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Shortening Grace
By John Hepburn

I'm not a religious person, but several of my close friends and relatives
are. So from time to time, I have the occasion to witness, or even to say
Grace before an evening meal. In most cases, this has been a general "give
thanks to the lord", but in some circles it has involved a heartfelt thank
you to the people who made the meal possible -to the cook, the farmers and
to the truckies who brought us the food. And of course to nature for her
endless abundance. It is an opportunity to appreciate where our food
really comes from.

But what would Grace look like if we really did appreciate all of the
hands that played a part in creating our evening meal? Maybe something
like this?

We give thanks to Mum for cooking, and the farmers for growing the food.
We give thanks to the supermarket for setting up the distribution and
retail system. We give thanks to the checkout chicks. We give thanks to
the truckies for doing all that driving. We give thanks to Cargill for
setting up the grain handling systems and the crushing mills. And the
contract haulers and harvesters for getting the grain from the farms into
the silos. We give thanks to the banks for lending farmers the money so
that they could buy equipment and finance planting. We give thanks to the
insurance brokers for providing crop insurance. We give thanks to the seed
merchants for selling the seed.

And the research labs and seed companies for developing the seed
varieties. Oh, and of course, We give thanks to the hundreds of
generations of subsistence farmers who developed the crops in the first
place. We give thanks to the chemical companies for designing the
pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers. We give thanks to the petroleum
industry for providing the raw materials for the chemicals, and for
providing fuel for transportation.

We give thanks to the agricultural engineers for designing the equipment
that has helped to mechanise farms. We give thanks to the agronomists for
helping farmers to understand the complexities of new chemicals and seed
varieties. We give thanks to neighbours for not complaining too much about
spray drift. We give thanks to the waterways for quietly accepting all of
the nutrient and chemical run off. We give thanks to the atmosphere for
dealing with all of the CO2 emmissions from the petrochemical use.

We give thanks to the frogs for being OK about being born with 5 legs
because of Atrazine run off into their habitat. We give thanks to the
parents of children with leukemia in agricultural areas for not causing
riots. We give thanks to rural communities for being willing to die slow
and silent deaths as farmers gradually sell up, and businesses close down.
We give thanks to future generations for subsiding the cost of our food so
that we can continue to ship food all over the world in one of the most
irrational and wasteful systems ever devised - without paying any of the
environmental costs.

I could go on, but have stop at this point because half of the table is
asleep - face down in their soup. Bored or depressed into submission.

Maybe we can come up with something shorter?

Monsanto are giving it their best shot. So are ADM (Archer Daniels
Midlands), Cargill, ConAgra and a few other agribusiness giants. In their
vertically integrated vision of food, we'll just be able to rattle off a
quick "We give thanks to Monsanto for providing the seed, the chemicals,
the agronomists and for funding the research institutions. We thank
Hastings Deering for the fully automated, driverless tractors and farm
machinery. We thank ADM and Cargill for owning the entire distribution
system. We give thanks to Kraft for processing and to Woolworths for
delivering it to our door. Thanks to Miele for the microwave oven. Oh, and
a quick thanks for future generations for you know what."

There that was better. Only half as long at the most. At least most people
are still awake.

But an increasing number of us are trying to shorten grace in a different
way. In a way that takes out the bits about future generations paying the
price, and puts people back into the story. There are lots of options, but
it goes something like this:

We give thanks to nature for the incredible gift of food that grows on
trees. We give thanks to the seed savers for protecting our common
heritage. We give thanks to our garden for providing what it can. We give
thanks to the Ernst and Gertie and the other farmers in the district for
growing our food. We give thanks to the producers co-op. We give thanks to
the farmers union. We give thanks to the food buying group. We give thanks
to Kristen for picking up our veggies this week. We give thanks to the
farmers market and the community supported agriculture scheme.

You see, there is another vision of food that is growing around the world.
It is about people knowing where their food comes from. It is about
locally produced food. It is about food grown without artificial
chemicals. It is about an end to monocultures. It is about food grown in
harmony with nature, rather than an industrial food system that treats
nature as an obstacle to be overcome.

Something urgently needs to change about the way that we do food. In the
affluent countries of Europe, North America and Australia, the shift is
being led by consumers who are demanding to know where their food comes
from, and who are demanding that it meet high environmental, health and
ethical standards.

In the majority world of Africa, Asia, and the Americas, the shift is
being led by producers who are standing up to the structural adjustment
packages of the World Bank and the IMF. They are demanding that food be
grown to feed local people rather than for export cash crops. They are
demanding the biotech companies be disallowed from patenting seeds and
traditional knowledge. They are demanding that their future be determined
by them, not by agribusiness corporations.

So, next time you sit down for your evening meal, think about what kind of
Grace you need to say if you are really being honest and grateful for your
food. And then imagine what kind of Grace you might like to say
instead?and then join the millions of other people around the world in
making it so.

By definition, this change will not be led by experts, corporations or
politicians. It will be led by individual people like you - people like
your mum, your brother, your sister, your neighbour, Like all exciting
journeys, reclaiming our food culture and shortening Grace starts with the
first step.


John Hepburn
Genetic Engineering Campaigner
Greenpeace International / Greenpeace Australia Pacific
Ph +61 2 9263 0302 Mob +61 407 231 172


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