Shut up and color
Bush continues GOP tradition of bullying in politics
By Paul Rogat Loeb

(Editor's note: Paul Loeb's newest book, The Impossible Will Take a Little
While: A Citizen's Guide to Hope in a Time of Fear, is now available.)

The best thing John Kerry did at the Democratic convention was to
challenge the bullying. He talked of the flag belonging to all of us, and
how "standing up to speak our minds is not a challenge to patriotism [but]
the heart and soul of patriotism." By doing this, he drew the line against
the pattern of intimidation that the Bush administration has used to wage
war on democracy itself.

A former Air Force Colonel I know described the administration's attitude
toward dissent as "shut up and color," as if we were unruly
eight-year-olds. Whatever we may think of Bush's particular policies, the
most dangerous thing he's done is to promote a culture that equates
questioning with treason. This threatens the dialogue that's at the core
of our republic.

Think of the eve of the Iraq war, and the contempt heaped on those
generals who dared to suggest that the war might take far more troops and
money than the administration was suggesting. Think of the attacks on the
reputations and motives of long-time Republicans who've recently dared to
question, like national security advisor Richard Clarke, Ambassador Joseph
Wilson, weapons inspector Scott Ritter, and Bush's own former Treasury
Secretary, Paul O'Neill. Think of the Republican TV ads, the 2000 Georgia
Senate race, which paired Democratic Senator Max Cleland with Osama bin
Laden and Saddam Hussein -- asserting that because Cleland opposed
President Bush's Homeland Security bill, he lacked "the courage to lead."

In this last case, it didn't matter that Cleland had lost two legs and an
arm in Vietnam, while the Republican who eventually defeated him had never
worn a uniform. Nor that Republican strategists nearly defeated South
Dakota Senator Tim Johnson in the same election, with similar ads,
although Johnson was the only person in Congress whose child was actually
serving with the U.S. military -- and would see active duty in Afghanistan
and Iraq.

It's hard to talk about such intimidation without sounding partisan or
shrill, but we need to make it a central issue, because if it succeeds, it
becomes impossible to discuss any other issues. Remember after the 9/11
attacks, when Attorney General John Ashcroft publicly declared that anyone
who disagreed with administration policy was an ally of terrorism. We were
still stunned and reeling at that point. Yet Democrats and honorable
Republicans should have had the courage to say that this definition was
unacceptable. Instead they capitulated to the tactics of Republican
strategists like Grover Norquist, who proudly quotes Lenin's motto, "Probe
with bayonets, looking for weakness." And a message of intimidation has
dominated since, amplified through the endless echo chamber of O'Reilly,
Rush, Hannity, and Drudge.

Some who've embraced this approach believe they're on a divinely
sanctioned Crusade. Others simply love the game -- like Karl Rove, who got
his start by destroying the reputation of a fellow contender to head the
national Young Republicans, and helped Bush first take office by spreading
rumors that then-Texas governor Ann Richards was a lesbian. My friend Egil
Krogh, who worked in the Nixon administration, hired G Gordon Liddy, and
went to prison for Watergate, did things he knew were morally wrong,
wanting to be loyal. He watched Nixon's administration frame everything in
terms of national security, then identify that security as whatever
consolidated their power, while branding those who challenged them as
traitors. Bush's administration, to Krogh, seems even more ruthless.

The resulting rule of intimidation and manipulation grinds into the dust
traditional conservative ethics of honesty and fair play. In the 2000
election, while the Florida ballots were still being counted, a mob of a
couple hundred people, pounding on doors and windows, succeeded in
permanently stopping a count of 10,000 Miami-Dade County ballots that were
expected to favor Al Gore. As The Wall Street Journal reported, this mob
was made up largely of Republican Congressional aides, organized by future
House Majority Leader Tom DeLay and flown in by the Bush campaign. In a
tight 2002 race for the New Hampshire Senate seat that Republican John
Sununu eventually won, a Virginia-based campaign consultant group, GOP
Marketplace, hired an Idaho telemarketing firm to jam the phone lines of
Democratic "get-out-the-vote" call centers. More recently, Michigan and
Oregon Republicans have gone all out to get Ralph Nader on the ballot, to
siphon off votes from John Kerry.

The United States is an experiment whose outcome can be in doubt on any
given day. But when our leaders embrace the ethics of Don Corleone, they
undermine the very terms of our democracy. Go back to Richard Nixon's
"Southern strategy," where he deliberately used racially polarizing
language and images to lure White southerners into the Republican Party.
Or the Willie Horton ads overseen by Karl Rove's mentor, Lee Atwater. Or
the Iran-Contra scandal, when the first President Bush and key members of
the current president's administration, then working for Reagan, crafted
and enacted secret foreign policies that defied the will of Congress --
while collaborating with dictators and terrorists. Or the illegitimate
purging, in the 2000 election, of 94,000 largely poor and minority voters
from the Florida rolls. Recently, the same five Supreme Court justices who
installed Bush prevailed by a single vote in upholding Tom DeLay's
midnight redistricting in Texas and Pennsylvania -- where Republicans
broke all conventional rules about redistricting only after a census, and
instead gerrymandered as many Congressional seats as they could, just
because they held the reins of power.

Whatever our party identifications or stands on particular issues, which
of course will vary, we should be profoundly troubled by these
developments. Since the United States was founded, neither major political
party has exercised a monopoly on deceit, venality, or political abuse.
Dead people voted in Chicago. Lyndon Johnson closed an air base in a
Congressional district that dared to vote against him. No administration
since the World War I Palmer Raids, however, has so systematically
attempted to silence its critics.

But just as a culture of silence is contagious, so is one of courage. And
citizens are beginning to stand up and question, from Republican
conservationists questioning Bush's environmental policies, to career
foreign service officers decrying the rift our unilateral actions are
creating between us and the world, to cities across America challenging
the Patriot Act.

The challenge now is to make the issue of bullying the central theme of
the election, linking the intimidation of all questioners with the blind
insularity that leads to debacles like Iraq. If we can do this, Bush will
lose. As old-fashioned as it may sound, the demand that our political
leaders play fair still resonates. And in a democracy, we should expect
nothing less.

Paul Rogat Loeb is the author of The Impossible Will Take a Little While:
A Citizen's Guide to Hope in a Time of Fear, just published by Basic
Books, and of Soul of a Citizen.  Barbara Ehrenreich writes, "For anyone
worn down by four years of Bushism, The Impossible Will Take a Little
While is a bracing double cappuccino!" And Habitat for Humanity founder
Millard Fuller writes "Paul Loeb brings hope for a better world in a time
when we so urgently need it."

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