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Published on Monday, September 5, 2005 by
The Media Discover the Poor
by James H. Wittebols

It’s too bad it takes a disaster like Hurricane Katrina to draw the
media’s attention to the disenfranchised and economically marginal in this
“land of plenty” but that seems to be an obvious conclusion from this
week’s coverage of the tragic situation in New Orleans. After years of
drift by both TV news and newspapers toward serving advertisers who seek
consumers with money rather than citizens who want to be nourished with
information, this turn of events would be celebrated if it weren’t for the
tragedy it took to generate it.

Even then it was a mixed bag. CNN’s curmudgeonly Jack Cafferty, repeatedly
asked the question whether aid would be so slow in coming if the victims
were the white, upper middle class instead of the largely poor, African
American faces of victims that were flashed on the nation’s television
screens this week. Other reporters started referring to the victims as
refugees—quickly consigning the victims to third world status—a kind of
“other” status that suggests they are less than “normal” Americans.

But largely, the reporting corps which has made it to New Orleans, many of
whom had reported disasters abroad, have expressed their own personal
shock at what was happening within the borders of the richest country in
the world. While right wing radio commentators were busy victim blaming
(who, in their pathetic world view, undoubtedly were wondering why
families on welfare weren’t just packing up their Cadillacs and getting
out of the city), reporters on the ground saw the dehumanized way in which
people were being forced to cope and actually were able to generate some
empathy for their plight.

The right wing talk crowd was merely aping the attitude expressed
repeatedly by George Bush’s FEMA director, Michael Brown, who in one
interview on MSNBC said several times “those who chose not to evacuate”
before finally amending it to could not evacuate. This was countered by
some reporters astute and knowledgeable enough to report that over a third
of New Orleans residents do not own cars. Other officials, notably the
governor of Louisiana, Kathleen Blanco, started talking tough about “shoot
to kill” orders for those caught looting when it was obvious that most
looting was a matter of survival—food and water—and that only a few were
trying to procure luxury items Again, some reporters commented that shoot
to kill orders sounded more than a little harsh for a population obviously
experiencing severe psychological and physical trauma.

This discovery (or perhaps in the legacy of the great documentaries like
“Harvest of Shame,” re-discovery) of the poor by the nation’s news media
is a welcome development after years in which things like welfare reform
and health care were treated largely as a budget issues rather than issues
of human dignity. In many ways, the media are merely following the cues of
political leaders on both sides of the aisle who are usually preoccupied
with playing to the issues of campaign contributors. A politics driven by
campaign contributions given by a tiny minority of affluent people will
not be focusing on issues which affect the vast majority struggling to
make ends meet.

Perhaps this tragedy will mark a turn in values and priorities for the
nation’s news reporters. Perhaps many of these well paid denizens of
journalism now recognize there are two very separate Americas—the
incredibly affluent which jets about the country and world like it is at
their disposal and the growing sector of America which is experiencing a
long, slow downward mobility as manufacturing and service work wages
decline to sweatshop levels. Perhaps the kind of reporting which can unite
the country will replace the kind of reporting which has exacerbated its
divisions. Perhaps. But I wouldn’t hold my breath.

James H. Wittebols is a professor of Communication Studies at the
University of Windsor. He is the author of two books The Soap Opera
Paradigm: Television Programming and Corporate Priorities (Rowman and
Littlefield, 2004) and Watching M*A*S*H, Watching America: A Social
History of the 1972-83 Television Series (McFarland Publishers, 1998). His
website and blog can be accessed at He can
be reached by email at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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