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Sand, Sun and Spectrum Policy
By Craig Aaron August 30, 2005

Summer is no time to talk about spectrum policy. So instead, let's pretend
this is a column about going to the beach.

Imagine for a moment that you're relaxing on the white sand, with a slight
breeze in the air, just steps from the clear blue water. This beach is
open to the public, but it's never too crowded. It's a great place to

But then one day you show up, and there's a huge brick wall blocking your
path to the shore. Without telling anyone, the government sold off this
seaside spot to a private developer. Seems they were a little short of
cash because of too many tax cuts. If you still want to dip your toes in
the water, the new management expects you to pay through the nose.

You'd be pretty angry, right?

Well, that's exactly what's happening right now in Congress. Only the
valuable public resource being auctioned off isn't the beach--it's a prime
slice of the public airwaves.

A little background: In 1996, Bill Clinton and Congress handed the
nation's television broadcasters billions of dollars worth of the radio
spectrum for free to make the transition from analog to digital

Where broadcasters now have one channel on the air, they'll soon be able
to "multicast" four to six channels simultaneously (with no new
obligations for public interest programming). This will be especially
troubling if the broadcasters succeed in overturning broadcast ownership
rules at the FCC. They could potentially control as many as 12 or 18
channels in a single market.

In exchange for this windfall, the broadcasters were supposed to complete
the digital transition by the end of next year--and return their old
analog spectrum to the government. But they've been slow to make the
switch, so Congress is preparing to impose a new "hard date" of Dec. 31,
2008, at which point your TV will stop working if you don't subscribe to
cable or satellite.

That's right. Though nobody has bothered to warn consumers, millions of
TVs being sold right now will soon be obsolete. Even though 85 percent of
U.S. households subscribe to cable or satellite, Consumers Union estimates
that 39 percent of homes have at least one TV relying on over-the-air
analog signals. Unless the government pays for a subsidy, tens of millions
of viewers will have to cough up at least $50 for a converter or buy new
TVs altogether. (Guess which one the electronics industry is counting on.)

But the real scandal of the digital television transition is what's going
to happen to the analog spectrum that's being vacated by the broadcasters
and returned to the government. After returning from the recess, Congress
intends to auction off the public airwaves to the cell phone companies for
at least $20 billion.

You wouldn't know from the paltry press coverage of this boondoggle that
there's an alternative. Instead of a one-time fire sale, Congress could
open the airwaves to the public and lay the groundwork for universal,
broadband access. All they have to do is set aside a portion of the
spectrum as "unlicensed," meaning anyone can use it, not just the highest

The wireless network at your corner coffee shop uses unlicensed spectrum.
But right now Wi-Fi operates in the high-frequency "junk bands," which are
cluttered with signals from microwave ovens, garage-door openers and baby
monitors. The airwaves being taken from the broadcasters, however, are the
Malibu of the radio spectrum--fine beachfront property.

Signals at these lower frequencies travel farther at lower powers and can
go through obstacles like walls, trees and mountains. That means lower
infrastructure costs for broadband providers, encouraging the development
of local wireless networks and lowering prices. With more unlicensed
spectrum, the "Community Internet" networks being set up across the
country would be even faster and more reliable. Super-high-speed broadband
connections for just $10 a month could be a reality.

Under the current regime, a majority of Americans are unable to get
connected or afford the high-priced commercial service offered by the
cable and phone companies. The United States has fallen to 16th place
worldwide in broadband penetration--behind countries like South Korea,
Japan, Canada and Finland. More unlicensed spectrum would help narrow the
digital divide.

We're heading for a world in which all communications--television,
telephone, radio and the Web--will be delivered over the Internet. The
choice seems clear: We can sell off our public resources to pay for the
war, tax cuts or more pork-barrel projects. Or we can invest in the
future, bringing the benefits of broadband to all Americans.

But first our lawmakers need to pull their heads out of the sand.

Craig Aaron is the communications director of the national media reform
group Free Press and a senior editor of In These Times. The views
expressed here are his own.


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