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>From Voices in the Wilderness / Voices for Creative Nonviolence


The U.S. Senate is set to vote to approve the supplemental spending
package for the current fiscal year.  This includes an additional $67.5
billion to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

This vote is scheduled to take place the week of April 24th.  Between now
and then, the Senate is in recess and U.S. Senators are back in their home

You are urged to take one or more of the following actions to halt funding
of the Iraq war:

1) Visit your Senators’ offices to tell them to vote against all war
funding.  Bring as many people with you as possible.  Don’t let their
staff tell them that you need an appointment and don’t call ahead to try
to schedule an appointment between now and April 24.  It normally takes
weeks to schedule an appointment with a staff member (let alone a
Senator)—there is no time to wait this long.  It is infinitely more
important that Senators know that there is a steady stream of constituents
coming to their offices to demand an end to the war than it is to follow
proper protocol.

2)  Call your Senators’ offices daily to tell them to vote against all war

3)  Write a letter to your Senators’ offices telling them to vote against
all war funding.  Fax—don’t mail—your letter to your Senators’ offices. 
Because of mail screening at the mailroom in Congress, your Senators won’t
see your letter till long after the vote if you mail it.

4)  Maintain a public vigil outside your Senators’ offices.  Have signs
and flyers with your Senators’ office phone numbers to let passers-by know
how to call to tell their Senators’ to vote against war funding and the
supplemental spending bill.

5)  Engage in civil disobedience at your Senators’ offices demanding that
they vote against war funding.  Civil disobedience directed at Senators
who give lip service to ending the war (while voting for never ending
funding for the never ending war) is perhaps more important than civil
disobedience directed at Senators who will vote for each and every war,
weapons system, military budget, etc. that comes their way. But every
Senator voting for war should be held accountable via acts of lobbying,
political pressure and civil disobedience.

You can find address, phone and fax information for your Senators by using
one of the following resources:

1)  U.S. Senate Website (

2)  Friends Committee on National Legislation website (

3)  Calling the Congressional switchboard at 1-202-224-3121.  The
switchboard will connect you to your Senators’ office in Washington, D.C.
and you can ask the staff member there for relevant contact information. 
While on the line with this office, tell the Senators’ staff that you are
opposed to funding the war in Iraq.

Voices for Creative Nonviolence


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