later added in his
report: "Nobody here in Nagasaki has yet been able to show that the bomb
is different than any other, except in a broader extent flash and a more
powerful knock-out." But as he travelled more around Nagasaki, visiting
hospitals filled with sick and dying people, witnessing the flattened city
and talking to the baffled Japanese doctors unable to help so many of the
sick, Weller became aware that something was terribly wrong. Many of those
brought into the hospitals were not responding to treatment.

He witnessed children with red blotches on their skin, people who had lost
their hair, patients with blackened tongues, patients with lock-jaw.
Doctors at one hospital told him that a month after the explosion, people
were dying at a rate of 10 a day.

He noted that the doctors had performed precise assessments of the
patients brought to them. Their hair had fallen out, they had skin
haemorrhages, lip sores, diarrhoea, swelling of the throat. There had been
a fall in the number of their red blood cells and there was an almost
absence of white blood cells.

He wrote in another dispatch: "The atomic bomb's peculiar 'disease',
uncured because it is untreated and untreated because it is not diagnosed,
is still snatching away lives here. Men, women and children with no
outward marks of injury are dying daily in hospitals, some after having
walked around for three or four weeks thinking they have escaped. The
doctors here have every modern medicament, but candidly confessed in
talking to the writer - the first Allied observer to Nagasaki since the
surrender - that the answer to the malady is beyond them. Their patients,
though their skin is whole, are all passing away under their eyes."

After his achievement of entering Nagasaki and acting as an eye-witness to
the destruction, Weller's mistake was to send his reports back to Tokyo by
hand, to be approved by the military censor. Concerned about their
potential effect on public opinion, MacArthur ordered that that they be

Weller's son said his father later believed he had lost the carbon copies
and would go to his grave summarising his experience with the censors
simply as "They won." Indeed, at the same time as it was suppressing
Weller's reports and denying similar reports filed from Hiroshima by the
Australian reporter Wilfred Burchett and published by the Daily Express in
London, the Pentagon was actively going to great lengths to persuade its
own citizens that there was no danger of radiation poisoning from the
atomic bombs.

William Laurance, a science reporter with The New York Times and - it
later emerged - someone also paid by the White House as a "consultant",
was among a group of reporters taken to the atomic testing site in New
Mexico to demonstrate there was no lingering radiation. Laurance's
subsequent story said: "This historic ground in New Mexico, scene of the
first atomic explosion on earth and a cradle of a new era in civilisation,
gave the most effective answer today to Japanese propaganda that
[radiation was] responsible for deaths even after the day of the

Laurance was so liked by the military that he was even taken in the
squadron of planes accompanying the B-29 bomber from Tinian Island near
Guam, which dropped the Nagasaki bomb. In contrast to Weller's reports of
suffering and sickness, Laurance described the bomb's explosion thus:
"Awestruck, we watched it shoot upward like a meteor coming from the earth
instead of from outer space, becoming ever more alive as it climbed
skyward through the white clouds ... It was a living thing, a new species
of being, born right before our incredulous eyes." Ironically, such
reporting won Laurance himself a Pulitzer prize.

Gregg Mitchell, co-author of Hiroshima in America: A Half Century of
Denial and editor of the magazine Editor and Publisher, said the story of
Weller's suppressed and then lost dispatches was one of journalism's more
considerable mysteries.

"It's different to Deep Throat, but in nuclear history and journalism
history, [it is important]," said Mr Mitchell, whose book details the
official suppression of the effect of the atomic weapons and the
controversy surrounding America's decision to use them when many in the
West believed Japan was already ready to surrender. "It is one of the
great mysteries. People have always wondered what was in those reports.
For them to emerge intact solves it."

Weller's son, who has also discovered a cache of his father's photographs,
said his father had believed his reports from Nagasaki would not be
censored. He believed that during the three weeks he spent in Nagasaki he
was there "as a witness".

"He had been fighting the censors for four years," he said. "[The censors]
did not want the US people to get a bad impression of the bombs, and that
it was not MacArthur who had won the war but a bunch of scientists in New

Indeed, the conclusion to one of his father's most moving dispatches
relates to some of those very scientists, the effect of whose labours he
had just witnessed, and who were about to arrive in the city to measure
the radiation. "Twenty-five Americans are due to arrive September 11 to
study the Nagasaki bombsite. Japanese hope they will bring a solution for
Disease X."


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